Prudence from shelter cat to a star!

I adopted my cat Prudence on April 5,2006 from the Hilton Head Humane Association. On February 15,2006 she was dropped off outside their gate in a box with her 3 couple week old kittens. She was only 8 months old then. She is 4 years old now. They cared for her and her kittens until the young family was healthy.

Her 3 kittens were adopted right away. Prudence stayed at the shelter for 2 months. The shelter took her to PetSmart for the week. When I saw her that April afternoon I knew she was the cat for me.So I adopted her.

When I got Prudence she was unsure of herself. Now she is the confident queen of the house.A labrador came in her front yard one day.She had it running out the yard with its tail between its feet. It never came back there either.

She is very playful and loves to sleep. Prudence likes to knead stuff animals.

Prudence is very intelligent. She tries to open the front door to get outside,she shows me when her litterbox is dirty, and she shows me when she is hungry to put food in her bowl. If you are reading a book and she wants your attention, she will sit on your book and start rolling around!

Prudence has won 4th best cat in her first household pet CFA cat show. She has been to Spain, the Canary Islands, and Switerzand. Wherever I go she comes to.

Prudence is the best cat in the world. I will always love her, and she will always love me.

Alina Kashkoush
Vero Beach, FL