Shi our rescued black lab/mix

Shi (prounounced Shy) was rescued a few times: at 3 weeks, then with a foster family, and with us her final family. She was found in a box at 3 weeks old with her siblings at a rural humane society's doorstep. She got a fantastic start with a foster family who lived on a farm and had a lot of other rescue dogs. Apparently the foster family did everything right. She was crate trained and had an excellent disposition by the time we adopted her when she was 5 months old. She just turned a year old and we're so happy to have added her to our family.
I had some hesitations about adopting a dog since I had two small children, but she has never once retaliated to their "agressive love" or if they take something from her. She usually watches them make off with her ball or chew toy with hopeful eyes that say "I really hope I get that back some day", but she never ever gets mean or snippy. She even listens to their commands like "sit" and "give"! She slides down the slide, gets in the trampoline and loves to hang out in the sand box.
In this picture I had run inside for a minute, and when I came back, Shi had taken my seat...apparently she saw the need for a babysitter!