Razaida Chiquita Learns To Trust

Rozie came to me from a rescue group. She was about 5 years old, hadn't been spayed and had double hernias. Her teeth were worn down from biting on metal, as my vet reported. It is surmised she was let go or escaped from a breeder. She didn't trust people at all and would bite if anyone came near her. After about four months in foster care I took her in. She spent two days under my deck and the next two weeks under my dresser in the bedroom. It took her more than two years to feel comfortable enough to come on our daily walks with her 'brothers'. Now she is part of the pack... although she does try to boss around the alpha dog from time to time! As my vet said "when you bring a female dog into a two male dog household - the bitch takes over!" To top that all off - we discovered a year after her spay surgery the vet who performed the spay had somehow used the wrong stitches internally and those non-dissolvable stitches were tearing her up inside. She underwent exploratory surgery to remove the stitches and my vet handed me a bottle full of the stitches that were removed. Rozie has not bitten anyone since!

Megan Drake
Marlton, NJ