Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



My sister found Willy at the garage entrance of her office building, were a car nearly got him under the wheels. He was about 4 months old, dirty and hungry, but upon coaxing he came running straight to her. We had recently moved and did not want a pet, as we travelled a lot, but Willy caught our hearts! That was 12 years ago and we are so happy to have found him and to be able to share our lives with him. He is absolute king of the house, sleeps in our bed and loves to watch the little birds that come to feed on our balcony. Oh, and as a good Spaniard, he loves olives with anchovies!

Madrid, Spain

The love of our lives

The love of our lives

When my daushaund died at age 12, I wanted another dog. I looked for three months in animal shelters until one day I found a matted Llasa Apso with a green bow in his ear. He was in a cage with two other dogs and scared to death. I put my name on the list and was told that I was the first one in line for him. He was found wandering along a busy street with a trash bag tied around his waist. I went back on Saturday and took my husband to meet him. When they brought him in the room, he sat between my legs and looked up at my husband as if to say "please take me home". My husband named him Spanky. We had to leave him that day but I promised him I would see him soon. I picked Spanky up on Monday after he was neutered. He was really sleepy all day and lay on the floor, but that was 6 years ago and that was the only night he didn't sleep on the bed with us. Spanky runs the house and we love him dearly. Each night before bed, he and his dad share a chocolate covered cherry and he has to sleep with his stuffed bear. He is a little moody at times but he is the love of our lives and we wouldn't have him any other way. A shelter dog is the best dog you can have.

Kathy Nettles
Chaleston, SC

They Rescued Us

They Rescued Us

After my husband and I lost our 17-year old poodle mix, Lizzie Pearl, I desperately needed another fuzzy companion. After 6 weeks, we adopted Reese, a Jack Russel mix, at an animal shelter 4 hours away, and a day later we got Owen, a miniature Dachshund, at a local rescue group. They love to chase each other around the house and snuggle up with both of us. Sometimes I feel like they rescued us instead of the other way around.

Rachael Gruis
Ogden, UT

Abandoned by mother

Abandoned by mother

I was at work and one of my workers found a very young kitten in a small tree while cleaning property. Heard meow and brought kitten to me. There were no other kittens around. As soon as I held the kitten it started crying VERY LOUDLY! Our relationship was born. Kitty was hungry and wanted milk. I took kitty home and called my sister to help. I had to go back to work. She brought over kitten milk mix and a bottle. We rotated feedings while I worked. I had to even teach how to go potty. Truely, my baby! Named him Jeter, so my husband would not object to me adding another kitten to my other 5 cats saved. Took Jeter to vet and found out he was blind. Do not know if mommie abandoned him because he could not survive outside. God brought us together. Anyway I scheduled a neutring and the vet called me to tell me that Jeter also had female organs. They gave me a buy one surgery get one half off. Jeter gets along well with the older cats. Keeps them young. He is a little cat with no fear. No problems getting around. You would never know Jeter was blind. A little fiesty but a LOVE!

Ceile Luchese
Wood-Ridge, NJ

Quite a twosome

Quite a twosome

We adopted Chloe, a fawn sighthound mix, nine years ago and Ronan, a retired racing greyhound two years ago. They are very close (as the picture shows). Chloe is the Alpha Queen and Ronan is content to follow her. In return, Chloe lets Ronan adore her. And we adore them both!

Rockville Centre, NY

My friend Sam.

My friend Sam.

My aunt found Sam and his 7 siblings in a box in front of her home. They were only 1 month old and had not eaten for days. We decided to adopt one, my aunt kept another one and the rest were brought to our local shelter where they found them a home. Sam has now grown to be a healthy, playful and loving dog that is a big part of our family. Every dog deserves a chance and we are happy we could give him one.

Mari Luz Lavado
Reus, Spain

Indy - My Devoted Friend

Indy - My Devoted Friend

I adopted Indy six years ago from the Michigan Animal Rescue League. She is a yellow lab mix. Indy is so sweet and loving. She is such a big part ouf our family, I can't remember what it was like without her in our lives. She gets a long well with our adopted cats too! She even lets them take over her bed it they decide that's where they want to sleep. Indy also likes to dance with me. She stands on her hind legs and puts her paws up on my shoulders and moves back and forth with me when we have music playing. She is really a remarkable dog and I think everyone should consider rescuing an animal from your local shelter. They make such great companions. It's almost like they're dedicated to you even more because you saved them!

Shirley Grombala
Troy, MI

Through Tough Times

Through Tough Times

I specifically bought my house with a fenced yard because I knew I wanted a dog. I adopted Cheech from the Frederick County, Maryland animal shelter in March 1994, when he was just nine weeks old. Two years later, I was widowed at age 26 and leaned on my two dogs emotionally during tough times. Casie lived to be 14-1/2 years old (adopted from the same shelter), and today Cheech is nearly 15-1/2 with the energy of a puppy! He has given so much to me unconditionally and is truly my best friend!

Cindy S.
Mount Airy, MD

Puppy Mill Saving

Puppy Mill Saving

This is Lulu. She is a Shih Tzu and I adopted her last week. She has "177" tattooed on her belly because I guess that's what they do at puppy mills. And at the age of 4-1/2 is not sure about what to do after spending her life in a cage. She gives me kisses all the time. I wish everyone could see what goes on in those horrid places and people wouldn't buy from pet stores. She's lovin' it here now though.

Bunny Music
Sussex, NJ

Basket of Love Found at the Dump

Basket of Love Found at the Dump

I think this will be my all-time favorite personal rescue picture. These four pups in a basket were part of a litter of seven, 5 week old terrier/pointer mix puppies & momma who were rescued at a local dump here in Honolulu. As a foster mom for the Hawaii Dog Foundation, I was the only one who was willing to take 5 of the 8 rescues home while we scrambled to get them help. The mother had suffered from severe malnutrition, heartworm, infection, and had several open wounds. The puppies, ranging from 2.0 - 4.1 lbs were also malnourished, covered everywhere in fleas and ticks and some open sores. They were so tiny and sad. This picture was taken that first week, after they got medical treatment and cleaned up. I'm proud to say that after 8 weeks of great foster care, only two left to place in permanent homes and they are all smiling now.

Barbara McLain
Honolulu, HI