The love of the family

Felix, who's 12 years old now, was a small furry pet, maybe 2 months old, when my father first found him. He was going around the small mountain village where my dad had a family house and they felt in love at once; Felix followed home my dad and both my mom and me couldn't help but love him right away! He was so sweet and very hungry too! Lately we discover that he had to be the "fruit" of a summer love between a wild local cat (big like a dog, grey like Felix) and a lovely Persian pussycat belonging to a couple of tourists. Well, we cannot be thankful enough for that because Felix has been with my family and especially with my father all the way through, he had Alzheimer's disease and Felix was his only contact with reality in the last period. Felix still sleeps on my dad's bed and continues to be our love.

Stefania Valderetti
Rome, Italy