Sissy's Story

Driving home from dinner out on a Saturday night, I rounded a corner and this small dog limped into the middle of the road and sat down. I stopped my jeep, jumped out and scooped her up. She was invested with fleas, had burrs in her paws and was bloated from lack of decent food. I bathed, fed and loved her back to health. The vet estimates she is about 12 years old with weak back legs, nerve damage probably from abuse. She winces when touched unexpectedly and has yet to bark. For the first time in her life she has a bed, collar, consistent food, a house, walks and unconditional love. I named her Sissy because the name just seemed to fit. A neighbor visited and said, dogs pick their owners. Sissy picked well, she lights up my life every day.

Elizabeth Lyn Wills
Ford City, PA