Our Foxie Roxie

Roxie was found abandoned in the Idaho woods. She was so weak the hunters who found her had to carry her to their vehicle. The humane society wouldn't take her. One of the hunter's tied her to a tree in his back yard, she was barking at 4 a.m. and that was how my husband was introduced to Roxie. She was old, we found out later, 18 years old. She had cataracts, was pretty close to deaf and you could count every bone in her body. Her pelvis had been broken at some point in her life and she had no visible toenails in any foot. One week after we took her in she had a sinus infection caused by migrating roots from a broken tooth. Turned out to be 4 broken teeth. Surgery was difficult on her but she did well. She continued to thrive for 14 months until an infection overwhelmed her old and frail immune system. During that time she went to bed every night on a soft bed, with a full tummy knowing the morning would bring more love and more good home cooking. Roxie added a dimension to our lives no other dog has.The choice we made to take in Roxie was easy, we would do it all over again if it meant one more old and abandoned animal had dignity at the end.

Shannon Ewing
Emmett, ID