Our Little Pookie

That is our Pookie....Pookie Danielle to be exact. She rules the house hahaha. She is so sweet....has a little beauty mark on the end of her nose. When I first found her I went to the shelter looking for a cat that had gotten away from me. While searching thru the cages to find him I found one little kitty that would make me smile again.

I did not know her name then....nor did she know mine haha...but we connected. I opened that cage door looking for the other and I found this beautiful big eyed kitten that came to me right away. She never meowed at me...she didn't have to....she was mine and I knew it. I picked her up out of the cage and just turned to the officer there...he said "just take her...I can tell you care"...and so yeah I brought her home.

Pookie got named Pookie because my wife thought it was funny to hear me and my oldest son say Pookie. You just have to hear our voices to understand that part of it. But to understand why it does not bother us to say the name Pookie....you have to know her. She was not even fully weaned, still had milk teeth, and longed for just someone to love her and help her. She has loved us....helped us. I, and my family, were lucky enough to have Pookie become a part of our family. There are so many more that want the same thing....so please everyone come find your own Pookie....save a life.

Bowie, TX