Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Bella & Tobi

Bella & Tobi

My boyfriend and I rescued these two little babies (brother and sister) in September 2008 in Spain. I am South African and my boyfriend is British. People need to know that in Spain the animals have no rights and no organization to protect them like in the UK or South Africa (namely SPCA) - We need to find a way to change this.

Cape Town, South Africa



Seven years ago we adopted Roxy from the German Shepherd Rescue. Only weeks old she and her sister were dumped in a desert wash. Also dumped was a nursing German Shepherd without her litter. The shepherd found the two puppies and cared for them until the Rescue found homes for all three. We did not know it at the time we named her Roxy, but rocks are her favorite toy. She has been digging them up in our backyard all these years. When friends come over to visit; Roxy goes out back and digs up a rock to bring in to them as a gift. Roxy is our loyal and loving friend. We are so lucky to have found her.

Mercedes Legaspi
La Crescenta, CA



Bittersweet was a tiny kitten, 3/4 starved and anemic from hundred of fleas, the day we saw her playing by the side of Craig's Store Road, here in Nelson County, Virginia. Someone had simply abandoned her - not an uncommon practice here. We stopped and she came to me and we took her home. The next day we got her combi tested, got her first shots and wormer, and she got a flea bath and grooming. We think is is either a pruebred Somali or a good part of one, but that does not matter. She is a constant delight and adds much to our lives.

Mikel D. McGrew
Nellysford, VA

Special Toes

Special Toes

My springer spaniel and I were out on our usual morning walk when we heard something crying very loudly - about a block away. We walked the block to discover a black kitten, starving and filthy, sitting on the street screaming. When my pup ran up to her - this tiny starving kitten sat on her haunches & actually batted at her! I scooped her up & took her home to clean, feed and love. I quickly discovered she wasn't black at all - complete with white toes and a white blaze. She rarely speaks and is the sweetest!

M Scharf
Decatur, AR

Saving Charleston.

Saving Charleston.

A woman was giving away a box of tiny kittens in front of a popular retail store. We didn't know that we wanted any additional family members (we already had 2 dogs and 3 cats) until we saw him. With his stubby little tail and all those extra toes, we knew right away he was meant to be ours. He was infested with fleas, but otherwise in good health. He's now the most rambunctious member of the family!

Kim Meneely
Antelope, CA

Emilee the survivor!

Emilee the survivor!

Emilee is a Greyfoot Rescue baby.
Her pregnant mother was rescued from a shelter and she had her 6 babies in a foster home. However, there were complications and 5 of the 6 babies died at 2 weeks. All except little Emilee. The only odd thing about her is her 1/2 length tail.
We first saw her on the Greyfoot rescue website and the writeup caught our attention. "Full of energy and needs lot's of playmates." We were looking for a kitten who could ride in the car with another cat and 3 dogs plus adapt to a new "house", our vacation cabin every other month or so. Her foster parents called her a Tomboy" as she was fearless and played with all of their adult cats and she terrorized the newest babies. Fearless and full of energy, the perfect cat for our household.
We got Emilee on Mother's Day, how perfect is that. She started bossing the dogs within the first day and by the end of the first week she knew every nook and cranny of our house. Our first road trip occurred the second weekend we had her, a 3 hour car ride and not a peep out of her. She dozed in her carrier calm as can be, while the 5 year old tomcat cried and complained the entire trip. When we arrived at the cabin she was out of the carrier and made herself right at home. She loves being with people and comes running when we call her name.
Now she is fully integrated into the household and plays with everyone even our 75 lb Golden Retriever.

Oxnard, CA

How We Saved Each Other

How We Saved Each Other

I lost my wonderful 14 year old cat in late November. After a few weeks of grieving, some very special people got together without my knowing it and went to the local shelter. They knew they had to find a very special cat to help me in my grief. As they were searching, suddenly one of them reached out and started batting my friend on the top of the head, as if to say "I'm the one you're looking for, up here!" Later that night I was gifted with a beautiful 4 month old black cat. I just knew that I wouldn't be able to cope with a kitten and the fact that my grief was still so heavy. My house was not kitty-proofed of course, so needless to say, the first night was a little rough on both of us. The next evening, sitting in my chair, thinking about my Kitt that I had lost, and once again crying. My new little friend suddenly jumped into my lap, put his paws around my neck and just snuggled. It was his way of saying "It's ok, you can cry, but I'm here now to make it better". I just hugged him and talked to him and we had a magical moment. I named him Orion. With him being solid black, his beautiful eyes shine like stars in the sky. The constellation Orion has always held a special meaning for me, and as I looked at his shining eyes I saw the constellation of Orion in the sky. It just fit. We saved each other. He has helped me through my grief by giving me days and nights of laughter and love once again, and he will forever have a loving and safe home where he will be loved and adored.

Branson, MO

Calvin: My Gemini Tabby

Calvin: My Gemini Tabby

For two years, Calvin was living in a filthy crack house. He was locked in the closet whenever he became a 'pest' and wanted attention at the wrong time. Sadly, water, food and love were luxuries that he seldom received.
When his owner went to jail for a month, I was given temporary custody by a co-worker who was unable to care for him. When he arrived at my door, he darted under my couch for 3 days and hid. When he finally emerged, he was so emaciated that I could see the outlines of his ribs and tailbone. I called out to him, and to my amazement, he swaggered right into my arms. After a month of care, I eagerly took full custody with little objection from his neglectful owner.
Two years later, here he lays (and purrs): healthy, strong, affectionate and, most importantly, wanted and loved. His favorite game is chasing the red laser from my keychain. As soon as I take it out, his eyes grow to the size of saucers as he chases the little red dot, showing no mercy! He knows he can't catch it because it's just a beam of light, but loves to chase it nonetheless.
He's a real "people" cat too. He LOVES shoes - my shoes, your shoes, anyone's shoes - and oddly enough, goes crazy over the smell of sweaty socks and sneakers. It's like catnip to him. And if I come home without petting him or dare to work on the computer too long, he shakes the vertical blinds in protest to let me know he's there. Calvin has enriched my life more than I thought anyone or anything could ever do, and for that I'll always be grateful.

Matthew Reynolds
Valley Village, CA



Barton came to us with the help of a whole lot of great people. He was found wandering starved and full of mange in Louisiana and was brought to a high kill shelter. He was almost euthanized twice but thanks to some great people on staff and his silly personality he was isolated and treated for his very contagious mange. With help from private donations, the SPCA and South Paws rescue he was soon healthy enough to be transferred to a loving foster home in RI. It was discovered that Barton had once had a loving owner who had him microchipped but probably lost him due to a home foreclosure. The past owners were never able to be tracked down. It was also discovered that Barton was not just untrained but is almost completely deaf. His new foster home continued his medical treatment and actively searched for a new forever home with an person who had experience with deaf dogs. That is how we came across him and wished to add him to our family as we had recently lost our 14 yrs. old deaf Basenji. Thanks to all the great people and especially his foster parents Lucy and Dennis from Warwick, RI we now have a very fun new member of our "pack". He has a Corgi brother and a Boston Terrier sister to play with and has turned out to be a quick study at learning sign language and some basic manners. He brings tons of fun and challenges to our lives and I really look forward to seeing just what hidden talents he yet to discover.

West Greenwich, RI

From To Rescue of ME!

From To Rescue of ME!

My dear Bella was an owner throw away and came into rescue needing vet care and a loving Forever Home. had her surgery done while she stayed at a foster home to recover and get well. I, being with, saw her on the net. This was just after my previous baby Summer Ann had died. Bella called out to me, I can't explain it but, she after being with me a few days, knew when I was going to have a seizure and knew what to do. With a little more training she became my Service Dog. We go every where together and she is so devoted to me and takes excellent care of me. She is shown here at Disney's Cast Away Beach in the Bahamas. She was on Disney's Cruise ship The Disney's Magic May of 2009 and was the Perfect little Lady and Queen of the Sea. We had fun everywhere we went even into The Disney World Resort after the cruise. Bella Ann Stagg now has her ETERNAL LOVING HOME with us. My previous baby Summer Ann was also a Bichon from Smallpaws rescue and I thought I was rescuing them, They BOTH RESCUED ME!

Katheleen A Stagg
San Leandro, CA