Our Dinky

We had just lost our little 2.5 lb Yorkie Jag and I was greiving. I was afraid for our Lhasa Jose because I thought he might be feeling sad and lonely too. I started looking on the web and I came across petfinder.com. I looked at dog after dog. All the while, my Husband was telling me, "No, we aren't getting another dog"....uh-huh, yeah right, were my thoughts. Then I saw a picture of this Yorkie and I turned to my Husband and said, "Look at this dog, he looks like trouble!" The problem was that the ad said Dinky was expected to be coming to the rescue, but was not there yet. He had elderly parents that wanted a lap dog and Dinky was not fulfilling that need. Plus, they said he was a "bad boy" because he was not completely house trained. For days I checked back to see if he had made it to the rescue yet but nothing had changed. Until one day I went to look and his pictures were gone! I put myself in high gear calling, emailing, whatever I could do just to find him. Someone told me they thought he was on his way to Ohio. I was devistated! Then I get this call one night and the lady said, "I think I have the dog you are looking for." I said "You have Dinky?" Yes she did and the rest is history. Oh wait. he was NOT a bad boy, he had a kindney infection which lead to kidney failure but I refused to give up on him when one vet wanted to put him to sleep. I took him to the best vet and she saved his life! He is on a prescription diet. I love this little man!

Fairdale, KY