Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Iago-Miracle Macaw

Iago-Miracle Macaw

We rescued Iago a couple of years ago. He had self-mutilated both legs from frustration in his former living conditions. His recovery was slow and we never imagined he could possibly regrow feathers again on those poor legs. Healing was as much as we would hope for.Today he is a happy, very active bird with a full set of feathers on both legs. We have other rescue birds, but Iago brings a special joy and laughter to us every day.

Jo Gore
Columbia, SC



Hi I submitted the story of how I got Tucker. Now I want to tell you about my Spencer. He and 5 siblings lived out by a busy road. The people who were there were very negligent. They didn't spay or neuter any of their animals. Because of that their female kept having babies, most of which were killed by the wild animals or run over. The newest litter of kittens were especially in danger mostly from the drug-addict, alcoholic man who routinely kicked and beat them. The woman finally decided to leave but had no idea what she was going to do with all her cats (9). I made her spay the female and fix the male adults. I then got great homes (my dear friends) for the other 5 kittens after we fixed all of them and I got to keep my Spencer. He and Tucker are inseparable!!! We are a very happy family.

Candace Louise Collins
Bonita, CA



I rescued Tucker at 3 month. He was the 'pet' of a family who never let him in or paid attention to him. He was left to fend for himself in a canyon full of coyotes, wild cats raccoons etc. He wandered into my house and basically never left. I did finally ask if they minded if I kept him and they didn't even realize he was still around. In the end he became my best boy and we have lived happily for 8 years.

Candace Louise Collins
Bonita, CA

hitch hiker

hitch hiker

After keeping my sisters 3 children over night I realized I had nothing to feed them for breakfast. Little did I know when we headed out to a local restaurant we would be picking up a hitch hiker. She was sitting on the side a very busy road looking as if she wanted to cross. At the advice of my 3 year old nephew we gave her a ride, into our home & hearts. Life has not been the same for us or our other German shepherd and we would not have it any other way!

Helen Williams
Orlando, FL

Toothpick the Talented Cat

Toothpick the Talented Cat

We rescued Toothpick, now 3, from our local no-kill shelter 2 1/2 years ago after Tracks, our 16 year-old cat, went to the Bridge. Toothy is one spoiled cat with his own pillow on the bed by mine and his own 'glass' of water! He loves to fetch when we throw his toys and has learned to catch his treats in his paws then eats them. We think he's a very smart kitty! He has brought us so much love, joy and laughter and is my wonderful fur-child!

Sharon Lake
Clovis, CA

Perfect Match

Perfect Match

******My husband was very particular when it came to getting a dog. He told me he only wanted to adopt a boy chihuahua between 1 to 2 years old named Hercules.

******Thankfully the shelters in our city post pictures online and I was able to comb through the photos to find Hercules, the 2 year old boy chihuahua. My husband was shocked that I found him, and we went immediately to the shelter, which was 45 minutes away from us.

******This was the perfect match! Hercules is the sweetest, most loving, fun, amazing dog and we couldn't be happier to have found him.

******Everyone should adopt from the shelter. There are lots of great dogs out there, no matter what you are looking for, you will find it. And be happier for it!

Los Angeles, CA



My name is Ryder, or Rye for short. I was born with only one eye. My sister and I were taken to a shelter and rescued by Friends of Orange County's Homeless Pets. My sister was adopted when she was around four months old, but no one would adopt me because I only had one eye. My adopted parents called me Popeye. One day, a pretty young girl was searching for a dog for her mom when she came across a picture of my sister. She contacted Mary who was our adopted mom. Mary informed her that my sister had already been adopted, but I was still available as no one wanted me because I only had one eye. The pretty young girl told her mom about me and they came down to see me. Both of them immediately fell in love with me. The day before Mother's Day, Mary took me to my new home in Alta Loma. I am one of the happiest dog ever. I love my new mom, she is really special and she loves me as much as I love her. I also have a dog friend who lives next door. When my mom comes home from work, I get to go play with my friend Gunner. We have a great time together. So, to all you dogs out there who are looking for a good home, don't give up as there is someone out there who will be the perfect mom or dad for you. Good luck and never give up hope. Your friend, Ryder

Nancy Simmons
Alta Loma, CA

Our Unexpected Gift

Our Unexpected Gift

Driving on the back roads to our home, a beautiful dog jumped out in front of our car just as we headed into the deepest part of the woods. Her tail was between her legs, and her head was turned to look at us as she ran down the road aimlessly. I knew that she didn't belong in this area, but we couldn't convince her to come with us. The next day my husband and I returned to the area to search for her. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally moved close to my husband, kissed him, and jumped into his arms. She was dirty and had been abused. We loved her immediately, and I promised her that she would never be treated so horribly again. The only way to keep that promise was to adopt her ourselves. Her wonderful spirit and willingness to trust and to love again touched our hearts deeply. We adore her and cannot imagine life without her.

C.L. Brophy
Salem, OH

Peanut's Story

Peanut's Story

My beautiful calico cat, Peanut, came to us from my curiosity about the Petfinder website. I was just looking through the available cats for adoption and noticed this very tiny kitten up for adoption. The sweet face and little red spot on her head just pulled at my heart. I had to meet her!
I scheduled an appointment at the CATS (Care and Treatment of Strays) home and my husband and I went to see her.
It was love at first site! We adopted her that day and have since become close friends of Franzeska and Stanley who help to run this wonderful rescue site.
I have helped two family members, my Mom and cousin, adopt three beautiful babies from them.
I will always support rescue centers and encourage anyone who is looking for a companion to adopt from our shelters!

Karen Bilas
Clifton, NJ

Daisy May (Red Heeler/ Austrailian shepard mix)

Daisy May (Red Heeler/ Austrailian shepard mix)

Daisy was thrown in a black trash bag with the rest of the litter on the side of a busy highway.. She was about 5 weeks old or so. Unfourtunately, the other puppies didn't make it. So I brought her home (my husband didn't want another dog), but i wasn't about to take her to a shelter. She wasn't nourished or fed very well at all. She was scared to go outside, too. After a week or so, she warmed up to the other pups in the household and my husband and I. She's slowly but surely starting to ease the aggressiveness about the food. However, she is frieghtened over very simple things and trys to run from you. But overall, after having her for almost a year now, she is a beautiful, very well behaved pup that wants a lot of love! And loves to play all day in her new fenced in backyard!! I can see the "thank you" in her eyes every day.

Lake of the Ozarks, MO