Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The Sweetest Coonhound

The Sweetest Coonhound

We were looking for the perfect dog to bring home, so we went to the SPCA. We spotted one puppy that was lying there in the cage, curled up, not moving. We neeled down and said, "Aww, this one is so cute." Amazingly, her tail started wagging. She was struggling to move and couldn't open her eyes. She has only one eye and we still don't know what had happened to her. She ended up being younger than we thought but we gave in and said this dog is the one. We brang her home and now we believe that Sammie, the 3 year old Black and Tan Coonhound (supposed to hunt racoons, but has never hurt anything in her lifetime) girl is the sweetest doggy we have ever met. If no one had adopted her when we did, she would have not made it. The way she looks, walks, even sleeps is so cute, it's indescribable. We love you Sammie

Newport News, VA

My Baby Girl Rescued Me!

My Baby Girl Rescued Me!

Over 3 years ago, I lost my beloved Chow/Husky of 16 years to old age. My heart was so broken I felt like I passed away with him. After 2 months of much sadness, my husband told me it was time to have another "child." Reluctantly, I started searching local humane society websites. As I was about ready to call it quit, I decided to try one more site, Longmont Humane Society in Colorado. As I was about ready to give up, I saw her.....
I fell for her.....she was so pretty that I called the humane society immediately. I was quite saddened to learn another family had a hold on her to adopt. They suggested I come in and meet her...just in case. I did...and I fell head over heels for her. I put a second hold on her. I felt if she was meant to be with me, it will happen...
The next day I received the call that the first hold decided not to adopt her. Two days later, I was bringing her home. Nika is the sweetest thing; and has put an extra beat back into my broken heart! Nika's nick name is baby girl; and my baby girl has rescued me......

Fort Collins, CO

A Cinderella Story (the Dog Version)

A Cinderella Story (the Dog Version)

This is a typical "rags to riches story" and it brings tears to my eyes everytime I tell it.
This is Lucy. I found her through an organization called "Asians for Humans." Lucy was born in Taiwan and got flown to San Francisco and went through a 6 month quarantine- all thanks to a wonderful woman named Vickie. (who does this "out of pocket" and through donations) When I adopted Lucy she weighed 21 pounds! (a healthy weight for her breed is about 45 pounds) she was badly beaten and she had scars when she was burned and badly tortured and neglected. When I first brought her home she was like a shaky leaf, so scared, so desperately in need of love. It took her over a year to heal from the visible scars and I know she still has some "issues"- BUT! She is the most loyal, loving and "miss personality" dog I've ever had the privilage of owning. She loves cookies, running along the beach and resting her head on my lap. She's the best cuddler and she has eyes that make my heart melt.
I will always and forever advocate rescuing dogs from shelters and organizations, such as this site.
Rescue dogs may be more hard work at first, but they return the "favor" with many priceless gifts- one being: unconditional love.

Corte Madera, CA

My Desert Rose

My Desert Rose

I adopted Rose from the Utah Animal Adoptions and she has been a great horse. She is a mustang who was rescued by them. I was looking for a mustang of my own so that I could still ride with the drill team and ride in parades. I am a member of the Wild Horse and Burro Advisors here in Utah and the horse I was riding became unavailable for me to use so I had to find a new horse. The person at UAA was very helpful and all the mustangs I looked at just did not fit what I was looking for. She told me about Rose named Rosa at the time and I went to look at her on a cold February morning. I was love at first sight for both of us. She came right up to the fence and gave me a kiss and when I left she followed the car to the end of her pasture. We have had a lot of fun learning about each other and becoming a team. We did real well at the Utah Wild Horse and Burro Festival and I am looking forward to doing more with the Aces Wild All Mustang Drill Team in the future. She has taught me a lot about mustangs and I love her very much. She is my girl. Her name came to me in a dream and I knew that she was the one I was looking for. Her name now is My Desert Rose.

Lori Safford
Salt Lake City, UT

Sadie our sweetheart

Sadie our sweetheart

My husband was constantly going to pounds and shelters to find a perfect dog for a companion for me. When he found Sadie, a beautiful Brittany,
he found out she was cast off because she was too rambunctious. We have five acres and Sadie is the most joyful, contented dog you've ever met.She can chase squirrels and varmints to her heart's content. We love her and would never throw her away.

Jackie Sikes
Callahan, FL

My Hero!

My Hero!

I was at the darkest days of my entire life! I no longer wanted to be alive. Then I saw this puppy, he was the runt of the litter and very shy and shaking. As soon as I picked him up, I couldn't let go of him. He brings so much happiness to my life! Taz is now 15 years old and still acts like a puppy! He brought me to life when no one else could! Taz truely is "MY HERO!"

Idaho Falls, ID

My Gabby Girl

My Gabby Girl

I fell in love with Gabby as soon as I saw her in this picture. When I picked her up she climbed up my arm and purred so loudly in my ear. She was such a fearless kitten, always exploring! She is such a joy and my older cat, Griffen became such a great big brother to her. I love seeing them all cuddled together!
I almost lost Gabby when she swallowed the velcro attached to her kitty toy. After the operation she is a little more shy, but she never has a problem letting me know what she is thinking!

Mechanicsburg, PA

Willy the blind kitten...

Willy the blind kitten...

I work in a veterinary clinic that also works closely with a local no-kill shelter. Willy was brought to us as a tiny kitten to be euthanized because he was blind and they felt he was un-adoptable. As the doctor and I watched this little beastie that looked more like a tiny spider monkey than a kitten take charge of our clinic, we looked at each other and said "we can't kill this kitten - there's nothing wrong with him except he's blind - and he doesn't know that." Willy became our clinic cat.

When Thanksgiving rolled around, we were full for boarding, so I volunteered to have Willy come home with me for the holiday - he was about 4 months old at the time. By day three, my husband was in love with him and asked "would it really hurt us to have another cat?". We were just recovering from a very bad cat year - we had gone from 8 cats to two in the space of about 14 months (all age related issues - that's what happens when you get most of your cats at the same time...) of course I said "No...of course it wouldn't hurt us." Willy stayed. He has 3 brothers named Finn, Henry and Arizona and he makes us laugh on a daily basis.

Cindy Mooney
Portland, OR



Our boy appeared on the doorstep almost clawed to shreds by raccoon's. His face was swollen with infection and deep claw marks over his entire body. A visit to the vets, antibiotics, isolation from the other pets and he was as good as new in no time. No owner came forward so here he stayed and what a sweet soul he is, so gentle with people but watch out raccoons. that was not his last tangle with those critters. He loves to sit beside me and play with the yarn as I crochet. What a ham!

Sidney, OH



My partner helped out an elderly couple on their farm while they were in the hospital and their son, who usually ran things, was serving jail time. The very first day she arrived, she found a litter of five mix-breed puppies that the owners' son had carelessly bred before being incarcerated. It was October and starting to get cold out at night, and the only shelter the mother and pups had was a blue 55gal bucket. So we moved them into the green house's office where it was warm, and cared for them every day until they were eight weeks old. We then spent the next two weeks screening people to give four of the puppies good, permanent homes. At six weeks old, the runt of the litter became too sick to stay with his mother and siblings, so we took him home at the vet's order and nursed him back to heath. We ended up falling head over heels for the puppy, and decided our life wouldn't be complete without him. After some debate we named him Canyon, and he is the best dog either of us have owned. We were able to find out that he is part Sheltie and Border Collie, with a little Husky thrown in.

Lebanon, PA