Our Ayla

Upon checking a GSD rescue website occasionally, I fell in love with Ayla. At first, their director didn't approve us as adopters, as we had just taken in a stray GSD mix a few months before and she didn't think we were ready for another GSD. The rescue group was only advertising Ayla, as they didn't have room for her, but was trying to help her owner place her. Apparently the owner didn't contact the rescue group when she decided to take Ayla to the Humane Society. Ayla was in peril of being put on the E list! Fortunately, I had called yet again begging for the rescue group to reconsider us as adopters. They succumbed only to find out Ayla had been surrendered to the Humane Society! I left work on my lunch hour in 109 degree Phoenix summer weather to meet my Ayla at the shelter. They required that I bring my other GSD in to meet her! I raced home for Max (my other wonderdog) and returned. Boy, hanging out at an outdoor shelter in that heat was a treat in a suit, but worth every drop of sweat! I now have two of the bestest dogs living with us in their forever home! Love does persevere!

Deborah Statt
Scottsdale, AZ