Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our Baby Buster

Our Baby Buster

We adopted our staffy Buster from The Sydney Dogs Home in Australia when he was 10 months old. He is now 7 years old and is totally devoted to our family. He has brought such delight to our family and my children absolutely adore him. When he looks at me with those chocolate brown eyes, my heart melts! Our lives are definately better now he is a member of our family.

Diane Rinaldi
Sydney, Australia

Our rescued "sweeties"

Our rescued "sweeties"

Lexus, black mixed pup, was found running along side a busy highway and terrified. She got her name because I followed her in my black Lexus until I caught her. She was full of fleas and muddy from sleeping in the woods.
Scooter, gold and white Shihtzu, was unwanted by his owner, and kept in a cage in the garage until he was one year old when we rescued him.
As you can see no woods or cages at our house. They sleep on a leather couch.
And then there is Benni, black and white Shihtzu. Unfortunately he is very camera shy, but very lovable and sweet.
These three make our lives wonderful.

Gerry Aiken
Lebanon, OH

Seeing my Shadow

Seeing my Shadow

Shadow came into our lives after we made a cross country move from Wisconsin to Arizona.

I saw her on the website for a local no kill shelter in Green Valley, AZ. She had been surrendered because her owner went into an assisted living center that did not allow pets. I know that must have been very hard for her and I was able to get word to her to let her know that her beautiful cat had found a forever home with us.
Shadow has adjusted very well to life with Sedona (our other rescue cat) and Lacie our Bichon. She is affectionate, smart, playful as you can tell by her picture,and aptly named.

What a wonderful addition to our home and a blessing to have her.

Andrea Mozolik
Vail, AZ

Twisted Sister(s) Reunited!

Twisted Sister(s) Reunited!

If you immediately conjured up images of the 70's-80's heavy metal band, you're obviously caught up in the retro revolution. These sisters have a different kind of twist in that they were dumped nearly a year apart in the same area.

Coral (right) came to Fredonia Humane Society with five other dogs abandoned along a desolate stretch of desert highway; within days all were taken into other rescues while Coral, a mere 5 months old, stayed behind to work her way through parvo. Once recovered, she became FHS's self-appointed, equal opportunity play pal to every single dog who came through the gate.

Java was picked up a year later after being reported hanging around a residential area not far from Coral's dump site. After being placed in a "newcomer's" run at the opposite end of where Coral lived, every regular volunteer that day asked why we moved Coral over to the newbie's side, convincing us we weren't the only ones to see this uncanny resemblance. Not only are the girls' markings, body type, head, height and topaz eyes identical, but they both do this distinctive trill when excited. Today they live in the same indoor/outdoor run so happy to be together once again.

Fredonia Humane Society
Fredonia, AZ

My Pound Puppy, Corky

My Pound Puppy, Corky

Sixteen years ago, I decided to get my mom a dog for her birthday. She had told me when she was a child, her family had a black Cocker Spaniel. So I went in search for a black cocker at the local pound. I was elated to find almost exactly what I was seeking, a black & white Cocker/Dachsund mix puppy, about four months old!! Unfortunately, he had just come in and wasn't available yet. I called every day until he became available for adoption. I took him home and started working on house training him in preparation for giving him to Mom. About a week later, I presented him to Mom, who loved him. To our dismay, she found her apartment complex was cat only, so she gave him back to me. I was overjoyed! I had bonded with him during the time I had him, and was more than a little sad at the prospect of giving him up.
Since I had recently divorced (and lost custody of our dog), I was excited about Corky. He was the best puppy. He went everywhere with me. He got used to being in the car. He was such a trooper. Sure, we went through the puppy chewing time, but for the most part, he was both a joy and a treasure. He was my constant companion; truly my best friend! Corky was also a good judge of character! He's seen me through thick and thin. I reached for Corky whenever I was sad, and he seemed to always know when I needed him next to me.
Unfortunately, we lost Corky this past January. His kidneys were giving out, and he had a cancerous tumor. We had him euthanised at home and I miss him every day!!! BEST BOY EVER!!!!

Dianna Cornell Manselle
San Jose, CA

Photo Assignment turned into Adoption

Photo Assignment turned into Adoption

In 1993, I was a volunteer photographer for our local SPCA. I covered all events & photographed individual animals for promotional brochures. I had an adequate number of dog photos. Because of the noise level, I decided to photograph the cats at my home. I went through the kitten kennel & selected two photogenic kittens: one tabby and one b/w .
Over the course of the next week, I took a variety of uniquely different photos. During this week I was also falling in love with these two adorable fur balls. I had fun playing with them & cuddling them. My 8 yr old Siberian Husky [Cagney] adopted & babied the b/w kitten.
One week turned into two. Two weeks turned into three. Finally in the 5th week, I returned to the SPCA with great photographs & no kittens. I told the SPCA director, I decided to keep the kittens. She just chuckled & said "We kind of figured that out by the 3rd week when you didn't come back."
The next week, I legally adopted Ayla [tabby] and Harley Davidson [b/w]. Here it is 16 years later & they are sleeping in the next room.

St. Petersburg, FL

Lola stole my heart

Lola stole my heart

I was at work one day, when i saw this puppy. Her ribs were showing and she looked to be in horrible shape. I was working I couldn't take her home at that time, so I gave her my french fries from my lunch to tie her over until I got off work. She took the french fries and instead of eating them she buried them across the street from my job. So when I got off work, she was no where to be found. Sadly, I went on home. The next day around the same time, the sickly looking dog came sniffing around the shop. She went across the street, dug up the french fries from the prior day and ate them. I knew I couldn't let the poor girl get away this time. I called my boss and begged her to let me keep the dog in the back room until it was time to get off work. She agreed to let me do that. I noticed that something was wrong with her mouth. When i looked inside I noticed one of her canine teeth we're missing and her jaws were,no where lined up with each other. When I took her to the vet on my next day off, we got her shots, got rid of the worms, and heard the bad news. The vet said that it appeared that Lola wasn't exactly just a homeless, hungry dog. She had been abused. I just assumed her being shy was because she didn't have a home. She had a skin infection that the docter said was caused by containing a dog in unsanitary conditions. The reason she was missing a canine was because she had been beaten in her mouth. Her jaw was broken. Shes one spoiled pup now.

Clarksville, TN

Our Buddy

Our Buddy

Buddy was found running in the rain on a street in east Dallas trying to dodge cars. Trishla rescued him, but needed to find a foster family. My daughter called us and we said he could stay with us a couple of nights. This 2-3 year old golden/lab mix with scars on his face and a leg that had not mended correctly, came into our home and we fell in love that very night. Of course he had heartworm and many months later he was cured. He was neutered and a doggie door was installed within days. He is now 92 pounds and honestly, the greatest dog we have ever owned. It did take our two rescue cats, Daisy and Aggie, almost three months to trust him! Now they are all over each other. Buddy even takes us for a wall/run every day! We are so elated that Buddy chose us to be his "forever family"!

Marilyn Rogers
Frisco, TX

My Bud

My Bud

"You know.... Bud might be a good fit for you...." the adoption specialist started out. On a whim, my wife, son, and I found ourselves at the Wisconsin Humane Society in Milwaukee, WI looking in thru the door a shepherd/hound mix as he patiently waited for us. In some ways, I think his mind was made up before ours was. He just LOOKED so expectant. We had passed his room twice before looking at other dogs that were either too big, too young, too wild... We knew what we were looking for. A dog that was good for our family. A dog that would grow to love us, and us him. So he sat at the door as we slowly walked in together with the adoption counselor. He was excited as we said hi, and he rolled over and I pet his belly for the first time.... We bonded instantly.

He's been an excellent loving and low maitenance dog. He's near spastic with excitement when we get home. He follows us everywhere! We walk in the evenings after my son goes to bed and I think its cathartic for us both. He loves to sniff for rabbits and squirrels and I love to mellow after a long day. By the time we get back he's usually pooped, and curls on the floor by my feet as we watch the news or read. When my wife and I go to bed, he has the habit of lying on the floor next to me, and I slowly pet him asleep while I read. It's been an adventure so far, but I know I have a new friend for life. He's my Bud!

Erik Mozolik
Milwaukee, WI

Spiker & Kukla

Spiker & Kukla

My wife and I went to the animal rescue to get a kitten to help my wife's depression. As it turned out there wasn't enough room in the puppies area, so this cute little puppy was in a cat cage crying out to be taken. We took a kitten, Kukla, and the puppy, Spiker. They were lifelong friends. More like mother (cat) and son.
Spiker came to work with me every day and when we came home Kukla would lick his snout and his paw, which he would hold up for her. They were always an inspiration and a joy. The center said they thought Spiker would become 35 pounds, he grew to 95 pounds and lived 12 years. Kukla remained small and lived 21 years. I miss them both incredibly.

Denny Tillman
New York, NY