Skyzer Edward

This is Skyzer, he is my beautiful amazing one year old kitten. I currently work as a kennal assistant at a veterinary hospital. One day i walked into work and i saw these gold eyes staring at me through one of the cages. It was a small grey kitten that didn't have a collar on. I went up and asked one of the vet techs named Susan why this poor kitten was here and she said that he was brought in by a lady who found him by a dumpster just up the street by our clinic. We was about three months old. At first site I fell in love. We put up signs, called local clinics and waited for an owner, but no one claimed him, so I took him home. He was my light in the darkness. I had an unstable life at home with my parents and he was always my escape from that. He would make me laugh, when I thought that it wasn't possible. His middle name is Edward because of his Gold eyes. In the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer there is a vampire named Edward who has bright golden eyes, and my cat remindes me of a vampire! He can jump so high, he isn't afraid of anything, he is super fast, he can act like a monster at times, and he can cause chaos. I wanted to share my story, because animals can be your light in the darkest times in your life. They make you smile, laugh, get angry sometimes :), and comfort you unconditionally. So just remember, they know whats going on in your life. They can sense when you are happy, sad, or mad, and they are there for you always. Just like Skyzer is there for me.

Kenmore, WA