Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Last November, I lost my sweet KelBel after almost 15 years. I checked the website for the City of Buffalo Animal Shelter and saw Luna. She had been picked up as a stray dog by the Buffalo police in the cold weather on someone's porch. When I went to visit her, she just cuddled up and pleaded with her eyes "Please take me home!" Well, she did come home with me several days later. Now Luna is part of our family and shares weekly play dates with her niece, Zoe. Just look how happy she is and what a sparkling smile!! Now she's my "Moon Doggie".

Kathy Schaefer
Buffalo, NY

Three Legs and All Heart

Three Legs and All Heart

Cassidy came to us via our Vet who knew that we have a propensity for adopting special needs pets. Cassidy has three legs because one of them did not develop having been restricted by the chord before birth. She is 5 weeks old - cute as He makes them, and happy now in her forever home with her two kitty sisters and two doggy brothers.

Sarah Brancato
Loveland, OH

Match Made in Heaven

Match Made in Heaven

My husband never had a pet and we weren't looking for one but he just happened to go into a Petsmart to kill time and there was Faith. She was just sitting there quietly while all the other dogs from the shelter were barking and whining. He fell instantly in love and we drove over 30 miles that week to pick her up. She is the dog for us! She is sweet and calm, unless you mention going for a walk (not common for a Catahoula). When it's time for a walk - all I have to do is get out my sneakers and she goes crazy. She loves to go camping or to the park where she can meet new dogs and people. All the kids stop playing to pet her when we are out walking - she's a celebrity! We can't imagine not saving this special, sweet dog.

Victorville, CA

Charlie finds a home

Charlie finds a home

We were looking for a playmate for our mini-schnauzer Samantha. We found Charlie (also a mini-scnauzer) at the animal shelter in east Texas where we were living at the time. He was so dirty and skinny, but got along with Sam famously. He made himself at home immediately, and even hopped into bed with us the first night, and under the covers, where he sleeps to this day. He is such a little sweetheart and will jump in your lap the minute you sit down. We have had him a year now and can't imagine life without him.

Chris Hess
Port Saint Lucie, FL

My Candy Girl

My Candy Girl

4 years after her other dog died, my Mom finally wanted a dog again. She left the choice up to me. Her only criteria, it must be a female. It took me 5 trips to Animal Control and the SPCA to find her..
I walked into a large room with rows of cages at animal control. A beautiful red dog was right in front of me. I thought she was a full blooded chow. I thought "mm chows are one owner dogs, not good for mom". So i walked right past her w/o even reading her description card.
I found nothing. As i stood by the door, the red dog took the classical "i want to play" pose: front legs bent down & rump up - that caught my attention. I read her card: Female, part chow. She was very playful and friendly. She had recently given birth.
I called Mom on my cell - "I think I found you a dog." And described her. "Get Her" said mom. For $45, we got a wonderful spade dog with a microchip. It was love at first sight. I wanted to call her "Redd Foxx". LOL Mom called her Candy Girl.
Mom and Candy Girl were together for 4 fabulous years. Mom died at age 82 & Candy Girl came to live with me. She shares the home with 2 birds and 3 cats [2 indoor 18yr old females and 1 in/outdoor 6yr old male]. A wonderful addition to our fur & feathers family. The cats - all adopted from the SPCA.

Gypsy Rose
Gulfport, FL

The asthmatic kitten...

The asthmatic kitten...

This is Scratch.
As a kitten Scratch was asthmatic.
Unable to breath normally (lungs too small for his body), he wheezed and gasped his way through months of gut-wrenching breathing.
The vet told me that he would likely not survive his kittenhood because his lungs could not support this little body far less a fully-grown feline body.
No matter, I couldn't leave this beautiful boy for euthanizing - not without showing him some measure of earthly love. So home he went where he was rocked, cuddled, sang to, and loved without end, even though I knew his life could end all too soon.
Scratch is now eight (8) years old, healthy as a horse (and almost as big). He grew; his lungs grew. He got over whatever allergies he had.
He is now the easy-breathing, romping big brother of Sam, Speckles and Silhouette.
Scratch and I have a very special bond.

R. Gabrielle Berry
Toronto, Canada

"I'd give up my tail any day..."

"I'd give up my tail any day..."

This is Sammy B'eau B'Ammi.
Sam was abandoned when his owner moved, taking Sam's sibling, but not Sam. From this point on, the little fellow survived around a public school where he was found by Leslie. Leslie already had two cats and a dog; she couldn't afford to adopt Sam, but she fed him and did what she could, which included introducing me to Sam.
When I moved from the area, Sam remained on my mind. The memory troubled me. The school would be re-opening soon. Would Sam be scared, mistreated by students? Fall would be arriving soon. Would Sam be cold, perhaps get sick? And then there'd be winter...
I asked Leslie to capture the little guy. I said I'd come and get him. She did, I did, and Sam joined my 2 other cats to make 3:
Scratch, Speckles and Sam.
After adjusting to his new home, Sam probably went under a car, the car probably started, and this is probably how Sam lost his tail. It was so badly dislocated that it had to be amputated.
Still, if he could talk, I'll bet he would say: "I'd give up my tail any day for my new mommy. And God bless Aunt Leslie who took care of me and introduced me and mommy."

R. Gabrielle Berry
Toronto, Canada

Silly Billy picks the right yard

Silly Billy picks the right yard

My sister found Silhouette (Silly Billy) in our front yard. She was no more than a "baby"; yet she was so skinny, she reminded me of a spider, which was almost what I called her.
When I took her to the vet, Silly Billy was found to be pregnant and these unborn kittens had to be aborted before Silly Billy could be spayed.
Now she shares a home with brothers Sammy and Scratch, and sister Speckles; and she's as contented as she looks in her picture.

R. Gabrielle Berry
Toronto, Canada

Winston and Montana

Winston and Montana

We visited the Kentucky Dachshund Rescue after losing a much loved doxie to a clot after surgery. We fell totally in love with a little boy doxie Montana. Unfortunately, Montana had a friend, and we left without him because two new dogs were more than we felt our 16 year old mix doxie would tolerate. When we returned home, our hearts were heavy and after talking with the rescue many times we decided to take both of these babies. The rescue staff were wonderful with tips and advice on how to adjust to rescue puppies. Winston has some socialization issues since he was from a puppy mill, and is very afraid of everyone and everything. He has a great fear of stairs and being carried, but they are both such lovable babies. We work everyday at helping Winnie accept people and understand that no one will hurt him here. Montana is our clown... he has more energy than 4 -10 year old boys and keeps us laughing. He loves the stuffing in comforters and pillows and we have had a serious talk about not touching either. His toys are very important to him and at times becomes very protective, but we are learning to share. They both are adjusting well after only 4 months and love each other. Daisey, our 16 year old is adjusting and tolerating, well most the time. I can't tell you enough how important these rescue centers are to these sweet babies, please consider adoption!

Betsy Dennis
Winchester, KY

MIss Dixie a southern refugee

MIss Dixie a southern refugee

We met her at a dog walk for a local spca in Westchester County NY It was love at first sight !
Our Corgie now has a best friend. We watch them chase, bite and have so much fun. Our Main Coon cat is also enjoying having another buddy to torment. She is just a natural friendly puppy and she has added much pleasure to our household.

joel weiser
Garrison, NY