Saved from a cruel end by mere hours!

'Shilo' and 'Walter' are litter-mates (both males) that were snatched from the 'redline' (euthanasia list) at a shelter down south (CA), with mere hours to spare! As 'older' dogs (both are 7 years) in a terribly overcrowded shelter, they were about to be put down, despite being very sweet and loveable guys. Thanks to NorSled Sled Dog Rescue, we were able to give them that last minute 'save' and they now have their 'forever home' with us (in Northern California). How sad to think they are merely two among many thousands of similar great dogs facing an identical tragic end, due to irresponsible people, negligent owners, overcrowded shelters, and a lack of respect for animal lives. NorSled (serving Northern California) has many such great Siberians looking for homes with responsible, socially mature dog people who understand the breed and are prepared to take good care of them. Check them out by GOOGLING "NorSled" and help save their furry, fluffy, doggie buddies!

"The more I get to know my dogs, the less I like people", and "If dogs don't go to Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where THEY go....". [Both quotes attributed to American author Samuel Clemens (otherwise known as 'Mark Twain').]

Sacramento & Kaunakakai, CA