Saving Jewel

Jewel is my rescued, pure-bred Shiloh German Shepherd dog. Someone left her in a grocery store parking lot in my hometown. A woman found her wandering inbetween the cars in the lot (probably searching for her owners). The Sheriff's Dept. took Jewel to the local shelter. They advertised her as a lost dog, but no one ever claimed her. She was already neutered, and they guessed her age to be 2 years old. She wound up having Demodex Mange and a bacterial infection. After 6 weeks in the shelter, she was rushed to a local animal hospital. She was bleeding, with open sores all over her body. They had to bring her in using a catch pole, because she was out of her mind in pain and biting people. She was emaciated as well, weighing only 62 lbs. She almost died of septic poisoning. They operated on Jewel, totally shaving her and scraping her wounds. I adopted Jewel one week after her surgery. My Vet said she had never treated a case of Demodex Mange as severe as Jewel's. It took several months of baths, medicine, and vet visits to help Jewel heal. Today, she is totally healthy, and is a beautiful, majestic dog weighing in at 94 lbs. Wherever we go, people compliment her on her looks. I call her my "Gentle Giant." Jewel is the most caring, loving, and sensitive dog. She shares her home with me and 9 rescued cats. I did not know how beautiful Jewel was going to be. All I ever cared about was saving her from a life filled with pain. Today, she is loved more than ever.

My message: PLEASE rescue animals ...... even the sick ones.

Cheri Doolittle
Albany, NY