Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Perfect "Aloof" Cat!

My Perfect "Aloof" Cat!

I found Max when volunteering at the Humane Society. I asked if they had any aloof cats. Max certainly fit the bill! He'd been there over a year because he was so stand-offish. A giant white hunter, I took him home and found out what a gentle soul he has. Lots of people overlooked this amazing cat because he wasn't needy. Their loss is my gain!

Burlington, VT

Dixie & Amber - Best Friends

Dixie & Amber - Best Friends

These are my girls (DNA)- Dixie is my german shepard mix adopted from the Freeport Shelter in 2005. Amber is my mutt, adopted from the Town Shelter in '07. After our ACD (who was picked up off the streets in 1995 with 7 puppies) passed Dixie was sad. My husband and I had a lot going on at home, so that Dixie was not alone all day, we set off to find her a dog of her own. I walked into the shelter and started crying. (It is very sad to see how many animals do not have forever homes) Amber was in the first cage on my left.
We were a little nervous at first after an itnitial tiff over a bone but long story short -what a great choice. Now Amber knows she gets her own toys and bones and shares with Dixie. They are best friends -unseperateable. They always have to be together and Amber does what ever Dixie does. Both dogs have a great life and travel to PA with us on the weekends. They swim, have play dates and are very much a part of our family & our extended family. As the saying goes, "They make our lives complete"

A quick thank you to the Animal Rescue Site, all it's sponsors,, and all the organizations that are out there to help. Without you so many additional animals would be in need.
Please click every day.

Vickie Stupar
Seaford, NY



I was helping with a geological survey in Essex County, Ontario, and while making a measurement on teh lawn of a farm, I suddenly saw a beautiful orange-and-white tabby right by my leg, looking up at me and clearly asking to be petted. I look up, and saw a bunch of kittens, so I thought these people are probably looking for homes for their kittens. I asked the farmer, and she told me the following story: They have four in-doors cats. The farm nearby got a barn cat, but only fed her twice a week, intending her to hunt mice the rest of the time. So the cat voted with her paws and moved to them. This process repeated itself twice more, so they suddenly had seven cats, three of which were out-doors and very pregnant. They had scheduled for these three to be spayed, but meanwhile they had nine kittens to find homes to... So Hugo went home with me. He is now a magnificent, sweet natured self-possessed tabby. Hugo would walk away if my baby girl pulled or squeeshed him, and now she knows to be gentle, and gets to cuddle mith Hugo.
By the way, he's a great mouser!
Sharon, NT

Sharon Katz
Inuvik, Canada



For the first time in our married life, we were without a cat. After two months of grieving for our lost kitty, we dropped in to Siamese Rescue in Kansas City and fell for Smokey, a beautiful Blue Point. He now has his forever home and is one pampered cat. He shares his home with Callie, a Calico Siamese.

Norman Bernauer
Kansas City, MO

Your loss our gain

Your loss our gain

Lady was picked up, by the local humane society, with three puppies, which were adopted immediately. She came close to being put down because of a skin condition. She has made our life wonderful for nearly 10 years. Elwood & Patty

Patty Agee
Moberly, MO

Saving Jewel

Saving Jewel

Jewel is my rescued, pure-bred Shiloh German Shepherd dog. Someone left her in a grocery store parking lot in my hometown. A woman found her wandering inbetween the cars in the lot (probably searching for her owners). The Sheriff's Dept. took Jewel to the local shelter. They advertised her as a lost dog, but no one ever claimed her. She was already neutered, and they guessed her age to be 2 years old. She wound up having Demodex Mange and a bacterial infection. After 6 weeks in the shelter, she was rushed to a local animal hospital. She was bleeding, with open sores all over her body. They had to bring her in using a catch pole, because she was out of her mind in pain and biting people. She was emaciated as well, weighing only 62 lbs. She almost died of septic poisoning. They operated on Jewel, totally shaving her and scraping her wounds. I adopted Jewel one week after her surgery. My Vet said she had never treated a case of Demodex Mange as severe as Jewel's. It took several months of baths, medicine, and vet visits to help Jewel heal. Today, she is totally healthy, and is a beautiful, majestic dog weighing in at 94 lbs. Wherever we go, people compliment her on her looks. I call her my "Gentle Giant." Jewel is the most caring, loving, and sensitive dog. She shares her home with me and 9 rescued cats. I did not know how beautiful Jewel was going to be. All I ever cared about was saving her from a life filled with pain. Today, she is loved more than ever.

My message: PLEASE rescue animals ...... even the sick ones.

Cheri Doolittle
Albany, NY

Abby's Story

Abby's Story

I was on my way to run some errands when I noticed a kitty about to walk into a busy highway. I used my car to cut her off, thinking it would scare her. She just stopped, so I opened my passenger door and she jumped in. Abby rode in the car with me while I ran my errands. That was 7 years ago. Abby has been the best addition to our family. My husband and I always say that she was meant to be our kitty.

Warrior, AL

O'Malley the Alley Cat

O'Malley the Alley Cat

After volunteering at the Zoo Boo at our local zoo my daughters stopped at Wendy's for dinner. They spotted a kitten by the dumpster and when they approached him he was eager to go home with them. That was 6 years ago and he has been a valued member of our family ever since. O'Malley is very affectionate and greets me everyday when I get home from work with a hearty meow. He is very vocal, loves to talk and will let you know when it's time to eat (as you can see by his picture!) He has definately become "my" cat the girls often accuse him of "running to mom to tattle" when he doesn't like something they're doing. Life just wouldn't be the same without our dumpster diver!

Lori Wesner
Battle Creek, MI

Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny

This Beagle/Basset Hound was found and caught in the woods. She must have been very abused throughout her life. We feel in love with her big brown sad eyes and with lots of patience and love she has slowly been coming around. We have had her a year now and she is still very fearful but is slowly learning that she is safe. My two male beagles keep her close and have taught her many things from enjoying walks, eating bones and relaxing in her bed. She has come a long way!

Decatur, GA



Brody and his mother were abandoned when their owners moved out. His mother did not survive and Brody was the worst case of starvation our local Humane Society had ever seen. Now, he is not starving for food OR love! He recently passed his AKC Canine Good Citizen class and will be continuing classes to become a therapy dog. As happy as we have made him, he's made us even happier and I am forever grateful to the wonderful people who saved him.

Jennifer Schultz
Barberton, OH