Special Kitty

Trystan was diagnosed with hydro encephalitis when she was a kitten, which left her blinded in one eye and barely able to see out of the other. She would be at risk for seizures and an early death due to her condition. My cat had recently passed away and I was still raw from that very sad day. The person told me they were trying to find a home for her, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for more heatbreak. I decided to take her, figuring she needed me and I should step up to the plate. Turns out I am the one who needed her, and my family could not agree more. She is the house nursemaid, and tends to anyone who is sick or just feeling down. She knows when she is needed and won't leave that person's side until they are all better. Kindness is not a trait I usually think of when a cat comes to mind, but Trystan is truly one of a kind and an important part of our lives. Everyone she meets is smitten- to include my formerly cat disdaining husband. She is his cat now.

Annapolis, MD