Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

God sent

God sent

This is my dog Sasha. She was found by my mother on a cold, snowy and icy Nov. night in 2008. My mom brought her home, and called for me to see her. When I got downstairs, she had precious Sasha in her arms. She was only a tiny baby, and was scared to death and freezing. My sister and I took her upstairs and gave her a nice warm bath, but when we did, we found lots of scabs and a terrible rash on her entire body. So the next day I took her to the vet and found out that she had staph infection all over her skin from being out in the cold all by herself for so long. Also, I found out that she was only about 6-7 weeks and the vet predicted that she had been out on her own for a while. Luckily, with some meds, the infection cleared right up and she was able to run around and play with my parents two labradors. When my (then) boyfriend came down to meet her for the first time, we were all amazed that he wasn't allergic to her! My husband is allergic to EVERYTHING, and so it was quite the miracle that a little puppy found on the side of the road, was one of the only dogs that he wasn't allergic to. Now, she's almost two years old, and is loving every minute of her life. Sasha loves to cuddle with us in bed, even though she's as big as we are. We are so glad and blessed to have her in our lives. We know now, that we will NEVER bring any other pet into our home that isn't adopted :)

Springfield, MO

Bosco the Wild Man!

Bosco the Wild Man!

We rescued Bosco on the hottest day of summer, five years ago when the power went out in Ohio. The people left him out on the porch in the sun, didn't know if he was a boy or girl, no name-just said take it, we don't want it. He was so small he fit in my hand. I'm sure he would've died that day. He's now going on 6 and still chasing the girls-he's my wild man!! He's such a sweetheart, I'm so glad he came to live with us (and so are the girls!).

Lynne Sestak
Eastlake, OH

My Jessie

My Jessie

This is my beautiful full blooded Sheltie Jessie. He was living at a place that had way too many dogs. She had over a 100! My poor Jessie was 7 months old and thrown in a pen by his self. His water was green, the weeds in the pen where knee high, and he wasn't socialized at all. He was so skittish when we first brought him home that all he did was lay in the corner and watch us. He was so dirty I thought he was black and gray. We brought him home, fed and bathed him and that was when I found out he was actually tri colored! (black, brown, and white). We have had him almost 4 years and he is the best dog. He is so spoiled and loved. He is truly part of our family. I am so glad we rescued him!

Bremen, GA

Mei Ling - A Big Island Love Story

Mei Ling - A Big Island Love Story

The Big Island of Hawaii is rife with feral cats. One day, friends found a litter of feral kittens near death. Miraculously, all of them were nursed back to health. Knowing my deep love of animals, on my birthday my husband and stepson presented me with Mei Ling. She was SO tiny when she came to our home. And full of unconditional love. Today, she is a dear companion and friend. Each morning, she lovingly wakes me up to dine together. In the evenings, we play hide-and-go-seek. We even take showers together - she actually gets in the spray! A Hawaiian cat to be sure :) I feel truly blessed to be gifted with her company and our heart connection.

Kay Richford
Kona, HI

Our Little Foundling

Our Little Foundling

Frankie came to us in late 2003. One of our neighbors had rescued him from a Dumpster and brought him home, but couldn't keep him inside due to their other cat and dog. No matter; he chose to come and live with me and my elderly mother.

One of the sweetest cats I've ever met, Frankie loved everybody and was convinced they loved him back. And they did; even dog people loved him. I was expecting a friend to drop by once and told him all about her, how she loved kittycats and had a dog and cat of her own. He looked up at me with wide eyes, as if saying, "Really?!" I knew he understood. When she opened her car door in the driveway, he actually jumped in the car with her!

A few years ago, Frankie started having chronic respiratory symptoms; we figured he might have allergies. The vet said they sometimes get these cold-like conditions that are very hard to cure. Then last year, he developed digestive problems. After a week of hospitalization, they diagnosed it as pancreatitis and put him on a special diet for life.

But the worst was yet to come. I spent Valentine's Day night of 2009 in the vet ER with Frankie. He was breathing very quickly and shallowly. An X-ray revealed that he only had 1/4 of his normal lung capacity because his chest cavity was filled with fluid! He was able to come home the next afternoon for one night, but was then hospitalized at his vet until his death the following week.

Although validation would've required expensive postmortem testing, Frankie had all the textbook symptoms of FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis. There is no reliable test, no vaccine, no cure. Read about this awful disease online and be aware!

Lynn Thompson
Neptune Beach, FL

Marley's Story

Marley's Story

My name is Marley Joy. I was adopted by my new human family on September 21, 2008. I came from a puppy mill that was closed down, Yea!! All I was allowed there was to have puppies so the owners could make money. I wish I could have kept my sweet babies because I love babies and would have been a wonderful mother to them.
From the puppy mill, I was taken to a shelter where a big dog bit off half of my right ear and punctured my right eye with his big tooth! Mommy got me to the vet quickly and had me all taken care of. I'm slowly learning to trust my new family and my furry brother and sisters. I have a Yorkie brother and sister and a Catahoula sister as well as a Tabby sister. They are all very good to me and love me very much. I wake up every morning happy to have a family. I bark to wake my Mommy so she can take me outside. I run around in the yard with my new brothers and sisters. I've even learned to swim in the pool! My favorite time of day is after dinner when Mommy sits on the sofa and lets me lay beside her. Mommy and Daddy tell me how special I am every day and I like that. No one ever gave me compliments before. I think I like these things called "home", "family", and "love". I'm slowly learning to trust people because I feel so loved and protected. I know that my new family would never hurt me like those puppy mill people did. I may be 12 years old but I feel like a brand new baby!

Gloria Smith
Warner Robins, GA



I knew it was time for me to add to my family. I started browsing the local shelters for the right one. I saw Kieryan's picture and read that his mom and all this siblings had been removed from a home that could not take care of them properly. When I think that I rescued Kieryan I am wrong he is the most affectionate dog I have ever owned and it turned out that was exactly what I needed. He rescued me.

Kitchener, Canada



I was at work at the animal shelter when Furby came in. She was a 4 week old pit/ husky mix, and came in by herself, no siblings and no mom. She was just starting to get her teeth in. I took her home and fostered her. I bottle fed her and socailized her with everything. She was my baby and went everywhere with me. I finally found her a perfect home. Currently, she is at my feet playing with her toys. Furby will be two this year, I still tell her she is a foster whenever she's in trouble, but she knows I will never give her up. She is still my baby

Hiram, GA

Lucy - Life's Gift

Lucy - Life's Gift

Lucy was just 6 wks. old when she was found on a cold winter day inside a car trying to keep warm, abandoned by her mother, she was cold, injured and helpless. She was rescued and taken to our local vet hospital with life-threatening injuries. Countless surgeries later, at 4 mos. old, my husband saw Lucy up for adoption at our vet hospital. He brought her home for us to love and take care of. Today, she's a 5 yr. old muted calico full of vigor and life! We're so glad she's a part of our family - she's a true gift of life!

Toledo, OH

Mr Ali

Mr Ali

When Ali first came around he was an un neutered fighter. He stayed around my place so I started calling him Muhammad Ali. There are alot of forclosures in my area, although I'm not sure, its possible thats why he no longer had a home. He is now neutered and had all his shots, he no longer fights, so now he is just Mr Ali. He is just the sweetest little guy and he has a home with me.

Las Vegas, NV