Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our Terrier Twins

Our Terrier Twins

After losing our two beloved, 15 year old poodles just three weeks apart, I said "I can't go through this pain again, no more dogs for me!" I grieved for a week as I put away dog toys, bowls, and beds, sad everytime I glanced at one of their favorite napping places, now empty. Then I received a sympathy note from a friend who said it might be healing for me to honor the deaths of my poodles by opening my home to an abandoned dog in a shelter. I resisted, but went to the computer and saw the thousands of animals needing a home. I found these two brothers at our local UnderDog Rescue of Bradenton, Florida. They had been rescued from a shelter in Miami and were about 6 months old, all their actions in tandem, so that their foster mom called them "the twins." There was nothing to do but adopt them both. Raising terrier mix puppies is quite a new experience for my husband and me, but we've gotten so much happiness, laughter, and love from them! I didn't replace my old poodle babies, but am honoring their memory in the best way possible.

Gayle Putman
Bradenton, FL

"Wocket" the Wonder Dog

"Wocket" the Wonder Dog

Wocket is a Brussells Griffon, came from a puppy mill to Petland and was taken from her mother too soon. So she has never developed a proper way to eat or drink water. She doesn't know how to chew and has no concept on how to drink water. However she loves soft food so I just make a soup out of if and that has been the way the only way to get her to drink and kind of liquid. I rescued her (She had a 1,300.00 price tag on her head but was given to me because she was unfit for sale) right before she was to be put down for a misdiagnosis of encephalitis. I have nursed her back to health but she has developmental problems which leaves her with the mental capacity of a 7 wk old puppy. She is sweet and smart with a very distinct and comical personality. Definitely one of the Lord's little Earth's Angels! I LOVE HER MORE THAN LIFE itself. How could you not, LOOK AT THAT FACE! There will NEVER be another dog/puppy like Wocket the WONDER DOG!
This was the vets exact words:
"Has vomiting and difficulty eating. Is severely dehydrated, cachectic and weak, can't stand or walk, has evidence of Hypokalemia and hypontremia. There is also sever stomatosis and necrosis of the tongue mucosa. She also has some vision impairment and neurological defects. Her prognosis is poor to grave and should be euthanized". Guess he better go back to school. Because today she is happy and healthy and living a miracle life. And I am so lucky we found each other.

Poincian, FL

Zoe Means Life

Zoe Means Life

Friends told us about a feral cat colony that had a litter of kittens. We went to rescue them and found only one kitten remaining. Zoe was the only one to survive a racoon attack. My fiancee brought home this little trembling, pathetic fur ball with an eye infection in need of some serious medical attention and TLC. I was instantly in love and in trouble. I had to do some powerful negotiating with my landlord to win the right to bring her home. She is now the queen of her domain and remains to this day a true survivor and first class feline princess.

Albert Isordia
San Francisco, CA

Lefty the one-eyed feral

Lefty the one-eyed feral

Lefty was a feral cat that lived in my neighborhood. When he was caught in my live trap to be fixed it was discovered that he had a serious eye wound. I got the eye fixed and eventually tamed him. Now he lives for his wet food and to be picked up and loved!

Scottsdale, AZ

Tutti the fat foot puddie

Tutti the fat foot puddie

This sweet ball of fur was found in the median of a busy street by a friend and brought to me, because he couldn't keep it and was hesitant to take her to the pound. Well, once that little face peeked out of his coat I was hooked. She is the sweetest girl and purrs with her whole body. Even after falling out of a tree and breaking her back she has rebounded again to be the love of my life (and giver of many furr ball gifts). Her six toes make her a true Hemmingway cat, and rare because of HER color (most orange cats are male). Oh, her boyfriend is a six toed orange shorthair. LOL

Corinne Broskettte
St Petersburg, FL

Radar the Runner!

Radar the Runner!

I adopted Radar (formerly Joel) from the Rappahanock VA Animal Shelter where he was brought after being found roaming the streets in search of food. He is a loving, sweet boy who trots on our treadmill for 30 minutes every day - without a leash - he needs and loves the exercise! He loves water, athletically leaping for a Frisbee and will curl up in our laps at night like a little baby. He's overcome some insecurity issues and has a forever home with us and our other dog and two cats!

E J Krause
Savannah, GA

My Emma Lou

My Emma Lou

There are many people who lose their beloved friend and must have a grieving period before ever taking that dive into unconditional love, one more time. I loved my girl, Valentine, with everything in my heart...but I've always thought that there are animals dying in the animal shelters, every day... they have no time. A week after I lost my friend, I pulled up the website of our local shelter and there she was. The first dog to appear on that website was my soon to be Emma Lou. A couple of hours later, we met and it was as if she had always known me. She's my daily dose of laughter and my best friend. I didn't replace Valentine, I only opened my heart to another. When you know that it's time to fill your house with joy, again, go to your nearest animal shelter. Remember, the animals there have no time to wait.

Gina Momary
Saugus, CA

TROOPER - A tale of a lucky unlucky cat

TROOPER - A tale of a lucky unlucky cat

Trooper was hit by a car and found trying to drag himself out of the street. With his mouth bleeding, eyes bulging, and a deep gash in his thigh, he was unrecognizable. Two women rushed him to Aztec Animal Clinic.

Stabilizing his condition, the staff of Aztec searched for someone to take Trooper when he was healthy enough to go to a home.

Trooper's luck began to improve. A.C.A.T. (Albuquerque Cat Action Team) committed to paying a large part of Trooper's costs, and help place him in a loving home. His leg and mouth were stitched and a tooth was pulled to help his maxillary fracture heal. He experienced head trauma, one pupil was non-responsive, he was neutered and his overall outlook was strong enough that the staff at Aztec felt he wouldn't need specialized care and would make a near full recovery.

Lying in his kennel banged up and bandaged, Trooper appreciated his improved circumstances, purring and curling his toes for anyone who would pet him. As Trooper's future was looking up, came one final blow. He had feline leukemia! This diagnosis barred Trooper from becoming an A.C.A.T. adoptee. After many phone calls, A.C.A.T. found a caring home for this poor little guy! Trooper's ordeal has a happy ending, however it was completely unnecessary.

A.C.A.T. is often questioned about its indoor only policy. One can appreciate how much better Trooper's life would have been if he had been indoors. Indoor cats are safe from cars, dogs, mean people and other hazards. They're shielded from communicable diseases such as feline leukemia and FIV. All A.C.A.T. adoptees are spayed and neutered and current on shots. A.C.A.T.'s mission is to help cats and their people. In Trooper's case, we helped save his life. Rescues like Trooper's are only possible with your support!

Albuquerque, NM

Shi our rescued black lab/mix

Shi our rescued black lab/mix

Shi (prounounced Shy) was rescued a few times: at 3 weeks, then with a foster family, and with us her final family. She was found in a box at 3 weeks old with her siblings at a rural humane society's doorstep. She got a fantastic start with a foster family who lived on a farm and had a lot of other rescue dogs. Apparently the foster family did everything right. She was crate trained and had an excellent disposition by the time we adopted her when she was 5 months old. She just turned a year old and we're so happy to have added her to our family.
I had some hesitations about adopting a dog since I had two small children, but she has never once retaliated to their "agressive love" or if they take something from her. She usually watches them make off with her ball or chew toy with hopeful eyes that say "I really hope I get that back some day", but she never ever gets mean or snippy. She even listens to their commands like "sit" and "give"! She slides down the slide, gets in the trampoline and loves to hang out in the sand box.
In this picture I had run inside for a minute, and when I came back, Shi had taken my seat...apparently she saw the need for a babysitter!




My husband Paul and I adopted Maui in August 2002, when she was 3 months old and 2 pounds. She and her littermates had been rescued from severe wildfires in Arizona by Friends for LIfe and were fostered with lots of handling and cuddles. Maui was very friendly, fearless, feisty and into everything! She's grown up into a wonderful, affectionate companion and follows me all around the house, when she's not on my lap. At 14 pounds she still has a spirit of adventure, which sometimes gets her into trouble, but she has a talent for being very funny. Maui communicates verbally and with her very expressive green/yellow eyes, when she wants something, and she's very persistent. I can't imagine life without her!

Janice Leber
Mesa, AZ