Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Zoie was adopted for our older dog Zues and Bella, my eight year old cat. They have lived with her for a year now and she is very loving. Bella (cat) was rescued by my daughter, a wild 2 week old kitten, who was orphaned.

anita daniels
Swanton, OH

Cheddar the Lion

Cheddar the Lion

I adopted Cheddar from a local shelter about 3 years ago. He was the largest orange Main Coon I had ever seen; weighing in at 20 pounds. When I walked into the foster home he promptly rolled over and offered his belly like a dog.
Now he is a svelt 17 pound lion and we go for daily walks outside. He sticks to my side unless craving grass or the occasional gallop, but always comes when called. I think he was a dog in a former life!

Northville, MI

All my children.......

All my children.......

My very first fur friend brought me to see and understand the beauty, grace and love of animals. Many, many have followed. My fur children are my world. Each and every one of them rescued from one situation or another. Rusty, my eldest and seen in the pic, was 2 at rescue and is 19 yrs old to date! He was in the middle of a busy intersection with cars driving by, honking and scaring him. When I reached the intersection, I stopped traffic, picked him up and have been Blessed with him ever since. My current fur children number 5 dogs and 2 cats ranging in age from 3 yrs. on up to his astounding 19yrs. All with as much love to give as can be imagined! Each uniquely filling my days with laughter, fun and joy!

Rowlett, TX

Belle & Lestat

Belle & Lestat

Lestat came from Florida where he was living on a traffic island, Belle came from a local NJ shelter. They were inseperable from the instant they met. Fourteen years we were together, Lestat passed 6/15/2009 and Belle followed on 6/29/2009. They were the joy of my life and will be missed. Never was there a day I regretted bringing them home. I will wait a few months and save two more because an animal always knows where they are loved, they are always grateful. They make life worth living, they heal at the end of a hard day.

Roxane Kostyk
Marlton, NJ



This was our Cassy she was a Siberian Husky with the prettiest blue eyes you ever saw. We adopted her from a wonderful lady in Port Huron, Michigan who had rescued her from someone and was looking for a good family to adopt her. We went through interviews and even had her come to our home so she would know Cassy was going to a family that would love her and care for her. That was in the Spring of 2001. Cassy was 7 years old when we adopted her. And it was the best thing we ever did. Cassy girl was the best dog anyone could ever ask for. She had a personality all her own. She loved every one. Whether it was kids or adults didn't matter. She was never big on cats though. She loved the winter, she would lay by her dog house and let inches of snow fall on her, she loved to dig her nose into snowpiles and she would jump up at snowballs we would throw and catch them and eat them.! She loved going for walks except she took you for the walk/run! Haha! I can not say enough good things about the 8 years we had Cassy! She shall always have a special spot in our hearts!
Our Cassy girl passed away Friday during the night of natural causes, she was 15 years old. Even though you would of never guessed it.. she always jumped around and smiled and was happy to see everybody! We will always love you Cassy girl and we really miss you very very much! My heart breaks every time I look out to your dog house in the side yard. R.I.P. 4-11-94 to 6-27-09 . We love you baby girl!

Bev Kanthak
Lexington, MI

Max the Great!

Max the Great!

Max wandered into a friend of a friend's yard with no identification. My friend did his due diligence in trying to locate Max's owners to no avail. He was chipped, but it had him listed as a female pitbull and that was obviously not the case! My friend was going through a divorce and unable to keep Max as his own, although he would have loved to have done so! Max is smart, loving and funny as can be! When asked if we were interested, we jumped at the opportunity! We had decided some time before that we really wanted to adopt and hadn't yet done so. Max was sent to us as a gift from heaven! I feel awful that his previous owners don't have him still, as he is an absolute angel! He now has a loving family that will never let him go! p.s. he has been "rechipped", he is registered with the state, has dog tags and a mama that doesn't let him out of her sight!

Deborah Statt
Scottsdale, AZ

Lilley & Maggey - My Buddies

Lilley & Maggey - My Buddies

Pictured is Lilley, the older of our two cat rescues. Despite the fact that she and Maggey don't always see eye to eye, they enjoy napping together on the porch or on our bed and keeping an eye on the neighborhood.
Although Lilley, our gray and calico senior cat, can sometimes be aloof, she never left my side during my cancer treatment and even though our daughter selected her from the many cats available for adoption that day, she has always been "my cat." She has a very loving and gentle nature and fur that feels like cashmere. She's approaching 10 years old now and has a slight heart murmur, but we hope she'll be with us for many more years.
Maggey, our charcoal gray green eyed beauty, rescued from the Central Florida SPCA, is the "baby" of the family. She "cries" for attention, loves to sit by us and loves to sleep in the bed with us. She always has to be "touching" you and her tail never seems to sleep.
Both girls were in rough shape when we adopted them. Lilley was very skiddish and fearful and Maggey had a fur coat that was coarse and rough. It took alot of TLC and good care and nutrition to get them healthy and happy. Maggey's coat is now shiny and silky and although she is still afraid of loud noises and "hides" under the covers, she and her big sister are now living the lives they deserve.
If it was within our means we would adopt a hundred, but I think Lilley might disagree. We've had dogs in the past but are definitely "cat people." Lilley is the queen and Maggey is the princess and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Pam Warren
Central, FL

Our Ayla

Our Ayla

Upon checking a GSD rescue website occasionally, I fell in love with Ayla. At first, their director didn't approve us as adopters, as we had just taken in a stray GSD mix a few months before and she didn't think we were ready for another GSD. The rescue group was only advertising Ayla, as they didn't have room for her, but was trying to help her owner place her. Apparently the owner didn't contact the rescue group when she decided to take Ayla to the Humane Society. Ayla was in peril of being put on the E list! Fortunately, I had called yet again begging for the rescue group to reconsider us as adopters. They succumbed only to find out Ayla had been surrendered to the Humane Society! I left work on my lunch hour in 109 degree Phoenix summer weather to meet my Ayla at the shelter. They required that I bring my other GSD in to meet her! I raced home for Max (my other wonderdog) and returned. Boy, hanging out at an outdoor shelter in that heat was a treat in a suit, but worth every drop of sweat! I now have two of the bestest dogs living with us in their forever home! Love does persevere!

Deborah Statt
Scottsdale, AZ

Lexi & Lynx

Lexi & Lynx

My fiance and I adopted Lexi & Lynx in Nov. 2007. They are brother & sister and were rescued from the streets when they were only a couple weeks old. Although we had many choices for adoption, we knew we wanted to keep these two from being we took them home with us! Although they were very skittish at first, they know they have found their forever home and their true personalities now shine. Lexi is a little rebel and loves doing things on her own, while Lynx is a big-time cuddler and constantly wants attention. We can't imagine life without them and are happy to provide them with a safe, loving, happy home.

Huntington Beach, CA

Christopher Robin

Christopher Robin

Christopher Robin was found on a Monday afternoon in a tire storage container at a local business. He had spent the entire weekend in the container in 98 degree heat without food or water. Luckily for me, my boyfriend found him and brought him home. After dinner and a bath, he instantly moved into my heart and has been there for the past two years. Shortly after his arrival, I adopted two kittens. He immediately became their caregiver. He would even allow them to "nurse" on his fur. His second duty as caregiver has been to my boyfriend's children. He watches over them as they play and is their constant companion. He is the sweetest and funniest cat. Not a day goes by that he doesn't make me laugh. Soon he will be in training as a therapy cat. He is one of four and I am so lucky to have them!

Statesville, NC