Our new Friend Sally

Sally tells it best...
"It was a cold morning....I don't know how I got out on the road...but I just knew I had to keep walking....I think I was walking for a really long time...I was tired...and I was stumbling...but I just kept walking.Cars were passing me....they just went right by....I wondered if they could even see me...I couldn't really see them...but my whole body shook when they passed me...and I could feel the rush of air as they went by....The snow was falling and I kept walking when out of the blue...Two cars pulled over and out they came...they didn't know my name...but they had FOOD...and they had WATER......Oh I was SO Hungry...and SO thirsty...Next thing I knew...I didn't have to walk any more...I was in a warm place with a blanket...and even though my ears were all plugged up...I could hear her....talking to me....I think she said everything was going to be alright..."

When we found Sally on a long stretch of desolate road, she was only 33 lbs, skin & bones and losing her fur. We took her to the Vet, got her some meds & special food, and began a wonderful and at the same time heart breaking experience...Over the past 3 months, she has battled Vestibular Syndrome, (severe veritgo), a horrible skin rash, and many other health challenges...but every day, she keeps trying...She can't hear, she limps, due to muscle loss, and when she tries to play, she falls down. She has an incredible will to keep trying. She's gained 17lbs since we found her...so she's on the mend. She settled right into our family...We are just so glad that we are able to give her a warm home and pleanty of food and fresh water...and all the love she deserves!!

Harrington, ME