Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

my snickers

my snickers

3 years ago my daughter found this cute Portuguese Podengo on the side of a busy road and pulled over to see if she was lost.She didnt have a collar or identification, so we post a picture of her as a found dog , nobody claimed her so since then she became a very special part of our family,she is so smart and beloved.I personally wanted to thanks all people who have big heart for animals on this web site, every single time i read a story about you guys who saved an animal,it brings the tears to my eyes and i really wish there was a way for me to contact every one and say thanks and show my appreciation.Keep up the good work people and God bless you all.

best regards

Nina Trivigino

cherry hill, NJ

The Day I Got Adopted

The Day I Got Adopted

I used to volunteer at an Animal Rescue and Adoption Center in NC, where I was living at the time. We had closed after a busy Saturday and were sitting on the puppy porch taking a break.
Then a huge truck pulled in. The driver came over and asked us to please come and see what he had in his truck. He pulled out this little black and white kitten. Her eyebrows had been singed off, we assumed by one of the trucks at the truck stop where this kind man saved her. She was starving so he bought her a can of food.
Since I was the resident kitty Foster Mom, they talked me into taking her home with me.
Things changed for me and I had to relocate to PA. I had always said that if Ivy hadn't been adopted, she was going with me. Well, she was the best going away gift I have ever received!
Today she is beautiful, healthy, happy and has eyebrows! She just celebrated her 1st birthday.
She loves to play with her sister Sophie BonJovi, another rescue, and bugs her older siblings. She is a constant joy and keeps us all entertained! I am so glad that Ivy adopted me that day.

Vickie Baker
Meadville, PA

Nah-nee's Tale

Nah-nee's Tale

One afternoon my brother and sister-in-law heard a whining outside the front door. When my brother checked out the whining he found a little 3 month old, fluffy, husky mix. In the coming weeks nobody claimed her. They decided to keep her for me until I got all moved into my place in North Carolina. She used to be a shy little puppy, now she is all grown up, outgoing and loves to explore the ocean, lakes and woods that surround us.

Raleigh, NC

Miss Mabel's Story

Miss Mabel's Story

My boyfriend and I had gone to our local Animal Control shelter and several adoption locations but hadn't found the "right one" to help us get over the loss of Rocky who had passed away after 17 years. One Saturday in August 2006 I asked a friend if she wanted to go on a puppy search with me. We went to several locations but left disappointed. As we were leaving one location we saw a "pet adoptions today" sign across the highway at PetCo. The Broward County Humane Society was having pet adoptions that day. There was a pen with around 2 dozen puppies and every time I put my hand in to pet one, the same cute little head kept coming up under my hand. She followed me around the pen several times and I knew she would be leaving with me. We were looking for a medium size, female puppy, and were told she would be around 40 pounds. Miss Mabel will be 3 years old on 7/7/09 and weighs in at 85 pounds. She is a Catahoula mix and is extremely smart and eager to learn new things. I'm so glad she picked me that day. I don't know what we would do without her.

Ellen Anderson
Pompano Beach, FL

My sweet boy Luka

My sweet boy Luka

At the shelter, he was the first dog I saw, and I remember thinking how is HE in a shelter. I knew I would be taking him home that day. He is the sweetest boy, loves kids and loves his cat sisters. They cuddle together and its the sweetest thing you've ever seen. He loves to go for walks, slow walks so that he is sure to smell all the flowers and watch all the birds. He has so much love to give everyone he meets. I am so blessed to have him in my life.

Teresa Schreiner
Lakewood, CO

Sweet Pea picked my husband

Sweet Pea picked my husband

My neighbors had moved and left their two older kittens behind. I had three cats already so I wanted to find homes for Sweet Pea and her sister. On adoption days the sisters would hide in the back of their cages and not interact with people. Meanwhile our household adapted to two more cats and we stopped going to the adoption clinic.
Sweet Pea didn't show much interest in any men I knew except for Richard. Whenever he came over Sweet Pea would jump in his lap. Richard said he had never been a "cat person" but Sweet Pea changed that. We will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary next month and Sweet Pea's favorite spot is still Richard's lap and Richard is offically a cat person.

Marsha Imprescia
Round Rock, TX

Guido, our little man

Guido, our little man

Recently, we visited our local shelter in search of a small lap dog and a companion for our adopted Border Collie, Rowdy . After much searching and researching we decided on a 4 month old dachshund mix. We named him Guido. He was playful, sweet and loved Rowdy. He had his choice of laps and loved laying on his back with legs spread for belly rubs. He had bushy eyebrows and ears that were so long, you could fold them over his eyes during his afternoon nap. He had the cutest little beagle like bark. My daughter was just smitten and took Guido everywhere.
This past week, I noticed that his nose was crusty and occassionally, he was shaking. I immediately took him to the vet. He was diagnosed with Distemper. The vet explained that he must have been exposed to the disease prior to the vaccinations and the virus had reached his nervous system. There was nothing that could be done, except to make him comfortable. Hours later, it was obvious that he was unable to rest, due to the constant shaking. Our family had to say goodbye. It is the first loss my 10 and 13 years old children have experienced . We are all devasted in shock that our sweet baby boy is gone. However, we all agree that although he was only with us for 20 days, he gave back ten times more love and laughs than what our broken hearts are experiencing at this moment. We would make the same decision, to bring him home all over again. He was truly family. I hope to find one more wire hair dachshund that needs us, just as Guido did. We'll look to the shelters, once again, for a new family member, but never forget our Guido.

Cheryl Dempsey
Dallas, TX

Through Snow & Ice...

Through Snow & Ice...

After losing our beloved Jack Russell to Cushings Disease, four months later we were looking at and came across this sweet little thing by the name of Cooper Pup. The picture was all it took. We contacted the rescue site to find out that we were third in line; however, because we had previous "Jack Russell experience", we were chosen to be the adoptive parents!

"CP", along with his owners lived in Idaho; we live in Oregon, so we met somewhere in the middle. Driving from Portland to Umatilla, Oregon in December of 2008 was treacherous going. Icy roads and lots of snow through the Columbia Gorge was a little hair raising but was well worth it in order to meet him and take him home. Many thanks to the Jack Russell Rescue group for facilitating this wonderful adoption!

Liane & Steve Connolly
Portland, OR

Rescued Parvo Puppies

Rescued Parvo Puppies

My family and I were camping in Eastern Oregon when we found three puppies. After a tiring search no one in the campsite claimed them. Seeing as how we were miles from the nearest ranch, we decided to adopt the pups. The day after we learned the smallest one had parvo, a very deadly disease that kills most puppies. After staying up all night with her and a trip to the vet, we managed to save our little Clementine! She and her sisters Sarah and Jemima are very happy now and have a wonderful life with our other dog Jake. He has taken on the roll of "Daddy" and the pups just love him!

In the picture from left to right: Jemima, Clementine, Sarah, Luke (my brother) and Jake in the back.

I have been a faithful clicker for the Animal Rescue Site and all of it's partners. I am so grateful to you all for letting us do are part just by clicking!

Thank you and keep up to good work!

Samantha B.
Grass Valley, CA

Buddy and Tess

Buddy and Tess

These are my precious rescue babies, Buddy and Tess. I saw a picture of Buddy on our local Animal Services web site and had no clue he would clean up to be such a handsome Schnauzer. Poor little guy had long dirty hair and suffered from heart worms. I was the first person at the shelter that very morning waiting to adopt him. We got him treated for the heart worms, cleaned up and back to 100% then we adopted his new sister Tess from the Schnauzer Rescue. They are quite a pair and bring joy and sunshine to my life every single day.

Jessica Fowler
Fort Myers, FL