Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Sammy -Love at First Sight

Sammy -Love at First Sight

I was at a Senior Health Fair in Redlands. There were San Bernardino Animal Control folks with dogs and cats to adopt. I saw Sammy sitting in a pen with other dogs and it was love at first sight! He is the sweetest dog you could ever imagine.

Cathy Nisbet
Riverside, CA

Gracie the Diva

Gracie the Diva

After a tragic loss of another Pekenese, we approached Peke N Chin rescue (also on Petfinder) for a needy Peke to adopt. Gracie had been in their foster care for a year. She needed daily eye medication and wasn't able to walk too well, as a result of being caged for years in a puppy mill. We were thrilled to get her. Gracie arrived to our home and began making it her own. How delightful to share her enjoyment of the good life! Everything was a wonderful discovery, from smelling the grass to figuring out what a good cuddle was all about. Every day she walked a little farther, and now she can walk a mile at a stretch. Due to her lovely singing voice, and pleasure-loving approach to life, she has also gained the nick-name Diva!
Gracie demonstrated to us that a positive attitude (hers) can indeed overcome a cruel history. She lives every day "double time" to make up for the past! The wonderful people we have met through dog rescue, particularly at Peke N Chin, New Beginnings shih tzu rescue, and Furry Friends of Manitoba, (all on have really taught us what it means to be a good person and we commend them all. We would never get another dog in the future in any other way than through rescue, especially after our experiences with these great people, and the wonderful dogs they help.

Ann Kajander
Thunder Bay, Canada



Kobe was rescued from a puppy mill, where he had been used for 3 years for breeding purposes. He was kept in a small enclosure where his food was thrown on the ground and the only time he was touched was when he was taken to another cage to breed. He is afraid of water because when his cage was cleaned he was not taken out of it, they would just turn the hose on him. He did not know what a toy or a treat was, he didnt know that human hands could do anything but hurt him, he didnt even know what grass was. He is slowly learning to trust humans and he is begining to accept treats and petting. It amazes me that after all this mistreatment he is still a sweet, loving dog who is my constant companion.
Please, adopt from a rescue organizatio and give a dog a safe, loving home. These dogs need a second chance at a good life.

Temecula, CA

Our Angel

Our Angel

In October of 2008 we lost our kitty if 14 years. I didn't know if I could bare the thought of another kitty but the house and our souls were so empty and lost. But well browsing through an angel just jumped out at us. Our Angel had only been at the (no-kill) shelter for only a week. She has been the best thing to happen to us since we adopted Sammy in 1994. Angel has taken up some of Sammys habits, go figure!!!

Renee Kimray
Shelby, NC

Our Dinky

Our Dinky

We had just lost our little 2.5 lb Yorkie Jag and I was greiving. I was afraid for our Lhasa Jose because I thought he might be feeling sad and lonely too. I started looking on the web and I came across I looked at dog after dog. All the while, my Husband was telling me, "No, we aren't getting another dog"....uh-huh, yeah right, were my thoughts. Then I saw a picture of this Yorkie and I turned to my Husband and said, "Look at this dog, he looks like trouble!" The problem was that the ad said Dinky was expected to be coming to the rescue, but was not there yet. He had elderly parents that wanted a lap dog and Dinky was not fulfilling that need. Plus, they said he was a "bad boy" because he was not completely house trained. For days I checked back to see if he had made it to the rescue yet but nothing had changed. Until one day I went to look and his pictures were gone! I put myself in high gear calling, emailing, whatever I could do just to find him. Someone told me they thought he was on his way to Ohio. I was devistated! Then I get this call one night and the lady said, "I think I have the dog you are looking for." I said "You have Dinky?" Yes she did and the rest is history. Oh wait. he was NOT a bad boy, he had a kindney infection which lead to kidney failure but I refused to give up on him when one vet wanted to put him to sleep. I took him to the best vet and she saved his life! He is on a prescription diet. I love this little man!

Fairdale, KY

Popeye the Sailor Cat!

Popeye the Sailor Cat!

In 1992 we were leaving for a day of sailing with friends in San Diego. As we left our apartment building we heard crying, looked down and inside a shoe box was a very newborn small kitten, he still had his umbilical cord! We immediately went to the local pet store and got kitten replacement milk which he took to right away. So we packed him into a basket with a heating pad and took him sailing with us! He weighed only 3 ounces and the vet said not to get attached. We were determined to keep him going and almost 18 years later he is still my baby, in great shape and follows me around until I pick him up and put him over my shoulder!

E J Krause
Savannah, GA

Foster Failure

Foster Failure

I have had rescue dogs all my life. When my husband and I got together, I had four dogs and one cat. Thomas the cat has since passed away, and so have two of my dogs, Ginger and Mollly. My pack was down to two and I was feeling a little lost because my pack was so small. My husband was ok with the pack getting smaller, but I was not ok with that. I went to my Vet, who runs Hard Luck Hounds to see if she had any "babies" that needed help because I thought that I could foster instead of adopting. This little girl in the picture who's name is Twiggy needed socializing really badly. Ms. Twiggs, as she is now known, would howl like a banshee at the slightest touch. I have had her three weeks and now she lays on the couch with her belly up for rubs. I fear that someone would not be sensitive to her fear of hands. Even with me, she shys away from hands if she feels threatened. The problem is that now I can not let her go. That is why I am a foster failure. Good thing for Ms. Twiggs. I though that by being a foster I could help lots of dogs and get to have many breeds in my pack temporarily. I was wrong. I love Ms. Twiggs to much to ever let her go. I am sure she will not be the last one. I have always had a pack and I always will.

Belton, MO

Meant to be.

Meant to be.

Toby Wan Canobe has brought so much joy into our lives. I saw him online at our local animal shelter, but waited to bring him home. A few weeks later we went to the animal shelter and not knowing at the time I picked him out of all the other dogs. Toby was meant to be with us. Toby is our little kangaroo and can not stay out of trouble. Toby said that he is not in the Elizabethan area. Three years have past; Toby is my buddy and I love him.

Dunnellon, FL

Special Dog Ambassador

Special Dog Ambassador

We were looking for a dog that would get overlooked in adoptions, and when we found Gizz, we knew we found our dream dog. He had 3 legs and had a hard time getting around. We bought him a custom-made cart, and he has since become an ambassador for special dogs. Gizz does therapy dog work for people in hospice and group homes , and represents special dogs in rescue who need homes. Gizz is "larger than life," and also shows people that we can do anything we set our minds to if we have an "I CAN" attitude. Through rescue, I found my kindred spirit and a big life lesson of positive thinking and joy.

Donna Blain
Woodstock, CT

One of the Greatest Rescues!

One of the Greatest Rescues!

I rescued Mona from being put down. She is a great dog, a Boston Terrier. Her previous owners didn't want her anymore and found me to take her. She has food allergies and just had a change in food to make her feel better. I have four kids who love her and we have two rescue cats as well, that I’ve have had for 12 years. I just wanted to say being a part of saving someone’s life is great.


clifton heights, PA