Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Petunia (who has the body of Flubadub) came from an Alabama shelter and was transferred to an Atlanta rescue group. She has the appetite of a goat; she'll eat anything, anytime and it was obvious she was starving when we adopted her. Even though she's gained weight, she's still our "little goat" always looking for a meal. She's the most affectionate dog we've ever had and seems really appreciative that she has a real home now. Best of all, she's become the best buddy of our other dog, Daisy.

Chris and Jim
Stone Mountain, GA

Found in the desert

Found in the desert

This precious young girl was abandoned on an Indian Reservation in Arizona. When her "rescue angel" found her she was skin and bones with many wounds. He took her to the vet and that's how we found her. Lucy wears the scars of a difficult beginning but is now the princess of the house she shares with her 10yr old brother Joey. She keeps us smiling with her qwirky personality. It is amazing that Lucy is so trusting and loving after being treated so harshly. Humans should learn from our animal friends.

Susan Parker
Peoria, AZ

Midnight is full of love

Midnight is full of love

I adopted Midnight when she had been living 2 years at the Miami Humane Society. She had been there her entire life and had been adopted twice and been returned twice due to her aggressive behaviour. It seems she was just waiting for me. I had inquired about her 6 months prior to seeing her again at the center when they told me she was brought back. With a lot of love, care, attention- she changed so much that no one recognizes her now. She has been with me thru the ups and the downs and she has brought me so much joy in my life. She is very appreciative and shows me how much she loves me. August 3 will mark our 2 year anniversary together.

Lissette Carlo
Miami, FL



Buck is the rescuer! One October stormy night Penny's kennel collasped inward. She's my fawn Pitt who just had her first litter of pups. Somehow, I think due to tornadic winds, she and one of her pups ended up behind a 6' fence in the neighbor's pool. Not sure how long they were in there, it was 2:00 am when this happened, but had it not been for Buck (blue brindle) barking insistantly we wouldn't have woke up & saved her from the freezing water. Unfortunately the pup didn't make it but Buck didn't give up on his "woman". We're so happy with our Pitt family and we kept one of her first pups - Hawkeye, the black brindle.

Nyla M. Rednour
Prairie Du Rocher, IL

Cassie shows up

Cassie shows up

One night I heard a loud noise outside my apt building. When I checked I found this adorable little girl who we named Cassie. She was only 8 mths old and someone had just left her outside. She is the clown of our family and even though it has only been a month, I can't imagine life without her. She has a forever home!!

Mary Marson
Halifax, Canada



We found Otto at out local shelter when he was just a pup. He was the funniest thing, he was all black and he had a curly little pig's tail. His mother and all his siblings had all been adopted before him and he was all alone. I'm sure it had something to do with that tail! When we went to the room where he was being kept, he was a ball of energy and running around the room with a giant stuffed animal. It was love at first sight. We brought him home and he moved right in, it was like he was meant to be with us. Now six years later, his tail is long and curly and he still loves his toys. Otto is the most loving and loyal dog I've ever had. I am so happy that he waited for us to come to the shelter.

Susan Wexler
Cherry Hill, NJ

Brave New Mother

Brave New Mother

This is Quincy. We discovered her wandering the dirt roads near our animal shelter - BuckHawk Center. Tagging behind her were 3 young pups still nursing. We took her and her daughters in. Quincy was a love of a dog, but she had a problem. She had the uterine infection that sometimes come from giving birth. The vet rushed her to emergency surgery to save her life. This condition, if left untreated, can cause death. Quincy was in bad shape. Her pups were at least 10 weeks old! That beautiful brave new mother was about to give her life for her pups. She has been with us now for a year and is healthy, happy and loving. She is available for adoption, through the BuckHawk Center, but she does have a pit bull breed mix in her. She deserves a great life and if no one can step up to give her that life, we will continue to consider her one of our darlings.

Susan Kenned
Mountain View, MO

Our Little Abigail

Our Little Abigail

My mother rescued Abigail, who had been tied with a chain in the woods--eating bark and dirt to survive--from an uncaring owner who wanted to get rid of her. The vet guessed she was a Yorkie-poo, but after living with my mother for a while, a better name for Abby was a "Porkie."

My husband and I inherited Abigail after my mother became very ill. My hubby wasn't a small dog lover, but this little diva very quickly captured his heart by getting on his lap, raising her paw, and presenting her tummy, as if to say, "Hey, start rubbing, buddy!"

After she slimmed down to six pounds, Abigail was even more full of life and spunk. She loved to eat, hog the bed, get under the covers, and snore like a lumberjack. She would take on anyone or anything! Lovable, spoiled, demanding, and always entertaining, she became the love of our lives. My husband and I married later in life and had no children together, so Abby was our baby girl.

She passed October 2008 (we think she was sixteen or so) and we were, and continue to be, devastated. She was a one of a kind.

Norwalk, CT

Root Beer

Root Beer

I had adopted Root Beer a Miniture Pincher from a Kennel out in MO. He is the most amazing dog i have ever meet. He is very lovable, he is deffinitly a little lap dog. always wants to be there with you at all times, he loves to take walks and run around in the park. He is very lovable to the two cats that i have, they play back and forth all day long. He has opened my heart to go out and help other animals services even if it is just clicking on a website to help a dog get some food ill do it. I never knew how much love could come out of such a tiny dog till i meet him. He is know Almost 1 and we are having the time of our lives.

Root Beer and Kristine

New Bedford, MA

Sweet Nellie

Sweet Nellie

Nellie came to me from an Australian Shepherd Rescue League. She was not quite 2 years old and had already been through two not so nice homes. One home turned her into the pound because her nails scratched the floor. another home, whipped her when she left their unfenced yard. She was afraid of most people, but still very obviously full of love to give. I had just found myself alone for the first time and needed a cuddlebug. Didn't take us long to connect. She has been/is the most loving pet I have ever had, such a joy and definitely my favorite photo subject.

Burke, VA