Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Uzi---a real dog's cat

Uzi---a real dog's cat

He was thrown-out as a pre-adolescent kitten named "Simba" by his drug-dealing owners. A friend of mine rescued him and dropped him off with me on her way to work. From there, I'd volunteered to take him to the Humane Society for her. But I couldn't resist meeting the little waif first. No sooner had I unlatched the carrier door, than he exploded out of it, took over the house and charmed my socks off. But, my--was he ever hard to hold! Not because he disliked being held, but because his hair was so silky and SLIPPERY, that he oozed right out of my grasp!

After much prayer, I gave him a new name--Uzi-- for the Israeli machine gun (his personality), and for "oozy" (his coat!) Uzi favored his new name by immediately answering to it. He also immediately took to a leash and loves to go for walks, snoops and climbs. His favorite thing is to peer into neighbors' houses and see what they're doing, if there's a ledge outside their windows. They know Uzi now and don't mind, God bless 'em. (I mind my own business.)

In truth, Uzi's never met a stranger, or a dog he didn't like, or a situation he couldn't handle. When we took in a vacationing neighbor's Shih Tzu, Uzi was absolutely beside himself to have his very own dog!!! When I ask him, Uzi gives me his undivided attention and LIKES to learn new things like "sit" and "stay." He's bold, confident, sometimes rambunctious, loves attention (even from the vet), and hasn't a mean bone in his body. I am overwhelmingly blessed to have Uzi--a charmer, a companion par excellence, and my "little man."

Phoenix, AZ

Many Blessings

Many Blessings

Lu Lu's story began 13 years ago. While volunteering at my local SPCA, a couple walked in with her in their hands. They found her about to cross a busy highway. I scooped her up and offered to foster her. After 30 days, I adopted her. Lu Lu had such a personality and zest for life. She was the best listener and would look me straight in the eyes no matter how much or how little I had to say. I was never alone. She followed me everywhere. If I were having a stressful moment she would sit beside me and paw at me to pet her. Petting her was the best medicine. After I was adequately distracted she would lay back down. I never ate alone. While my husband would take his dinner to the TV, she would be right beside me. No matter the time of day the look in her eyes was always of support and love -- trusting me with her existence. She loved food and after eating she would rub her face in the side of her bed and snort with excitement like it was the best meal she had ever had. She loved to play with her squeaky toys. She always had to look in every bag and supervised the wrapping of every gift. She loved to give kisses. If I were crying she would lick my tears from my cheek. To say she changed my life feels like an understatement. She knew what I needed even to the end. Lu Lu died in my arms on May 24, 2009. I am grateful I was with her telling her I loved her. She was the best dog I've ever known! I am so blessed to be volunteering or I may have never met her.

Beth Craig
Fredericksburg, VA

My Sammie

My Sammie

I was watching the news one night and saw a story about a breeder that had neglected 79 dogs and puppies. The conditions were extremely bad and the Humane Society rescued and treated all of them. Two of the dogs gave birth soon after the rescue, bringing the total animals to over 85. Two weeks later most of the dogs were ready for adoption. I already had 2 dogs but felt I had to help in the rescue. That Saturday I stood in line awaiting the opening of the doors and to pick my puppy. It didn't take any time at all to see the perfect dog for me. I fell in love right away. I found a shy little rat terrier in the back of one of the cages looking at me and just shaking! The minute I took her out and held her, she put her head against my chest and sighed. It was love at first sight for both of us and my other dogs loved her too. Thank you Humane Society! I found my best friend.

Debbie Robinson
Little Rock, AR

Our personal sky...

Our personal sky...

I was watching the website that a volunteer did to help kennel dogs find a new owner. In Portugal, if kennel dogs don't find a new home within 8 days they are put to sleep. In that day there were so many small puppies... 2 and 3 weeks old... I decided I want a new addition to my family and I knew that a municipal kennel is no place for little puppies like those. So I went there, I waited 2 hours... And came home with the smallest 3 week old puppy of the kennel. In fact she was so small but with such a huge belly that she looked like a mouse, not a dog. When I took her to a vet, they said she could die because she was full of worms. I felt so bad for her... She almost stopped eating in the first week but I said, "No, you are going to eat and grow up healthy." And so it was. Now she is 8 months old and she is beautiful, a true companion, sweet, and has a very deep sense of protection. We simply love her... She brought union to our family... We named her Lani, that means sky in Hawaiian.

Setubal, Portugal

Moses Oliver

Moses Oliver

My two cats had recently passed at 15 and 16 years of age, and the house was awfully empty. I decided I wanted a young adult cat and called upon The Peter Zippi Memorial Fund for Animals in Hermosa Beach. I left with four-year-old Mosie.

That was five years ago, and Mosie has been the most loving, affectionate boy!

I hope more people will consider giving an adult cat a home - it is so worth it.

Redondo Beach, CA



I rescued him years ago. He was 15 yrs old when he passed away. I miss him more than anything. He was my shadow, he was with me when I had a stroke, he was always at my side. He seemed to know if I was going to take a falling spell and wouldn't let me move. If I did fall he was right there to help me up. He went everywhere with us, even to Graceland. We lived in Fl. and moved here to Ks. He loved the snow, he would lay on his back and roll like he was making snow angels. Now he is a real one.

sherry patton
Ft. Scott, KS

Mommy's Helper

Mommy's Helper

We found Zeus at our local shelter. He was a tiny little white kitty with sad eyes. Every time I worked at my desk, he hopped into the in basket. If I worked too long, he climbed down to the desk and flopped down across my paperwork, as if to say,"Hey, enough already!"

At 13.5 pounds, Zeusie is WAY too big for the in basket now, but he squeezes himself in anyway. When he has had enough, he just opens one eye and looks at me, as if to say, "Do I look comfy here?" I stop what I'm doing! Zeus helps keep me focused on what's important--paying bills can wait, scratching his ears can't!

Linda Gamble
Pensacola, FL

Leo the Lion

Leo the Lion

We adopted Leo from a shelter in Houston almost 4 years ago. He was very sick and tiny. Now, he is a large tabby with long legs, distinct stripes and two freckles on his nose. We moved to Los Angeles a little over a year ago and he loves the window weather! He loves to play hard and sleep hard. Leo thinks he is the best cat in town and our family couldn't agree more!

J. Johnson
Los Angeles, CA

Everyone Loves Lulu

Everyone Loves Lulu

After seeing a photo of a beautiful little Maltese on Petfinder, we knew we had to meet her! Lulu has turned out to be the sweetest little girl ever. She came from a hoarding situation and didn't even respond to her own name. It took a little time for her to warm to us and trust us in the beginning, but now she is just the most perfect girl. It's hard to believe someone would just give her up, but we are so glad that they did!

Terra Schmidt
Harlan, IN

Pookie, the tuxedo cat!

Pookie, the tuxedo cat!

A lifelong friend rescued my new little friend I have named Lil Pookie Beaudreau. The people were evicted and left Pookie behind, locked in the house! At first we thought Pookie was female. But after having triple hernia surgery from abuse, we discovered Pookie is a male!!
He obviously was not accustomed to toys, food, and love. He sure gets that all now!
He is my 6th cat and a very welcomed addition. He got out a couple times at first, and I still am very cautious with him. Guess that's why he wears a tuxedo; in case he goes out!
He talks to me constantly, gives me kisses and baths, helps me with emails and sewing, sits on my lap and laptop, follows me all around the house, and sleeps on my pillow. Obviously he loves to eat too! We guess he's about 5-6 years old.
He recently discovered the toy basket and proudly brings them to me, one by one, every day. He gets along well with the 5 other catties and loves when my friends visit. He is a love!!
Thanks to Brenda and Dave!!

jo morrison
bloomington, IL