The asthmatic kitten...

This is Scratch.
As a kitten Scratch was asthmatic.
Unable to breath normally (lungs too small for his body), he wheezed and gasped his way through months of gut-wrenching breathing.
The vet told me that he would likely not survive his kittenhood because his lungs could not support this little body far less a fully-grown feline body.
No matter, I couldn't leave this beautiful boy for euthanizing - not without showing him some measure of earthly love. So home he went where he was rocked, cuddled, sang to, and loved without end, even though I knew his life could end all too soon.
Scratch is now eight (8) years old, healthy as a horse (and almost as big). He grew; his lungs grew. He got over whatever allergies he had.
He is now the easy-breathing, romping big brother of Sam, Speckles and Silhouette.
Scratch and I have a very special bond.

R. Gabrielle Berry
Toronto, Canada