One Good Rescue Deserves Another

Kelsey is my 8 year old Yorkie who came to live with me when she was 5 - her previous owner "didn't want her anymore". One day we headed out for our 1 hour daily walk, got about a block away from our house & she plopped down in the grass next to a privacy fence & stared at me. I was asking her what she was doing when I heard the chirping of Cockatiels. I realized that the sound was coming from a very small concrete shed on the other side of the fence. It was an extremely hot Summer day and there were only 2 brick-size airholes at the very top of this shed. We knocked on the front door of the home but it was abandoned. We opened the shed door and found a cage containing 2 Cockatiels sitting on the hot concrete floor - no food, no water, and the cage was filthy. I took them back to our house, gave them fresh food and water, and watched them eat for almost half an hour nonstop. I introduced them to our 8 other rescued Cockatiels and now we're one big happy family! Kelsey's unusual behavior saved two lives that day. She's truly an angel from Heaven and I feel very blessed to be entrusted with the care of all my "babies".

Gina S
St. Louis, MO