Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



We weren't looking for a dog when we got Friday; we already had our two rescue cats in our tiny house. But my sister expressed interest in finding a specific breed, and as I was looking at, I found one at a shelter near work.

That dog had been adopted, but since I was there I asked if there were any other small dogs I could tell my sister about. They brought out Friday, scared, but with such a sweet, gentle disposition. It took the next week to talk my husband into bringing her home, but he's so glad that he did.

She gets along wonderfully with our cats and gives them baths when they'll let her (usually they watch her at a safe distance, looking either annoyed or amused). She's a cuddle-bug on the couch with us in the evenings, and she's a fun walking partner. We're so glad she's part of our lives.

Nashville, TN

Josh - A Lovable Blessing to All of Us!

Josh - A Lovable Blessing to All of Us!

Josh and a brother - both McNabs (a bred offshoot of Border Collies) were neglected in a pen. We were told his brother kept climbing the fence to get out, so the owners got rid of both dogs. His brother didn't make it. Josh was taken into a Sanctuary for about 5 weeks where another dog bit him on the head for playing ball. I found him on - while looking for a companion dog for our Border Collie - Abby.

He came to us frightened, skeptical, wary, and with a fresh bite wound on his head. He wanted affection, but was scared.

Now he does Agility, Jumpers classes, and is Flyball champion because of his wonderful and supportive team - the New Mexico High Desert Sundogs! His confidence is up, and he e enjoys absolutely everything! He is back to playing catch with total abandon - and always insists on getting to the ball first. His sister Abby, a Therapy dog who is also a shelter rescue - enjoy their days playing, exploring, and resting together. During the summer we all enjoy long walks exploring the foothills of New Mexico, and traveling to as many Flyball Tournaments as possible.

Josh is an absolutely delightful dog. He enjoys affection, bows his little head while being stroked and gives you his paw. He uses Abby's behind as a pillow when she'll let him. He loves to please, hike, play catch, tug-o-war, and squeeze those squeaky toys. He and Abby now enjoy a raw meaty-bone diet supplemented with vitamins, but we are the ones getting the biggest rewards.

He is an absolute blessing to us all!

C Chavez
Albuquerque, NM

A Prescious Gift

A Prescious Gift

I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor. I was living in a rooming house when I was given a most "Prescious" gift. I was on the front porch, enjoying the mid October air, when I heard a loud cry. I followed it to a van about 3 houses down. I looked to the gutter, covered in mud and wet was a 4 to 4 1/2 week old kitten. I scooped her up and took her home.
Once inside, I cleaned her up and found under the mud and muck was a little black kitten. Being alone, away from my family, I found a new reason to get out of bed every morning. My Prescious.
As you see in the picture, she has gotten a lot bigger. She is happy, healthy and a very loving cat.
Since the day I found her, I moved into my own place, while my husband is in Afghanistan and my kids finish school, Prescious and I have added two more to our home. Both are as black as she is, with almost the same markings. A small white thumb print on the hollow of her throat.
The older of the two kittens is Maharette, she is a bit longer haired, but marked exactly like Prescious and has gold eyes, and then there is our smallest, Pandora. Pandora has sleek black fur like Preasious, but one white back toe, the white thumb print on the hollow of her throat and a white patch on ther tummy. Pandora has green eyes where Prescious has amber.
All three are fixed and all three give me a run for my money. But most of all, they help me get through the chemo and day to day life of living with cancer and missing my family.

Fresno, CA

Our Happy guy

Our Happy guy

Happy always lived up to his name, starting at the rescue's vet office, where he had to be cleaned up from living on the streets for weeks. Although he was flea-infested, covered in grime, with barely any fur left (along with the longest nails the rescuer had ever seen!) he had a big smile on his face, and nothing but kisses and love for any human he met. We were lucky enough to have Happy in our lives for several years, losing him to congestive heart failure at age 12. We urge everyone to "make someone HAPPY" by adopting your next pet from a rescue or shelter!

Cheryl Rice
Lansing, MI

Our happiest kitty

Our happiest kitty

When our older cat died, our younger cat was despondent. We decided she needed a new companion and went to the Humane Society shelter. Meriwether, as we would rename her, was at the shelter, recently rescued at a local high school after falling into a container of diesel. She'd been bathed within an inch of her life but still had a few shaved spots from matted hair.

Shortly after coming home with us, Meri developed a bad kitty cold. We weren't sure she'd survive, but my husband force-fed her and got antibiotics down her for a week. When she recovered, she truly recovered. She turned into the most energetic kitten we'd ever seen. We went from not being sure Meri would live to not being sure she would fit in with the household. I feel silly now for ever wondering such a thing.

Meri still has bursts of energy, but she is also the happiest, most loving kitty I've ever known. She loves to cuddle when it's cold, hangs out with me constantly, and is always ready to play with her sister kitty, who has finally accepted her, too.

Cindy R.
Chapel Hill, NC

Rescue me, rescue you

Rescue me, rescue you

This is Baby-Girl. She was a birthday present to me when she was 3 mos. old. Some dear friends who had too many pit bulls already needed this sweet girl gone because their dogs wouldn't take another female in the house. She had come from California, by way of an over the fence rescue: They swiped her from a yard where she was tethered to a big chain in the sun, with no water, food or shade. The alternative was a shelter.
She became road-buddy to me, as we made our way across the US by way of my thumb in the air. We've lived on ranches, (where she picked up the art of cattle dog), in tents, cars, and fancy homes. She is coyote killer, rabbit hunter, listener and friend. She is dancer with horses, momma with baby animals, and goofball with her friends. She is what Dog was meant to be.
She just turned 10 this year, and though her joints slow her down a bit, that pitty smile is always waiting for me when i get home. I settled down, got married, and am raising my daughter with this wonderful creature always wanting a space on the couch. I tear up just to think of all the adventures and miles this dog and i have shared. It's nice to know she can retire in comfort, like an old dog should.

Rose Coffman
lakewood, CO

Love at First Hiss

Love at First Hiss

I wanted a cat. I'd been told my whole life I couldn't have one for various reasons, mostly other people's allergies. Well I finally had my own place and was getting a cat. I went to the shelter with my heart set on taking home a kitten. I went to look at the cats up for adoption and none of them really seemed right and I was getting discouraged. Then the woman who ran the shelter showed me the cats that weren't ready for adoption yet. I knew that I was up to the challenge and wanted my cat to be socialized to me so I told her I would do the socializing. I saw him huddled in the corner with a few other trembling felines. I thought he was gorgeous and went to pet him. It was love at first hiss. I took him home and after a few weeks of wondering if he'd ever come around, I suddenly had a new best friend. After not even being able to even look in his direction without him running away to hide under the bed, Stewie is now my little shadow. He talks to me, sleeps at my feet, and is a constant source of love and entertainment. He always greets me when I come home and I couldn't imagine life without him. I'm so happy I was able to give him the loving home he truly deserves. He hit the jackpot with me!

Rebecca Kessinger
Tampa, FL

Love of  a Skunk

Love of a Skunk

Skunk was a ferral cat living in a sump next to my sister's house. After 6 months we realized it wasnt a skunk we were feeding but actually a ferral cat. It took about 2 years to get this lovely little boy close enough to grab & take home. Skunky has been in the house for over 3 years & is happy as can be sleeping is a warm comfortable bed and snuggling with his brothers Squeek & Moo. Skunk has had many vet visits and recently had all his teeth removed to eliminate the pain associated with stomatitis. He has NO desire to try to venture out of his safe home. I truly feel he wanted to be saved. While still a little hestitant of people, he is full of love, comes to bed with me every night for belly rubs & purrs louder then any of his brothers. He is a fur ball of love.

Lake Grove, NY

She was meant to be with us

She was meant to be with us

After rescuing a baby pigeon that turned out to be severely handicapped, we had to euthanize the poor guy after only 7 months. We had named him Pookie. Having wanted a dog for many years, we then decided the rescue concept was right for us, so looked at the local shelter and registered with 1-800-Save-a-Pet. Over the next few weeks, only 4 dogs were a match - each named Pookie! Obviously, we were destined to adopt one of them. The last one looked like the Cairn Terrier we wanted, so after passing the adoption tests, and meeting the foster parents, we took Pookie home with us. She immediately settled in and all that she asks of us is belly rubs! The love we share for each other knows no bounds - she is so happy and the center of our lives now.

Dale & Ken
Rancho Mirage, CA



Our cat Brownie was found by our door. No one claimed him and he became a good part of our family. Later on we realized he was deaf and blind. A month later he can meow, but is still a little bit deaf and blind.

Lansing, MI