Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

20 Months Old and In Same Kill Shelter Twice

20 Months Old and In Same Kill Shelter Twice

In November, 2008, I resuced Monte from a high kill shelter near me after being contacted by a shelter coordinator who knew I was involved in Mastiff rescue.

Monte first entered the shelter at a ripe old age of 1 month after person (or persons) unknown left him tied to the door. As a pup he was quickly adopted. But then tragedy struck 19 months later when his owner was murdered by a relative. That act landed him back in the shelter. But now he wasn't a little pup anymore. The shelter director was so afraid that he would be adopted by the wrong element (people looking for a big guard dog to stay outdoors all the time) that she kept him in a side room away from public view.

He was 50 pounds underweight and had only been to a vet once for neutering and initial shots.

Now he's a healthier, happier goofball whose favorite activity is rolling over on his back for endless belly rubs.

Bill L
Ankeny, IA

Missy & Phoebe...what did we do wrong?

Missy & Phoebe...what did we do wrong?

Hi peoples I am Missy, the black one, (13 years old and 5.6 lbs) and this is Phoebe (10 years old and 4.9 lbs) and this is our story. One day our owner found out she was pregnant and took us out and put us in the garage where we lived for the next 2 years. We were completely dependent on each other for love and companionship. Finally she took us to a rescue group.

On February 21 another lady & man came to meet us and took both of us with them. We didn't know where we were going but at least we were still together. It turns out these people are our forever parents! Our new parents loves us more than anything. We also have a granny and she has a little dog (though bigger than us) we babysit for. Mommy says all five of us are rescues.

We have been here for a little over 3 months now. I am a total mommy's girl! I am happiest when I am on my mommy's lap or close to her. Mommy says she is going to do everything she can to make us happy and keep us healthy and make sure we know that we are very, very loved and wanted, too!!! We are going to be here forever!

Mommy says we are the sweetest little girls and she loves us so much. That's good cause we love her too! Mommy says that seniors are most always housebroken, know our basic commands and are very gentle and people should give them a good home. Mommy says that even though a senior dog may not have a lot of time left, there are no guarantees even if you get a brand new puppy.

Terri Perry
New Castle, IN

Bandit, Ambassador for Big Black Dogs

Bandit, Ambassador for Big Black Dogs

Bandit is an author, and he helped me write a book to bring awareness of the Big Black Dog Syndrome to the public. It will be published in a month or so, and (with their permission) is referred to several times in the book. Big Black Dogs of all breeds are not being adopted from shelters in alarmingly high rates, and consequently, we are losing these wonderful dogs! Bandit is on a mission to change this widespread phenomenon, and wants everyone to fall in love with him, and then rescue a Big Black Dog (or any dog) from a shelter and fall in love with their own rescue dog! We just finished editing the final copy, and can't wait for the book to help us achieve our goal of ending this horrible syndrome that plagues our shelters, and the dismal futures of Big Black Dogs. Bandit loves kids, cats, and all the dogs he encounters on our daily walks and when visiting the dog park. He loves hugs, and I have to say, there's nothing to compare to a Big Black Dog hug! We encourage you to take a daily walk with your dog, because it's good for both you and your critter companion! Bandit says, "Walks and Hugs; who could ask for more?" If you're interested in learning more about the Big Black Dog Syndrome, get on the internet and research it, and find out yourself about the statistics and futures of our Big Black Dogs. Help us achieve our mission, and educate the public; spread the word! Get your very own Big black Dog, and we wish you Big Black Dog Hugs every day!

Carol and Bandit Bradshaw
San Bernardino, CA

I couldn't turn my back and walk away!

I couldn't turn my back and walk away!

While deployed overseas I found a small kitten that walked from under the ruins of a house. The kitten crawled over to my feet, looked up at me with his big eyes apparently hungry and in need. I picked the kitten up and placed him inside my jacket. I took him back to where I was living and he remained with me while I was there. I was lucky enough to take him home with me when I returned to the USA. I named him "Zav" which is short for the village where I found him. I was able to repeat this foreign rescue process over the course of several years. I eventually rescued four more felines struggling to survive from different parts of the world. Last year I found an injuried dog. She had an injuried leg caused from a severe cut. I was able to get her the proper medical treatment and TLC. I eventually brought her home to the US. I named her "Patches" and people always ask if she is Border Collie or an Australian Shepard Mix. I can only tell them that I found her on the streets of one of the worst places on this planet and it wasn't Australia. Needless to say we now have the International House of Animals here in the USA at our home. They are very loved and get the best of care. But they do give back as much as they receive.

I only wish that people around the world were as good to animals as some Americans.

Speaking for "Bo", "Zav", "Tarzan", "Nipper", "Blue", "Spooky" and "Patches" they all love their home in the USA! ( Pictured is "Patches" and "Zav")

God Bless America!

Franklin, TN

Abandoned Cuties

Abandoned Cuties

Our daughter brought these 2 cuties home from her work. She found them under a semi trailer in the dock. They were about 5 weeks old and starving. They also both had eye infections and were covered in glue.

After a couple of bad nights and a lot of love they recovered and have become very playful members of the family and chase the 2 older cats all around the house.

Richard Mclaughlin
Lebanon, OH

Turtle Love

Turtle Love

I had just taken one of my cats outside to play when I saw something crawling across the very busy street next to my fenced yard. To my great surprise, it was this rather large turtle, far, far away from any natural turtle home! Unfortunately, just as I ran into the street to stop traffic, a van hit him going at least 40 mph & rolled him several times where he landed upside down. Fortunately, he pulled himself into his shell in time and survived with out any injuries and barely a scratch on his amazingly hard shell! After thoroughly checking him out for injuries & recovering from any shock, I released him into the Columbia River where he could live his life without cars & other hazards of the urban environment. He is now living happily amongst other turtles & free to live the life he was meant to live.

Please do not take animals from their natural habitats & try to make them pets. All too often they become too big or unwanted & end up being let loose in unsafe places.

Wenatchee, WA

Our Best Friend Leo

Our Best Friend Leo

In July of 2007 our local shelter had an Adopt-a-Thon and all their sister shelters were invited to bring animals for the event. It was a hot, sunny day and when we arrived there were lots of animals looking for homes. I had told my son I did not want a large dog, they were just too much. We took a tour of the whole lot to see if there was a dog we might be interested in taking home. My son immediately fell in love with a big, black Lab/Newfie mix, but I said, "No, no no...too big, let's go look at that boxer we saw again." The boxer was very hyper and I didn't think he would be suitable for our family. We looked a little longer and finally came back to the Lab/Newfie mix. Most of the other dogs were barking and carrying on and this big dog was just laying in the sun looking so relaxed. We spoke to the shelter people and found out he had been found wandering in Eastern Washington and had been transfered to their shelter a couple of weeks before. They said they had named him Leo and he was so mellow, already house trained, could sit and shake and they had fallen in love with him. Well, I looked over and he and my son had already formed a bond. What could I say...he was already ours! We brought him home that hot July day and have never looked back. I can't imagine how this loving, sweet dog had been lost or abandoned. He is so smart and has been easy to train. He loves to play and be scratched. We love this dog and are so happy he has become a part of our family

Annette Bjorkman
Auburn, WA

My Sweet Mijo & Belle

My Sweet Mijo & Belle

About 4 yrs ago I was sitting in my office when I heard this little meow outside my door. When I opened the door this sweet little kitty ran into the bushes. I kicked my shoes off an proceeded to try to find him! After about 20 mins and a ton of mud all over me I found this little tiny ball of white and gray fur. I brought him in my office and decided to take him home and feed him since I already had my other cat Belle (who I rescued from the Humane Society) I had plenty of food on hand! I called a few places to try to find him a good home but I fell so in love with him I realized I could not let him go! After a few days Belle warmed up to him and they have been inseparable every since. He is the cautious one she is the protector! He is my little sweet baby who loves to cuddle and at about 16lbs. he takes up the bed like a person! I can't imagine ever walking through the door after work and not seeing these two crazy cats there to greet me!

Clearwater, FL

Maggie comes to me

Maggie comes to me

Maggie was abused starved and dumped at my fence three years ago. She was so terrified that it took me three tries before she let me pick her up! She is a happy dog today though, and she loves my beagles too!

Toni E
Springfield, OH

In Memory of Tigger

In Memory of Tigger

I had adopted a cat from a co-worker that saved a mother and her kittens. His name is Maurey. After a couple of months, I wanted Maurey to have a buddy so I adopted Tigger. She was a kitten. When it was time for her to get spayed the vet saw that she had only one ovary and kidney. But they told me she was healthy and can survive. She had complications from the surgery but I nursed her back to health and from then on she never left my side. Six months after she got spayed she was feeling too good. Took her back to the vet and found out she had kidney disease. She passed away. She was still a kitten but was the first pet to show me uncondtional love. I adopted two more cats since then. Bless those that adopt to open not only their homes but their hearts to a new family member.

Tammy Hendren
Phillipsburg, NJ