Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The Little Man With A Big Meow!!

The Little Man With A Big Meow!!

This little boy was found in a church parking lot one night in the early fall. While standing in the parking lot we heard a noise that sounded like a bird. After looking around we found him under a van scared and crying. He was less then 2 weeks old, infested with fleas and was no bigger than my hand. His first night with us was spent getting a bath, his own private room, tons of love and meals every 3 hours. He was nursed every 3 hours for weeks. He still thinks we are his mommas by suckling on our necks. He loves to play in running water and has no fear of anything. We sure were not looking for anymore animals, but he has been a wonderful addition to our family. His siblings are Lilly, a Maine Coon Mix, Oliver, a miniature long haired dachshund and Penny, a cocker spaniel. Our evenings are spent lounging on the couch. Two humans and four critters snuggling together is quite cozy. We even bought a new sectional so that everyone has their spot!!!

Sharon Tuck
Lexington Park, MD

Love in a Fuzzy Golden Package

Love in a Fuzzy Golden Package

A school friend of my daughter's had bought all the puppies from a neighbor who was going to drown them. The little boy had spent every cent he had and needed to find them homes immediately. He and my daughter pleaded, and of course, we took her. Chanel was a wonderful, loving. huggable, silly, smiling, ticklish, bouncy, 45 pound ball of golden fur. She was our guardian and best friend for 14 years. I miss her unconditional love.
Always say yes to the love of a pet. It is one of best blessings in all of life.

Manteca, CA

Henry and Missy

Henry and Missy

I wanted to adopt an older dog who needed a home and ended up coming home from the local shelter with these two cute seniors just over three years ago. Henry, our lab mix, was with us 3 years until he passed away last August. He had a bum first 10 years of his life having been abused and neglected and spending time as a stray but this did not affect his desire to experience life to the fullest in his golden years! He inspired us every day. Missy, our puggle, is now 14 years old and still as spry as can be, with some help from glucosamine. She is the sweetest dog and follows me everywhere! I cannot imagine my life without having met these precious animals.

Heather Abraham
Aurora, IL

For the love of Latte!

For the love of Latte!

I had entertained the thought of getting a third dog for a while, but my husband was in no hurry to add to our pack. However, the minute I set eyes on my little Latte, I knew I had to adopt her. Latte is a chihuahua mix, and because her mother hadn't been well taken care of, she had no milk to offer her pups when they were born. Latte, along with her two brothers and one sister, had not gotten anything to eat for the first three days of their lives. The mother's owners put the pups in a sack and dropped them off at the Golden S Rescue in Easley, S.C., and told the rescue workers, "Just kill them 'cuz they're going to die anyway."

Mercifully, the rescue workers decided these puppies were worth saving, and bottle-fed them for weeks until they could eat on their own. My husband and I adopted her at 8 weeks old, and we've been spoiling the mess out of her. She loves to play fetch and snuggle, and occasionally jump on and chase her new sisters, our beagle Mika and toy fox terrier Ripley. We love her so much, and are incredibly thankful for the special care she was given from the rescue shelter!

Trish Kemerly
High Point, NC



This cute hound mix is named Hooch, after the movie Turner and Hooch that we were discussing the day before he showed up. He was a drop off at my boyfriends house who was renting an old farm house in the country. He showed up one evening and followed Matt back to the house were he was fed and housed while we waited for someone to claim him. Matt's two Brittany Spaniels wanted nothing to do with him not to mention that he started chasing the farmers cows. When no one claimed him I took Hooch home with me. Apartment life was a lot different than living on a farm and it took him all of 30 seconds to adjust and claim the couch as his own. Sadly Matt lost his female Brittany due to a siezure two month later. Her brother Max really missed her for several months until Matt and I became engaged and bought a house (again in the country, but away from any cows) and now Max and Hooch are inseperable. They chase each other around the yard and wrestle all the time. Hooch is 42 lbs and thinks he's 10 lbs because no matter what you are doing or how hot and muggy it is he wants to be in your lap cuddleing. He's lives for your love and is just the best dog ever. They even get along with the kitten I rescued who was 8 weeks old with a broken leg who now is a thriving beautiful calico cat that chases the dogs around.

Heather Evers
Jefferson City, MO

Prince Charming

Prince Charming

About 6 years ago, after we lost our last cat due to illness. Our daughter came home and told us about a cat at the humane society with purple eyes. We went down and all it took was one look and he stole our hearts. His name is Prince and we just love him so much. He is such a cuddle kitty. I refer to him as Prince Charming, because he is so charming!

St. Helens, OR



When our son was in 5th grade, his teacher put a nickel in a jar for every "A" the students received all year. At the end of the year, the students, parents and his teacher went to Animal Protectors to donate the money. Parker was in the back of his cage, separated from the other cats and frightened. They had found him abandoned and badly injured. We opened his cage and he came right out to us. We adopted Parker 8 years ago and are so thankful for his wonderful 5th grade teacher.

Allegheny Township, PA

Companion Extraordinaire

Companion Extraordinaire

Tammy was rescued as a 5-year old shiatsu/Maltese X from the Hawkesbury Pound (Windsor NSW) in 2002. She had been horribly abused as a pup and the workers at the pound warned us that she probably would never be 'whole'. For the first 2 weeks she was with us, she never appeared from under the bed.

Nevertheless we decided to love and spoil her so much that her many fears -- walking through doors, people wearing dark long trousers, eating in front of people, going outside to do her 'business', severe separation anxiety -- would disappear. They didn't. However, she has a sense of loyalty to those that love her that is extraordinary.

As we are a working family, we took her to stay with the matriarch of the family, Magdalena, during the day and she became a devoted companion. She particularly showed a knack for giving her doggie love to the elderly at the Chesalon nursing home in Richmond NSW -- and the nursing staff - and so even though her number one love is no longer with us, we still take her to visit the elderly who are confined to homes.

She is an excellent watchdog, never chases our chickens and is wonderful with the younger members of the family.

We will never regret that Tammy has become part of our lives.

Elizabeth K Turner
North Richmond, Australia

Fletch and Boomer

Fletch and Boomer

Fletch and Boomer were both surrendered at different times at a Pound in country NSW, Australia. Luckily, they were both rescued by a Foster Carer for Companion Animal Rescue Association (CARA). Boomer was only 3 weeks old and Fletch was only 5 when they were left at the pound, so their Foster Mum lovingly hand reared them and they stayed with her until Fletch was about 1year old and Boomer about 7 months old. Boomer was a sickly puppy, surviving a case of parvo virus and some other health complaints. The foster carer unfortunately was not able to keep them any longer as she had saved so many dogs in need of homes, so they came to another foster carer in Canberra where I live. I first saw them on the PetRescue website and fell in love with Fletch's sleek black good looks and Boomer's cute puppy face and attitude. Now, I am the lucky owner of two very loving dogs who enrich my life every day. We do flyball (at which Boomer is a natural) and Obedience with both of them. They have opened a door to a new found passion for me. Fletch is a sensitive fellow who can never get enough cuddles and pats (and I am happy to oblige him!) and Boomer's pure joy for life inspires me and makes me grin from ear to ear! I cannot imagine life without them now, they are my babies!

Canberra, Australia

Skyzer Edward

Skyzer Edward

This is Skyzer, he is my beautiful amazing one year old kitten. I currently work as a kennal assistant at a veterinary hospital. One day i walked into work and i saw these gold eyes staring at me through one of the cages. It was a small grey kitten that didn't have a collar on. I went up and asked one of the vet techs named Susan why this poor kitten was here and she said that he was brought in by a lady who found him by a dumpster just up the street by our clinic. We was about three months old. At first site I fell in love. We put up signs, called local clinics and waited for an owner, but no one claimed him, so I took him home. He was my light in the darkness. I had an unstable life at home with my parents and he was always my escape from that. He would make me laugh, when I thought that it wasn't possible. His middle name is Edward because of his Gold eyes. In the book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer there is a vampire named Edward who has bright golden eyes, and my cat remindes me of a vampire! He can jump so high, he isn't afraid of anything, he is super fast, he can act like a monster at times, and he can cause chaos. I wanted to share my story, because animals can be your light in the darkest times in your life. They make you smile, laugh, get angry sometimes :), and comfort you unconditionally. So just remember, they know whats going on in your life. They can sense when you are happy, sad, or mad, and they are there for you always. Just like Skyzer is there for me.

Kenmore, WA