Punkin's Story

My husband and I are dog lovers who have had several rescued dogs that grew to their golden years and sadly crossed that "rainbow bridge". After losing my yorkie and shih tzu to old age 2 years ago, I was ready for another little lap dog. I went to our local animal control a week before Christmas and saw a 4 lb stray chihuahua that I named Punkin. He was very timid, scared, underweight, and displayed some fear aggression, particularly at feeding time...yet he kept running over to me and looking at me with those big brown eyes in the meet and greet room. How could I resist? I knew he would be a challenge, it was clear that he had been on the streets for a long time and had never been properly socialized. When I brought him home, he was very fearful of EVERYTHING...he wanted nothing to do with toys, bones, people, or our other 2 dogs. 6 months have since passed. He's now a "momma's boy", a happy and playful dog (his favorite toys are pictured), and a 6 lb "chunky monkey" too! He had never been held before and now he wants to be held ALL the time, and gives lots of kisses!!! He didn't know how to wear a collar or walk on a leash, and now he jumps for joy when it's time for our daily walk. He has brought immeasureable joy to our lives. He's still scared of strangers and unfamiliar dogs, but he's made a new best friend here, our adopted Boston Terrier, Cheetoh. He's come a long way - and he's becoming the dog I always knew he could be.

Holly Estrada
Phoenix, AZ