
I passed this dog several times in the shelter, thinking "he's cute but looks like trouble." Robbie was on his last days at a kill shelter when our local shelter rescued him, gave him a home, exercised and trained him - beautifully. He spent 10 months there! How could such a cute dog be there so long? Two days before Christmas I went back, and the trainer heard about my interest in him, & got him out for me. When I saw him plop himslef on the dog bed in the shelter office, grab a toy & throw it up in the air & catch it, I was hooked. First night home he slept on his dog bed, jumped on me at 3 AM, gave me a kiss, and went back to his bed. He is quite the character, loves people, and I can't imagine life without him. I've had Robbie for more than 2 years now, he is the Christmas present that keeps on giving!
He loves to go back at visit his friends at the San Clemente Animal Shelter, who gave him such a wonderful second chance. He announces his arrival with a "woo woo woo" and his infamous half-smile.
Robbie is the best dog ever!

Jan Troutt
Oceanside, CA