Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Sugar

My Sugar

I searched Petfinders to locate a shelter dog. I have always had shelter or stray dogs.

One day, I saw this little 4 month old pup, she was from a hoarding situation, you could see her ribs and spine and her head looked huge in comparison to her body because she was so malnourished.
I knew she was my girl. We drove 270 miles one way to get her and she rode in my partners lap all the way home.

Today she is six months old and has blossomed. She plays ball, sits, listens, plays, loves her crate, goes for walks on a leash and seems to like some aspects of agility. She is dainty, loving, sweet and funny.
We start doggy school soon to help build up her confidence.

When people tell me "how nice you rescued her"...I tell them no she rescued me--all my dogs, since my childhood, have come into my life just when I needed them....and rescued me.

I am the lucky and loved one to have been touched by the love and spirit of a dog.

Victoria M.
Salem, OR

Crystal Is A Real Gem

Crystal Is A Real Gem

Crystal was adopted from a rescue group called The Lucky Ranch when she was four months old; she will be five years old this year. The first time we met her she came running up to us like we were old friends. She is an energetic girl who loves her walks, rawhides, and chew bones. She kept me company during the time I was working from home and then when I was unemployed. She is a very sweet girl and brings joy and comfort to this home!

Mary Tomlin
Smyrna, GA

Liza needs a loving home!

Liza needs a loving home!

Liza was adopted as a third cat to my daughter's home near Peoria, Illinois. She is a rare purebred Persian calico, long-haired and lovely, with a sweet disposition. Her problem? She will not share a litterbox with the other two cats. Once somebody else has used it, she will go on the floor. Very frustrating, since she's such a sweet and beautiful animal in every other way. She needs to be somebody's ONLY cat.
Liza is about four years old and currently living in a large dog crate that accomodates her own private litterbox, her food, water, and bedding. However, we all agree this is no way for her to live out her lonely life of isolation. She's been neutered and declawed in the front feet, before my daughter got her. She's the only one of the three that they own that is totally docile even in a bath...just purrs and is happy for the attention.
If anyone out there has a situation where she could share their lives, I think my daughter would happily give her up for free, but it needs to be someone kind and loving...we've all gotten attached to her, and you will, too, as soon as you see her little face.
I am only the grandmother of this cat, so e-mail me at if you are interested and live close enough to Peoria to come and get her. Karen

Karen Icenogle
Industry, IL

Left for dead

Left for dead

Shelby was the runt of the litter left for dead in a park at only 2 weeks old. The vet didn't think she would make it. Because she wasn't cared for as a new born, her digestive system didn't develop perfectly. She's been on a special diet her whole life. That was 13 years ago. As you can see by her gray face, Shelby has made it into her twilight years. She is the sweetest Pit Bull mix I have ever seen! I can't imagine my life without her!

Joy Sado
Anaheim, CA

Annie Brought Back to Health

Annie Brought Back to Health

Annie was taken to her local shelter when her owner suddenly died. She got sick there with kennel cough, and just wasted away in her cage. The golden retriever rescue came got her, and with her foster mother's care, she slowly recovered and we adopted her. She is now healthy, happy, and full of energy and makes the three of us (her new forever family) laugh and play with her constantly. What a golden love !!

Diann Butlak
Colorado Springs, CO



We lost our dog to old age a couple of years ago and decided to get a smaller dog (we travel a lot). We studied all sorts of breed characteristics and we were convinced we had to see both parents to make sure of temperament. Then we saw Scruffy's picture in our local paper in an Animal Shelter ad; he was a stray and we went to the shelter and fell in love. Now we believe he's the smartest dog we've ever known and wouldn't trade him for anybody.

Sara Fitzgerald
Tullahoma, TN

hay kitties

hay kitties

All of my animals that I currently have, I have taken in as strays. I have 2 horses, 6 cats and 3 dogs. All of them have found me either by accident or because everyone who knows me finds one. These 2 kitties are mommy & kid. I found them under my haystack when Pippy was just 1 day old. Gracie was only about a year. They are now 4 & 5, spoiled rotten little pills.

meridian, ID

Jerry, our camping cat

Jerry, our camping cat

We had to put our cat, Toni, down in 2002 and it was the hardest thing we ever had to do... We decided since we travel a lot with a small Casita trailer, that we wouldn't get another cat. After 4 years, our daughter had other ideas and went to the Castaic Animal Shelter. It was both our birthdays and Cori walked in with this tiny 8 week old orange tabby kitten ... there just was no way to turn away him away. Jerry loves people, camping and loves to ride in his stroller. We often take him with us wearing his harness and leash, and he sits in the store basket. Our Lowe's store knows him and they always say "Hi Jerry". Traveling with Jerry is no problem at all and he's been to 7 states with us, including 4 corners. He is 3 now and still loves to play .. loves to fetch and brings his toy to us to throw. What a joy to have .. please rescue a pet...

Carol and Jim
Canyon Country, CA

Our baby named Babe

Our baby named Babe

Babe, a stray kitten, appeared at our patio door one freezing cold winter night. "Please can I come
in out of the cold?" he cried. He was so darn cute we couldn't refuse his request. Babe jumped right into my husbands lap and that was it.
A bond was struck and we had a new kitten. His tail
seemed to angle off to the side. On closer inspection, we discovered it had a knot in the middle and the end seemed to have no movement. Off to the vets to get fixed, shots and a tail check. Broken tail, said the Vet, so off it came. He's been fine ever since......such a baby he is and he loves to
talk! We have many interesting conversations that can go on for ages. It's as if he understands
every word I say. Loves to be held and caressed does our Babe. The sweetest cat who brings so much joy into our lives.

Irene Jones
Sidney, OH

Mac Saunders

Mac Saunders

Mac was one of dozens of abandoned kittens rescued from the fields around a major racetrack in Toronto. All the kittens and cats were ill and starving. I adopted Mac from the rescue organization one year ago. We call him Mr Personality. He gets along with everyone and all animals, including his brother, Ti and sister, Snowy and our dogs, too. I am glad Mac chose me to come home with!
Toronto, Ontario

Julie Saunders
Toronto, Canada