Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Feelings are mutual, I'm sure

Feelings are mutual, I'm sure

The larger cat on the left is Gustav, my 12 year old boy from the Phoenix Humane Society. He was an angry, mangy, underweight and cross-eyed kitten, separated from the other kittens and kept in a solitary cage high up on a wall of cats. When I tried to pet him, he yowled and bit me. I took him home thinking that nobody else would, figuring he was just under the stress of his situation. I was quickly proven correct when he turned into the biggest ham and most cuddly friend I could have asked for. He's hysterical and kind to everyone, even in his upper years. When his companion died in 2002 it took us a while to decide to get him a new friend. We were both sad and couldn't imagine replacing a family member, but in 2004 Hildegaard, the smaller cat on the right, came home to live with us. I found her at the NYC Union Square Kittykind shelter in Petco. Once again, I picked the yowling, un-pettable, crazed kitten that the volunteers told me had been confined for 3 straight months since she wouldn't let anyone hold her. I adopted her, she was soon brought home to Gustav and I, and after about an hour of stressed stares and unsure sniffs, they were instantly inseparable. Her kitten antics revitalized his old man attitude, and now they play, wrestle, clean, sleep and explore every bug and new toy side by side, happy to be home together. I truly believe that shelter animals have a sense of the situations they are in and when they come home to live with a human family they can finally let all of the stress go and just live in the love they've been holding on to, waiting to share.

New York, NY

our little buddy

our little buddy

Bo, Bo Duke, is named after the most handsome Duke brother from the Dukes of Hazard. We adopted Bo after my Grandfather passed away in 2005. When we went to sign the papers we found out Bo was actually born the day my Grandfather passed away. Needless to say I started bawling in the Corvallis Humane Society office. It seemed "Ment to be" that we bring our little clamming buddy home with us that day.

Bo is a very smart and loveable Lab, Austrailian Shepard mix and we are so glad we could make him part of our family.

Florence, OR

Quinn aka Haus from Young-Williams Animal Center, Knoxville TN

Quinn aka Haus from Young-Williams Animal Center, Knoxville TN

This boy's picture caught my attention on our shelter's website. I was encouraged when our other dogs accepted him immediately during our "meet-and-greet," and he sealed the deal by rolling over at my fiance's feet to have his belly rubbed! He made himself right at home and it seemed like he'd always been there in no time. He has re-energized our older dogs, reminding them how much fun it is to run, wrestle and play tug-o-war, but he's also careful and respectful of their space, food and treats. He's a joy to have and we are so grateful to the Young-Williams Animal Center for keeping him safe and healthy for us to find and adopt!

Knoxville, TN

Lola Chose Me

Lola Chose Me

I went to my local animal shelter to adopt a new puppy. The kennel was full of bouncy energetic puppies. There was 1 that came over and sat down next to my feet and stared up at me while I watched the others play. She tapped be on the foot with her paw and I looked down to see this calm puppy sitting there looking up at me. I told the lady I'll take this one. I took her home and played with her all that night. The next morning I woke up and found her lifeless on the front porch. I picked her up and rushed her to the vet.They took her to the back and returned to tell me she had parvo and they needed to put her down. I asked if there is anything I could do and they said they could do everything they knew how and that it would be in god's hands after that. I said then let's do it. She chose me and I will do everything I can do to save her. After shots,IV's they sent us home. I fed her oatmeal,yogurt and sat by her side through the night to be awakened by a bouncy happy puppy. I called the shelter to find out that they put 10 puppies down that day because of parvo.
Lola is now 7 years old. Our Best friend!!

cheryl sahm
boerne, TX

The Rescue of a Sausage Dog

The Rescue of a Sausage Dog

Two years ago we found a somewhat thin but well-cared-for Dachshund on our country road. After days of trying to find his home we decided to keep him ourselves. He and I had immediately bonded. His name is Wiener Dog, occasionally known as Sausage, and his favorite spot is sprawled out next to me on the couch. His greatest distress is getting his feet wet in the dewy grass.

Christy Bradshaw
Springfield, MO

...and he picked me.....

...and he picked me.....

After a difficult year with my dogs, I decided to adopt an ex-racing greyhound. After seeing several greyhounds, in came Monroe - who immediately came over, put one front paw on my knee and said, let's go home! (I thought I wanted a small female - he's huge)!!!
Off we went with Lucy, my shepherd mix, who took to him in an instant. With multiple health issues, he had been at the rescue for 2 1/2 years! Living in a 4' x 4' crate for most of his life, his new-found freedom stunned him for a few weeks. With Lucy's direction , he started using his own door, and now is perfectly at home. He loves the couch, the car rides, the petting, goodies, and the ability to come in and out when he wants to. What a quiet, gentle dog he is - he has no idea what bite, bark or growl means! He talks abit, but has no idea what aggression is. How lucky am I to have found a companion that fits right in with everything and everybody!!!

Joanie Field
Monrovia, CA

Rescue Story

Rescue Story

This is Rex. We were browsing to find a companion for our Pomeranian-Poodle Bella. He was left at a high kill look at that face! Who could leave such a handsome boy? He has fit in nicely with Bella and the 2 rescued kittens. He LOVES all his squeeky toys and just loves to play! He brings us so much joy!!!

Billerica, MA



I got my first apartment with the two roomates I handpicked because they had to be cat lovers. The three of us immidiately went to the animal shelter in Grand Prarie. We fell in love with Mischa and her brother, but knew we could only handle one at first and we had already agreed to get a girl. So Mischa rode home with us. She was very playful and energetic like most kittens <3
Mischa chose me by meowing outside of my bedroom door bright and early every morning. I would get up, grumble at her, feed her, and then leave my door cracked so she could come cuddle with me after her meal.
I went on vacation one week (after informing my roommates) and came back only to find that they had "forgot" and gone different places themselves. Mischa had gotten into all of the trash and done everything she could not to be starved. That incident not only ticked me off, but made Mischa the most vocal cat I have ever met to this day. She will not let you forget and abandon her again. When the time came to move out, I had to fight for Mischa and no longer talk to the roommate because of it, but I don't care!
Mischa is my love and gets babied like my own child. She now lives with me, my boyfriends German Shepherd (Uva), and an adorable baby girl (Tiger Lily) we just rescued from a friends house (he has 20 outdoor cats to feed).
Ryan (the boyfriend) gave me a hard time about being a cat lady, especially since Mischa doesn't ever stop meowing, but he has since fallen in love and he hand picked Lily himself <3

Euless, TX

From Roadside to Forever Home

From Roadside to Forever Home

Bella was found by the side of the road and taken to the veterinary clinic where my sister works. Bella had been hit by a car and had no collar, tags, or chip. She had a broken pelvis. The clinic nicknamed her "Sweetpea" because of her sweet disposition. She came home with us and she has been the most wonderful companion for the past several years. She hikes, walks, runs, and shows only a little side affect of her accident.

Lesa Pennington
Cave Creek, AZ



We adopted K.C. from North Shore Animal League; and although she was plagued with illness (parvo and kennel cough), when she recovered she was he sweetest and smartest little girl! We had 14 wonderful years together. K.C. taught people the true meaning of loyalty and love!

Brentwood, NY