Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Baby Bear's big story

Baby Bear's big story

I found Baby Bear when I was working at a prison. I was conducting an outside perimeter check on a very hot summer day two years ago and heard a faint cry from inside a locked tool room that I had never been in. I searched through my collection of about 40 keys until I found the correct one to get into the hot tool room. I searched around in the dirty cluttered room until I found the source of the cry. It was a baby kitten, about two days old. His fur was full of dirt and his mouth and nose were full of particles of gravel as he had been sucking on the ground trying to find nourishment. He was barely breathing and dehydrated when I found him; I did not think he'd make it. I took him to my vet immediately and got him on fluids. I bottle fed him until he was old enough to eat on his own. We planned on adopting him out when he was old enough, but after seeing how wonderful he was, we couldn't let him go!

Melani Lainhart
Pensacola, FL

This is my first rescue

This is my first rescue

This is Yumyum,I rescued him from a NC rest area in 11-02 he was 11m I stopped at rest area there was no one around whn I wnt in. But when I came out, sat on the bench waiting for my friend.This Kitty appeared,so of course I patted him, then my friend & I started bk to the car.I looked down there was the kitty,so I couldnt leave rt then & I said to my friend, lets see wht they have in the vendening mach for the kitty to eat. We found cheese,crackers, wnt behind the building, so I crumbled up th cracker & cheese, put them on the grd, kitty started to eat, so we figuare we could sneak away, well we made it to corner of th building,there he was rt at my heals.So I went inside,ask th attendant if she new who's cat it was,she stated they have been here for about 3 months.So I told her tht I wanted to take th kitty hm, if she had a box to put him in for the dr to SC where I lived at the time.He hd fleas,ear mites hair was matted,thin.Yumyum vet visit was grt except for fleas,ear mites,thin.He will be 8yrs in December of 2009.As you can tell he is not a thin kitty anymore,yes he is on a diet to lose some wt.Yumyum is a loveable,friendly,& follows me everywhere in the house,so very happy, glad that I stopped at that rest area that day!He is a house kitty along w/my other kitties,I love them all so very much.
PS There was other cats there too, but couldnt catch them to take them home and find great homes for them too.

Carol Cacy
Pensacola, FL

My little Pepper

My little Pepper

I adopted Pepper when she was four years old from the Brooklyn CACC in March 2005, about six months after I had lost my beloved Billie. Her owners had just dropped her off. She is the sweetest, most gentle, fun-loving little girl, and the love of my life. Pepper lives with her feline brother and sister, my first trio of rescues. We love going to Montauk to run and play by the lake. She has helped me to understand that no matter how sad you are to lose your best friend, getting another is truly a tribute to those in heaven as to just how much you loved them.

Aileen Anderson
Sunnyside, NY

Edgar the Rock Star!

Edgar the Rock Star!

In August 2008, I was grieving the loss of a beloved guinea pig friend. It was then that I stumbled upon Edgar! I found him on Petfinder, where he had been taken in by a shelter (Judge's Park) in PA after having been abused and neglected. He had been malnourished, and no one had taken the time to comb and brush his long hair - he had been left caked in hair mats and his own urine and feces.

The moment I saw his smiling face and wild hair on the Judge's Park web posting, I knew he was coming to live with me and be my forever friend. I drove to PA to pick him up and it has been a wonderful year together! He has gained a whole pound! In addition, he loves to snuggle, enjoys running and exercising with toys while in his playpen, chirps happily when having his wild & wonderful hair brushed and even gives kisses! He is such a happy and gentle soul - I just love him!

Lori Florin
Akron, OH

Sammy's Rescue

Sammy's Rescue

On the cold night of 11/30/05, my sister-in-law found a tiny, dirty, stray puppy in her outside garbage can. I took him home the next day. Nobody ever claimed him, which I was secretly thrilled about, because I was madly in love with him from day one. Sammy's been with us for 3 1/2 years now. He's our best buddy, and that scrawny, sickly little puppy is now a sweet, happy, beautiful 85 lb. lap dog!

Nancy O.
Medford, NY

Lucky Black Cat

Lucky Black Cat

When we moved to Dallas, TX, we felt we were ready to bring a second kitty into our home. Checking on PetFinder, my husband saw Dallas' picture and said "He's looking at me!" We went to PetSmart that Saturday and Dallas was there. Hubby held him and they fell for each other. Dallas was a feral rescue from Feral Friends, so he's a little shy around strangers, but sticks by you when he knows he can trust you. His job is to herd all of us to bed at 10pm exactly every night. He makes me smile every day.

Voorhees, NJ



When I stopped at the front of my neighborhood to check my mail I heard a kitten crying in the field next to me. As I walked over I saw a tiny Kitten in the tall grass. As soon as I got close she took off into taller grass and weeds, hid and didn't make a sound. After a long search I finally was able to find her. She was all teeth and claws, hissing and spitting at me. Too young and tired to do any damage so I grabbed her up and took her home. She was 4 weeks old, skin and bones and covered in fleas. After a trip to the vet she's healthy and happy, gained 2 pounds, and loves her little stuffed dog!

Sandee Turner
Frisco, TX

The Puppy lef behind

The Puppy lef behind

On June 12, 2009 I was headed out to work when I spotted a puppy under my vehicle. I went to pick him up he never made a sound but his little tail was wagging with joy.
I took him inside to get some water. The temperature that day with heat index was 94. I soon realized that this puppy was placed here by someone. He was cripple and couldn't walk or stand. This is when he got the name "Christian".
I Knew he was going to need a specialist. I made phone calls and sent out emails. I was told about a specialist in Cary, N.C. at PetSound Animal Hospital. I contacted them and took Christian in on Monday morning. Dr. Monce did exrays. What I am about to tell you is heart breaking. Christian had 4 broken legs with 14 fractures. He will have to undergo surgery. Some of the fractures will have to be broken and reset. The first surgery was Tuesday June 16 on the right back leg and on Thursday, surgery on the left front and back leg were done. The right front leg may have to be amputated. Lets put out a lot of prays for this little one.
He is a Terrier and so sweet to have endured all the pain he has in the 10 -12 weeks of his life.
This is what someone did and couldn't even bring him up to the house,they just left him in the heat on rocks to suffer.

Ann Robinson
Macclesfield, NC

Badjuar, Chopper, Mickey, Shadow

Badjuar, Chopper, Mickey, Shadow

Badjuar Eugene was a beautiful animal he was a Penbroke Welsch Corgi. He passed away February 9, 2008..He was ( years old and my first dog. When this happened i felt like i lost my heart. I swore i would never get another animal but the friend brought me Chopper and Mickey and who i never had cats before but it was a blessing they so beautiful in there own way. We go to the grave to see there brother once a week. We put flowers on his grave and one day we where there we kept hearing this faint sound from a bush went over to look and bless his heart there he was Shadow a kitten that had been abanded no bigger than a egg so we got him and brought him home. All u could see of him was is shadow on the wall from the sun. We now take him to the grave with us. I love my kids to death and they are spoiled. I can sit and hold them for hours they relax me. So please Give A animal a home not only are you helping them they will help you. I still believe God meant to find that little kitty that day. My childern are my heart Chopper Bodene is now 3, Mickey Kathlene is also 3 years old, and Shadow Dene is just 1 year old. I thank God every day for my babies... the picture is of my rescue baby Shadow

Cindy H
Lawton, OK

Brandy & Me

Brandy & Me

Back in 1996, a co-worker of mine begged me to adopt a chow mix female puppy from an animal shelter in New Albany, IN. "They'll kill her if someone doesn't adopt her." I couldn't let that happen.

Brandy wasn't really considered adoptable due to her temperament and was on the verge of being euthanized. The shelter called me numerous times to ask me if I was sure about adopting Brandy and suggested I visit the shelter to try and bond with her. She only trusted one volunteer there. She had hair the same color as Brandy's fur... red.

Brandy snarled, lunged and growled at me. She had me cornered in the cage she was in. All I was armed with was some doggy treats that she wasn't interested in. :) But, I wasn't afraid. All I could say is "Awww, she's cute!" So, needless to say, we didn't bond.

The volunteer came to rescue me. We sat on the floor and played with Brandy. Brandy loved her, but still didn't take a liking to me. But, I adopted her anyway. I explained to the shelter my plans of adopting and finding her a home because I wasn't able to keep her, but I didn't want her euthanized. They understood and explained to me the type of people she would be more suitable for.

After the adoption fees, and Brandy and I finally bonding, I decided to keep her after all. Now, 13 years later, Brandy is happy, healthy and spoiled to the core. But, best of all, she is loved; she found a family and a forever home. She has been the best companion that I've ever had, she's learned to trust most people and most of all, she's learned to love again. Brandy will be ninety-eight on August 16th.

Temeka Gilmore
Louisville, KY