My special girl, Mysty

We adopted our first cat shortly after we were married and I knew after having Gypsy for a few months that she really needed a playmate. So about 6-7 months later we went to the shelter to find our new addition. Mysty was the rambunctious one, climbing my shirt, crawling on my shoulder, she couldn't be still. The one my husband was holding fell asleep in his hands. Mysty was just too cute for me to pass on, so she's the one we brought home. Ever since, she has been a constant companion and my buddy. Whether you are young or old, she never meets a stranger. Mysty will do her best to get your attention. She is also quite a character, she loves to talk, she also tends to rule the house, so she is the "queen" especially when it comes to ruling over my 2 Maine Coon mixes. At 13 years of age, she is still very active and healthy. I love all my "furry" kids and hope they are around for many more years to come.
I just wish all the strays, homeless animals in the country were as fortunate to find a home. Please, if you are wanting a pet, visit your local animal shelter first. There are so many loving, wonderful pets just waiting for a home, especially older animals, and their time is running out.

Sanford, NC