Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Too Cute

Too Cute

This is her first puppy photo. Isn't she just too cute? That's why we call her "TC" Her official name is Too Cute. We found TC at a local rescue shelter when she was just six weeks old. She was a skinny puff of fur, weighing only 2.7 pounds. Once my daughter held her, she just kept saying "Oh mommy! She's just too cute!" and it stuck. TC and her 5 litter mates had been dropped of at the shelter by a person who had dropped off many litters before. He refused to neuter his dogs and they produced litter after litter of unwanted puppies. After two weeks of love and affection, TC doubled her weight and quadrupled her energy. Today, five years later TC is a beloved member of my family, and a source of unconditional love, and unflinching loyalty. She's the "biggest" little dog I know. with a joy and intelligence that is a delight to all of us. TC is half Cocker Spaniel and half Wire hair Terrier. We couldn't have designed a better dog if we'd tried. She's the perfect size for our home, and has the best of both breeds' personalities. She'll laze with you as you watch TV or work at the computer, or she'll be ready to play as soon as you suggest it. She loves to run like the wind, or ride in the car and she'll happily chase a flashlight beam for hours. I don't think I can remember what my life was like before TC came to live with us, but with her as a member of the family.. life is good.

Stony Point, NY

Brothers in another life?

Brothers in another life?

Having lost our cat, Lulu, just before Christmas we were without a pet... until New Year's Day when we got a phone call from a relative (thank you Sheri) about a cat that had been found eating food from a bird table; sure enough the emaciated 9 month old was with us by nighttime. Noah soon settled into his new home and turned out to be great at 'fetch'; he was happy to stay indoors which suited us fine and is a lively and loving animal. Two months later my husband was browsing Craigslist and there was the dog he had always wanted... a Yorkshire Terrier, also found wandering and starving. After a day of filling in forms and checks with our vet, etc... 18 month year old Bandit came home too. Since the day Bandit arrived he and Noah have been inseparable. They sleep together, play together, swap meals and share their toys. When Bandit was practicing his obedience training, Noah joined in too! They sit happily at the door watching the birds on the feeders... planning the impossible? I don't think any two 'foundlings' could be better matched and we certainly feel blessed to have been sent these two lovely boys. Thank goodness too for people who are watchful and willing to act when animals seem to be in need.

Rosemary Johnson
Center Point, AL

North Shore Animal League in Long Island

North Shore Animal League in Long Island

Got Cody from N.S.A.L. in L.I. a few weeks ago. Everyone at N.S. was very nice and it was a very pleasant experience. Since I design pet T-Shirts for a living I made one of Cody. If you would like one made of your pet go to... my pets tshirt. put a www. in fount of the w's and run all letters together with a .com at the end.
My Best, Tommy

Tom Kolendra
Huntington Station, NY

My Lucky boy

My Lucky boy

It was Sunday, Father's day of 2006 and I most certainly did not want to go out that day. I was practically forced and headed into the city but was disappointed that the train station where I lived was closed and I would be forced to walk over 8 blocks to the next train station. It appeared there was another round of train track-work being done. So I reluctantly headed out. I barely made it across the corner of where I live and I see a skinny, dirty white and tan cat following people around. This was no alley cat. He was eager for attention and seemed very hungry. I approached him and he quickly rose up on his hind legs so that I could pet his head, which I did. He had no collar and it looked like he had been in the streets for some time.

I could not believe no one had fed or given the poor thing any water. I grabbed the scraggily thing by his scruff and brought him home where I knew he would NOT be welcomed. As soon as I could, I brought the cat in to the local ASPCA to surrender him. However they had no room for him.

I brought the cat I named Lucky, back home, and tried my best to have someone take him. But I was quickly becoming attached to him despite the fact that he was very, very naughty. He broke so many things I didn't know what to do. But he was sweet, very sweet, smart and frisky. I soon came to realize his rambunctious was a sign of high anxiety. With lots of patience, love and of course training, he soon became my ideal animal companion, best friend, and inspiration.

New York, NY

Kiya our Beautiful Rescued Dalmation

Kiya our Beautiful Rescued Dalmation

We have had Kiya for almost 4 years, My husband and I original got Kiya from the Dalmatian Rescue in Turlock, California for my Great Nephew who was turning 3 years old and whose mother was estranged due to drugs, so we wanted him to have a dog to help him get through a very difficult time in his life. My Sister had taken over the responsibility of raising the very busy 3 year old and thought this would be a good idea. Kiya at the time was determined to be between 2 and 3 years old. She had two previous owners and really needed a loving home. My husband and I had to keep her for two weeks until my nephew's birthday and we fell in love with her, so many people said "Dalmatians are so high strung and really hyper." We found just the opposite. Kiya was the most passive, loving, cuddly, sweetest tempered animal I had ever been around. Well the time came for Kiya to go to Caleb's birthday party and live at her new home and it was killing us to have to take her, but we had already told my sister that we had gotten her for Caleb so felt we needed to follow through. I told my sister that if she felt Caleb was to young just let us know that we would love to have her back. Well 24 hours later the call came, lucky for us! That is how we now have the most beautiful Dalmatian with the best temperament you could ask for. We don't know what we will do when she gets old and goes to doggie heaven, she has been the best dog any one could ever ask for.

Tina and Jim Meyers
Modesto, CA



We live in Bali (Indonesia) half the year. It's a wonderful country, but being 3rd world, the most heartbreaking sites are strays. Lassie lives in the street... but prefers it. Yeah... not an original name... but some children named her. Anyway, whenever she sees us she comes running and we feed her sometimes twice a day. Her problem was that she was constantly getting pregnant and covered with mange. It took 5 people but the mobile vet unit came and took her away and friends paid to have her sterilized and cured of the mange. Now, she is happy and healthy, still roaming the streets, as she loves her freedom. She is cooling off on the mini Hindu temple.

rome, Italy

Lynx and The Bunny

Lynx and The Bunny

Five years ago I went to the SPCA for a new cat. I sat in a chair in the center of one of two rooms and waited as 60 cats wandered in and out. I eventually was met by a beautiful Maine Coon who climbed into my lap and loved me up one side and down the other. And so the love affair began, I named him Lynx. What an amazing loving/compassionate cat... a greeter to all guests, a guardian of the yard.... and then last year he became my hero when he brought home a very young starving male to eat from his bowl. 'The Bunny' (as I named him) was traumatized beyond belief with a cataract in one eye due to a wound. It took close to a month for me to even get close to him... wildy clawing the air, no purrs, so scared. Could I or would I keep him? With Tellington Touch, Cranial Sacral, Reiki and with much Love and Patience he has turned into a beautiful loving cat .... bringing more joy and laughter into our home sweet home.

C. Hart
Nelson, Canada

Seniors are awesome!

Seniors are awesome!

Our family took in a 12 year old GSD that was about to be euthanized in March of 2008. We were only going to foster him until he could find rescue. Needless to say, my family fell in love with this big ole guy in no time. River had found his forever home! Sadly, we only had the love of this senior sweetheart for 9 months until he had to be euthanized due to medical reasons. But what a wonderful experience it was for our family. Never walk past the seniors without considering them! River was one of the best dogs we could have ever asked for and I pray one day we will be together again. Rest in Peace my sweet baby! WE LOVE AND MISS YOU!

Delsie Williams
Mt Washington, KY

Miss Pookie

Miss Pookie

I found Miss Pookie meowing loudly under my bird feeder on May 1st. I took her to our veterinarian shortly afterwards and he estimated her to be 7 or 8 months old. She weighed approximately 2 pounds. I had her spayed as soon as she gained a bit of weight, and was strong enough. She is a very loving, and vocal pet. Miss Pookie loves to say good morning to everyone, and always thanks me for feeding her!

Joanne Odjick
Maniwaki, Canada

Nubbie Tail ; A Blessing Beyond Measure!

Nubbie Tail ; A Blessing Beyond Measure!

I was working at a local convenience store/ gas station. I worked the 4 a.m. to 3 p.m. shift. During breaks and my lunch I would often sit outside. I had seen 4 or 5 little kittens by the dumpster many times but, they were wild and very fast.
Over the course of summer me and the other girls at work made a point of getting customers to help us catch and adopt the kittens and the momma. I thought they had all been captured but to my surprise a small orange and white kitten had been left behind.
I grew up with cats and my daughter always had a cat. I was never really close to any of them and thought of my self as more of a dog person.

I kept feeding and eventually spending time with the little cat I named Nubbie Tail. I guess six months had pasted and I began to wonder and worry about him so much so that, would often go to work early and go by in the evening.
I prayed every night that the Lord would send angels to watch over him and I asked that he help Nubbie to trust me. I got a call late one night from a trucker that said he had trapped him in the back of his rig.
I will never forget the day I brought Nubbie Tail home!

I could never put into words the love I have for this cat! By the grace of God I have been blessed! Nubbie has touched my families heart and filled our souls!

Oil springs, KY