Putter the Miracle Cat

Just before Putter's 3rd birthday, he was diagnosed with "Acute Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy", and given a diagnosis of 200 to 500 days to live. The cardiac veterinarian, Dr. Rupp, held out little hope. She did tell us though that in "rare" cases the disease has been known to reverse. She started Putter on Enalapril 2.5MG 1 a day; and Lasix 12.5MG 1 a day. She continued to see him at 3 month intervals.

On his second visit to her, she was slightly hopeful. His condition had not worsened. We continued his medications and she saw him 3 months later. At this time she was very, very happy with his progress. She cut the Lasix to 1/2 tablet a day for two weeks, then 1/2 tablet every other day. He remained on Enalapril, 1 a day. His prognosis had gone from "Acute" to "Moderate". She wanted to see him again, but not in 3 months, but in 6 months.

The next visit on May 11, 2005 was one of the happiest days for us. His diagnosis was now "Mild Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy". He went from "Acute" to "Mild" in just over a year's time. Dr. Rupp took him off the Lasix and left him on Enalapril, 1 a day. His chance to live a normal cat's life span was now excellent. Gone was the dire 200 to 500 day death sentence he originally received.

Today, March, 2009, Putter is a healthy, beautiful, loving, and playful eight year old. He still takes his Enalapril once a day, and thanks to Dr. Rupp at the Veterinary Specialists of South Florida, Putter is alive and well and my "Miracle Cat".

I hope Putters' story will bring hope to anyone whose cat has been diagnosed with Heart Disease. Where there is love there is always hope.

Sue Judge
East Liverpool, OH