The love of my life passed away today

He stole my heart nearly 14 years ago. My boyfriend and I were looking for a dog to love at the Humane Society of Huntsville in 1995. We were walking near the outer perimeter with dogs barking all around when I heard one distinctive bark. It was deep and melodious...They all pulled at my heartstrings, but the one bark stood out for me. I walked near the area where I thought the bark had originated from & looked for the mystery dog. All the pups in the area were barking incessantly except for one golden puppy. He walked to the fence and barked again, once. It was him! He was the missing piece in my life.

He followed me everywhere, up to the very end. One day I heard a big commotion in the back yard & ran outside to try to keep them from hurting each other and/or a critter. It turned out that Bailey had something in his mouth & the other dogs were trying to get a hold of it. We went back into the house & Bailey gently placed a young puppy on the carpet. The puppy was unharmed. The puppy had somehow breached the fences & wandered into our yard. Bailey had saved him. If hope to find a man that loving and loyal!

Bailey & I were walking to the laundry room when his back legs gave out. I didn't know what was wrong so I whispered sweet nothings and kissed him, thinking the moment would pass and he'd hop back up. He died in my arms. I hope I loved him enough. He was an amazing friend. My heart & soul, my "daemon", is gone. I hope he's curled at God's feet and will wait for me there. I love you, sweet Bailey.

Melina Trevino
Austin, TX