Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Joey is a toy poodle who was at death's door on death row in a California kill shelter. at 4 lb, he was elderly, weak, sadly neglected and had been nearly consumed by fleas.

He was pulled by a rescue volunteer the day before he would have been euthanized, and not expected to survive long. I took him to foster for however long he had. Nearly two years later, at 5.5 lb, he is the joy of our household and more than holds his own with three larger dogs and larger cat. He is so funny, he brings daily laughter into our lives.

Diana McAnally
Lyle, WA

Our Little Fighter

Our Little Fighter

Brutus came to us as a foster with his three siblings when they were 2 weeks old. He had a huge abscess on his back and then, at 4 weeks, he broke a leg while playing with his siblings. He wiggled his way into our hearts with all his kisses and cuddles. So, when his siblings were adopted to their 4ever homes, he stayed and became our big baby. He loves to play with our other rescue kitties and dog. Brutus is one of 55 high risk bottle babies that we have loved back to health so they could go to their 4ever homes.

Suzi M.
Barrie, Canada

Manny the Manx Mix

Manny the Manx Mix

Manny was rescued as a kitten, and later it was discovered that he had an anal prolapse, caused by a spinal deformity, common to Manx cats. Thanks to the Homeless Cat Network of the San Francisco Peninsula, who helped him get the proper medical care, Manny, now 10 months old, is a happy indoor cat, sharing our home with our two older cats. His health problem is manageable, and this shows that even cats with special needs can find a loving home and live a happy life.

Martha Witko
San Carlos, CA

Rosie & one of our Mini goats

Rosie & one of our Mini goats

Rosie is a "second hand" rescue. We got Rosie from a friend that rescued Rosie from her previous owner, who was going to shoot her because he couldn't find a stud in her breed (BMD). The previous owner had kept her in a "pet porter" for the first 2 years of her life. He was going to make a puppy mill out of her. ALWAYS get your dog or cat from a rescuer. They will be eternally grateful to you. Oh, and yes she loves our baby goats too

Sharai Coffey
Heber City, UT

Popeye the Jailor Man

Popeye the Jailor Man

My little guy Popeye was one of the many cats that were outside the jail where I work. Popeye was different from all the rest because he wouldn't shy away from people and he would even let you pet him. My friend and I picked him up and we put him in a box to take home. My intention wa to give him to a friend, but once he was sleeping in my arms, I couldn't bear to let him go. Every time I go out I look forward to him running to the door to greet me.

JamieLyn Rossbach
howell, NJ

My Lil One-Eyed Man

My Lil One-Eyed Man

A former friend of mine had some kittens that were only about 8 weeks old. Two of them were born with only one eye. My fiancé and I saw her son take one of the two kittens and he threw it up against the wall - it died. He was ready to pick up the one I have and throw him because he said they were "ugly looking retards," and in his words, "they didn't deserve to live". So we grabbed my little Frodo, and took him home. He sees better than I do, and I wear glasses. He is a great cat, very energetic. When I'm not felling well he is by my side every minute. I am so glad we saved him.

Victoria Locke
Clio, MI

An Unexpected Blessing

An Unexpected Blessing

We rescued Butterscotch, an American Pit Bull Terrier, in the fall of 2008 from an abandoned apartment building in Chicago. She had been left for dead by gang members for a week before we found out about her and went in to rescue her. She was obviously terrified, malnourished and dehydrated, and we could see the sadness in her eyes. Although she is only about 1 year old, she had already had a littler and was obviously used for breeding.
We already had 3 rescue dogs at home and were not planning on taking in another, especially a pit bull ... but from the moment we laid eyes on her, we knew we had to do whatever it would take to save her ... which ultimaltely ended up in keeping her. Her rehabilitation is still a work in progress and has been worth every moment.
Butterscotch has been a true blessing to us, our other dogs and our entire family!

Debby G & Todd S
Evanston, IL

My Girls

My Girls

All of my girls are rescues. The youngest is a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Skylar Maire that came to me so sick that she ended up on the hospital 10 days later with distemper, bacterial pneumonia and sepsis, the vet did not think she would make it, she was so malnourished, just a bag of bones. Well, here we are a year later and you can't stop her from eating and she is healthy as can be. Her sisters take good care fo her and they all sleep with me every night. My oldest is a Golden Ret/Chow Mix named Laci Lu and my middle girl is an Aussie Mix, I call her my scrappy doo, and her name is Miss Bijoux. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. I continue to foster other babies and someday I will probably end up with a couple more. Thank you to all the people out there who devote there lives to these rescues that give you such unconditional love.

Sandisfield, MA

My perfect little furgirl

My perfect little furgirl

(Photo: Madison sleeping with her favorite toy, Lizzy)

Madison and I found each other via in mid-November 2007. She was left outside of a PA animal shelter overnight in a box with no food or water, then found in the morning freezing and very underweight (about 4.5 lbs.). Two weeks after she was picked up by the local poodle rescue organization, she was in my arms - and in my heart forever. And from the moment we met, she's been attached to me like velcro. She's adjusted to NYC life well, and people stop to pet her all the time - and comment on how pretty and sweet she is. Madison's so smart, loving and warm (and a healthy 7 lbs. now), and I miss her when I'm away from her for more than 30 minutes. I am as lucky to have found her as she is to have found me! We saved each other. She is paws-itively my perfect little furgirl. I couldn't have asked for more!

Jocelyn B
New York, NY



I belong to a recycle group online and have gotten some really good deals. One day I came across an ad for 2 cats (sisters), well, my dog (Casey) had died 6 months earlier and I didn't want to go thru that pain again but when I read the girl's story of how she had developed allergies against her cats and was going to have to put them to sleep at one year old I thought, "I can't let that happen", I am a dog person by heart but anyway I wrote this gal and we talked for about 4 days and I told her I would take them. She brought them over and we didn't see them for 24 hrs. They finally came around, I took them to the vet, they had worms, we got that taken care, they got vaccinations, declawed and fixed.
Today u would never know that we haven't had them from birth, the black one is Abby & she is mine, the tabby is Nala & she is IN love with my 27 yr old son. I praise God the day he gave me those girls, I have had dogs since I was 7 years old and the heartbreak of losing one NEVER gets any easier but Abby & Nala in a little way eased some of the heartbreak of losing Casey. When Abby curls up with me and I feel the purring, I know I am feeling unconditional pure love I will never buy a newborn again, I will ALWAYS be a rescuer now.
I love your site and click everyday and have brought a couple of things, I plan to buy more for sure. You are doing a WONDERFUL job, keep up the good work!!! MAY THE LORD BLESS & KEEP YOU!


gail will
palatine, IL