Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Miss Pudge

My Miss Pudge

While leaving the grocery store parking lot one day...there was a man standing by his truck with a sign that read "1/2 english bulldog - 1/2 shih tzu free... Or I have to take them to the pound." As I drove by I saw one little pup laying in the back of the cage with the saddest look on her face I had ever seen. She was the only one left and was she runt of the litter of 12. I asked to hold her...when i took her in my arms she put her paws around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder...i was way was i going to let this little white pudgey (- hence her name...Pudge -) ball of fur get away from me...brought her home and my miniature schnauzer, Dutchess took her under her wing and they are now best friends. Not only do I wake up getting wet kisses from Dutchess and Pudge, (they are both very vocal) they also talk and sing to me. I am so glad I made the choice to stop and check out the pups that day...




I first saw Snowball outside a friend's window on Christmas Eve 2005. She was laying curled up in a tight ball out in the freezing cold and snowy weather. I could offer her only a sheet of newspaper and some food as my friend has a cat and we could not bring her inside for fear that she may be very sick and infect my friend's cat. She had a severe eye infection and lost her left eye, I know she was my Christmas present from God that year and I am eternally greatfull for her. She's such a delight and quite a character. She gives the best kitty kisses and is my constant companion. When I took her to the vet, I wasn't sure if this tiny kitten was a boy or a girl. When the vet said, "It's a Girl", I felt like a mother who had just given birth!. I know God works in mysterious ways, what a wonderful "gift" he bestowed unto me that blessed Christmas Eve.

Debbie Stevens
Berwyn, IL



Holly was adopted by us in January of 2005. We had lost all 3 of our American Eskimo dogs within a 7 month time frame from old age & health issues. Mom was 16 & the 2 kids were 13. They were the loves of my lives. I thought I'd never be able to love like that again. Then in January of 2005 while looking on, I saw the sweetest face looking for a home & knew I had to do something. She had been rescued by Miss Linda's Dogs for adoption for a kill shelter in TN. I don't know how anyone could kill any animal let alone this sweet little face. My only regret is not adopting her sister as well. By the time I had my husband convinced, her sister was already adopted. This is 1 of my favorite pictures of her sitting on the picnic table so she can see down the street. She just loves everyone & has touched my heart in a way I didn't think could be touched again. Thank you Holly, thank you Miss Linda's Dogs for adoption & thank you

Sheila Carter
Tewksbury, MA

Our Little Man

Our Little Man

When my husband and I were out in the car one night we saw this little dog run across a very busy street and almost get hit by a truck. He went and hid in the parking lot of an abandoned building. I ended up using baloney and beef jerky to get him to come to me because he was so afraid. He was clean and very well taken care of so we thought it would be no problem to find his owner. We posted in the paper and called all of the local vets but no one ever claimed him. We ended up naming him Ben and keeping him. Not long after that Ben got very sick and we racked up some very high vet bills. We were told that he had an auto-immune disease that was triggered by vaccinations (he was never able to be vaccinated again) and other things that could not be pinpointed and caused him to get sick every year or two. We realized later that this illness was probably the reason Ben's family had abandoned him. Sadly the medication needed to save Ben was causing damage to his liver and he had to be put down at the age of 8 last year due to liver failure. Our little Benny was one of the sweetest and most loving dogs ever and not a day goes by that we don't miss him.

Tracey Tom
Cromwell, CT

The Sweetest General

The Sweetest General

Maximus Aurelius, the General is our third Rottweiler rescue. He is 3 1/2 years old and came to us via the local Big Dog Rescue. It was very difficult to choose between two Rotties that were available. Maximus had me laughing so hard at his goofy antics, I couldn't resist. The other dog found a good home too the next week. Maximus (named after the Russell Crowe character) is the sweetest 'Gladiator' you'd ever meet. He is a wonderful testimony to encourage others to rescue NOT purchase!

Havana, FL

Number 47 of 49

Number 47 of 49

I adopted Noah from a rescue agency for Manx cats. Noah had been living in a studio apartment with 48 other cats! At first he was timid, but once I convinced him to let me pet him, he followed me everywhere. He kept looking up, right into my eyes, as if to say, "You are my person! I'm right here!! Let's go HOME!" Noah has been with my husband and me for around 6 years now. Had we known what a lover he would be we would have named him Romeo! When we talk on the phone he often comes up and purrs very loudly into the mouthpiece causing people to ask, "Is that your CAT?!" Noah is every bit the personality that shows in this photo.

Lisa Phelps
Barnstead, NH

My best friend for 10 years.

My best friend for 10 years.

I adopted Marley from the Pinellas County Florida SPCA in 1999. I had an orange tabby in mind when I went. As I walked down the last isle of cat cages, I saw him. He had a beautiful copper coat. He looked like he was very happy to see me and he started to rub up against the cage wanting attention. He was already a couple of years old and had a cold. I took him home the next day and nursed him back to health. He has been my buddy and roommate ever since. He is very intelligent and knows what I'm saying to him. He loves his belly rubbed and laying next to me in the recliner watching Animal Planet.

Alan Potter
Saint Petersburg, FL



I have many stories about beautiful animals I have as family members, but I want people to know about a wonderful person in Brownsville Tennessee., Toni Davies, and ArkRain Rescue and Wildlife Sanctuary. Our 5 year old Albino Burmese Python "Sunshine" had grown to a size of nearly 11 ft and we thought her life was very unfair and she could possibly be a danger to our other pets and possibly my oldest son because she liked to escape and curl up next to him when he was sleeping ! She was a very lovable creature and she never gave us a reason to fear her, but accidents do happen. We wanted to find a place that would love her and have a facility where she would have more room to stretch out and be a snake instead of living in a cramped aquarium. I found Ark Rain on the internet and the founder, Toni, accepted "Sunshine" and now she has a very exciting life. She travels with ArkRain's Educational Program to schools so children can learn about her as well as other kinds of creatures. There are lots of other animals living at The ArkRain Wildlife Sanctuary that have needs and it sure would be nice if people out there took a minute out of their busy life and look at their wish list on their website, or get involved in their adopt an animal program! Even possibly a small donation would be helpful to the love and care of the animals who live there! Any kind of kindness would be welcomed at the sanctuary and by its founders! Just Google ARK RAIN Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc. in Brownsville, TN.
Help these guys out...PLEASE!


My story about my rescued dog

My story about my rescued dog

My story begins in Dec. 2006. My familiy and I were living in a run down trailor park here in Ga. One day I was walking up to meet my son to get him off the bus. All the sudden this tan and white puppy came out from between to trailors. There she was so skinny and sickly that I let her follow us home. I knew she belonged to someone in the park but she just ran lose all the time. One night it was raining and thundering and I could hear her crying and whineing. I talked it over with my husband and told him, we needed to do something. The next day she followed us home from the bus stop and I stopped and talked to the owner. I told her that she needed to do something about her or I was going too. She replied do whatever you want. I took her home. That night we discuss keeping her. We named her Peanutbutter and mayonaise. (Peanut for short) She has been thru alot with us. She always makes us feel better. She adores kids.She is still scared of Adults. She has stolen our hearts.

Stephani Bartrug
cartersville, GA

Our little scooter

Our little scooter

Scooter was rescued and due to be put down after being sexually abused by a developmentally delayed man in a group home where scooter lived. Scooter was acting vicious towards men and home was going to have him put down. I met one of the women who worked at the home and she was on way to vet. I saw Scooter and his eyes showed the hurt he had been through and the need to be loved. My father had recently passed away and my Mom was all alone. I took Scooter that night and 12 years later Scooter and my Mom are never apart.
Scooter has flourished with my Moms love for him. And she has flourished as well.

Kasey Schorzman
Castleford, ID