Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Shiloh on a ride

Shiloh on a ride

I adopted Shiloh a year and a half ago from the Animal Welfare Association in Voorhees, NJ. Her owner had died and she was surrendered by the family. We were an instant hit. She now keeps me active by taking at least 5 walks a day, either to the bay or to the park. And she just loves sitting in her snazzy car seat!

Andrea Montgomery
Villas, NJ

The good life!!

The good life!!

This is Sadie the lemon beagle and Sammy a red bone/beagle mix. The both were from Tall Tail's Beagle Rescue in Maine. Actually Sammy never got to Maine, we fostered him and after a week decided he was staying forever. We do not know anything about their past life. Sammy was half the weight he is now when he was first found in the woods of Vt. He was in very bad shape. Sadie had been with us for about a year when we got Sammy but they loved each other from the beginnng. Sadie was always very loving but it has taken Sammy about a year to learn what love and attention are all about. He did not know toys, treats or stairs but he does now. They both however love belly rubs and going for rides. Plus laying in the bay window as they are in the picture. They also play together and with the three cats in the house and kennel attached to the house that is cat and dog proofed. They definately are loved by us very much. I can't imagine life without them. Every day is still a new learning experience for all of us. I think they now both have "The Good Life" and so do we. Donna and Bob Snow Ludlow, VT.

Donna and Bob Snow
Ludlow, VT

A Special Needs Doberman

A Special Needs Doberman

Ara (fka "Tiara") was brought in to a shelter at 3 months old. She was born with an orthopedic birth defect. She was adopted, but placed back into a shelter at 6 months of age. A special needs Doberman has to find just the right home.
In June, just one week before she was to be euthanized, Doberman Rescue took her in. Then one July day, Ara took a ride to meet a "foster family". It soon became apparent that this was "her" family. She is now is the bratty little sister to Dino, a 5 yr. old male Doberman and Roxy, "the cat". Although she has some physical deformities, her "thinking Doberman" mind is always working on how to get all the toys for herself. Even though that is a full time job, she manages to keep the neighboring Border Collies in line, irritate the cat, chase a few crows (don't tell her she will never catch them) and still get several hours of beauty sleep. As you can tell, the beauty sleep is really working!!!

Ramona, CA

Joey finds his forever home

Joey finds his forever home

Back in 2005, we found Joey on We already had 2 female dogs, but felt the need to have a little boy dog, and started searching for a rescue. Joey came from West Virginia and was rescued by A to Z Rescue. His doxie mom was pregnant when she was rescued from a kill shelter. Three little boys were born -- Joey, Jimmy and Jake. After fighting a terrible bout of scabies and was nearly hairless, we got him -- many oatmeal baths later, he grew into a little beagle/long-haired doxie mix. Our beagle Bailey, mothered him as you can see from an early picture. Joey is now 4 and is happy and healthy. He is such a love bug and has added so much joy to our lives.

Carrie Thomas
Marblehead, MA

Mom rescued on highway

Mom rescued on highway

Our company's computer consultant sent photos to the office of 8 puppies born to the mother who she had found hit by a car on a busy four lane highway. She rushed the dog to her vet and was able to save mom and pups. My college bound daughter had brought home her boyfriends pitbull, Wrangler, just a few weeks before and I knew my husband was going to divorce me (Daisy made 3 dogs and 3 cats). I just couldn't resist. I don't think he'd give anything for her now - she is the most loving and sweetest dog I've ever seen. She soon became Wrangler's shadow - they play and do everything together. They are now well spoiled and loved excessively along with our other pets.

Sheila West
Willis, VA

Black Kitty Adopts Family

Black Kitty Adopts Family

Let me just say...."I'm not a cat person!" Not because I don't like cats, but because I am so allergic to cats. Well, this little black stray did not know that. I ignored him for weeks hoping he would move on....he didn't. One night I was taking my doggies out to potty and it had been raining buckets. I heard him crying pitifully under my car. I coaxed "it" out and was appalled to see that he was literally, skin and bones! I only had dog food to give him, which he thankfully ate. The next day I bought him dry cat food. After a week of living in my garage, he bolted into the house one morning. I was forced to pick him up to learn he was declawed and defenseless outside. He had a bad bite on his tail. How could someone have abandoned a defenseless kitty outside, with no claws to defend himself; no way to climb a tree to escape predators; no way to hunt for food!
Went to the vet. I learned kitty was a neutered male. No microchip located. I told the vet how allergic I was to kitty's. The vet advised if he were bathed every other week, I would have no allergy problem. The next day was grooming day for my doggies, so I talked the groomer into attempting a bath for kitty. He totally accepted it, as if he knew this was his ticket to living with me. So now, I guess I am a cat person. Unnamed black kitty is settling in well with my doggies and we have really had no issues.
I can't do much to help these economic times; but I can help a black kitty who knew he was at the right place before I did.

Barbara Keithly
Tampa, FL

Sweet Kitten

Sweet Kitten

Macchi, is a beautiful very small cat. She showed up at our house one day, she was so very small but a beautiful kitten, she was about 3 months or so old. She left and about 2 or so days she came back, with a broken tail, but said nothing, just layed on a bed we had for the cats. To make a long tale sort, we took her to the vet. they had to cut ALL of her tail off, she got spay, and shots and is now in the house, she loves to give kisses and will sit hugging you as long as you let her. We love her, we have 7 cats that have showed up and we had spay or notered but they stay outside, and 2 inside, one Billy has 7 toes on his front paws,

Betty Jean Meyer
Anderson, CA

Big Jack

Big Jack

I trapped Jack along with his entire family - Mom and three feral kittens - just as the weather was getting frigid. Mom and Jack were throw-aways but their babies were born outside.

I was overwhelmed to get the whole family, and Jack here would have died had I not trapped him. He was gravely injured, covered with ticks, and when I shined a light on the trap he showed me every one of his teeth - SCARY! The poor boy was petrified, but we got him vetted and he stayed with me for nearly 8 months as my foster son.

He turned out to be the biggest marshmallow and it was a wrench giving him up. He protected me from the shower every night, trying to stop me from going in, and he would cry until I got out. What a love. But he has since been adopted by a wonderful family and I'm lucky enough to pet sit for them. His "wife" and two of his babies were also adopted and went to loving homes.

We kept his son, Samson, a beautiful, sweet, cuddly orange tabby with a squinty eye. It was impossible to resist him!

Nashua, NH

Little Ashby

Little Ashby

After several visits to the local animal control I found Ashby, the only Siamese in her litter. She was adorable. I had recently lost a Siamese due to an illness and was hoping to find one similar in looks and I did. I could not be more happy. She has the best personality of any cat that I have ever even encountered.

Amy Navarre
Jackson, MI

BB's New Life

BB's New Life

My new addition's name is BB. She picked me just a year ago this month. I found her on the PetFinder website. There were 3 Frenchies to choose from. We drove two and a half hours from Columbus, Ohio to Toledo, Ohio on a Saturday afternoon. We when arrived they took us into a very small room and brought in the two remaining Frenchies. As soon as I sat down, BB sat right next to me and never moved. That is why I say she picked me. She had been rescued from a breeder. She was a year and a half old and already had 2 litters of pups. The breeder didn't want her anymore because all of the puppies died so she wasn't being productive. She is missing 2 pads on one of her back feet and 1 pad on the other. My vet says this was probably caused from being kept in a cage with no bottom. She also has a bum ear which was caused by a severe infection that went untreated. The first few months were very difficult. She had never been out of a cage so she didn't know what anything was; such as, grass, doors, etc. She is now a permanent part of our family and I don't know what we did before she came to us. She loves her big brother Bumper and her human kids as well. She is so sweet and loving. I don't know how anyone could have abused or neglected her. She has lots of litte quirps but they are all part of the sweetness that is BB. Everyone who has a loving home to offer should adopt/rescue. The rewards are endless and so are the puppy kisses.

Julie Walker
Johnstown, OH