Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Gracie is Safe

Gracie is Safe

Gracie was rescued from an Amish puppy mill which was looking to discard her after several years of breeding. Here she is on a snowy day, knowing that soon she would be inside, sleeping by a warm fire with lots of love and good food-- new to her. We drove eight hours to get her from the angel in Pittsburgh who rescued her. She is the happiest little girl and loves her rescued Irish Setter sister and Boston Terrier brother and her eight cats. Until there are none, adopt one! It is the only way.

Gallatin, NY

Little Orphan "Annie"

Little Orphan "Annie"

It was a cold, snowy February day, when while walking my dog, Mac. I spied a tiny cat sitting on a log just along side the lane I live along. I called to the kitty and asked her to stay put while I run Mac back to the house "I'll be right back, you wait for me" I called out. I ran back up the road and there
she was, still sitting on that log as if she knew I would return - but, of course she did, I told her so! I named her Annie and she became a sister to my cats Nikky, Tommy, Joey, and Tai as well as to Mac, who helped to rescue her. Annie coos like a pigeon, has unbridled energy bursts, which by the way, keeps all my other cats active, if only to run to get out of her burst of energy pathway! Annie is ravenous for bread, which makes me wonder what her life was like before I found her cooing? bread? hmmm... In fact, she has been know to steal a piece of popped up toast out of the toaster! Annie has brought joy into our household and I am so grateful that she found us!

Dallas, PA



My husband and I have been "owned" by the Great Pyrenees breed for over 36 yrs. We lost our last wonderful boy, Cruiser, to bone cancer in April, 2007. When we were ready, we had already decided that next time round, we were going to adopt a rescue. We found this beautiful boy on Petfinder, and drove over to Erie, PA to a shelter there to get him. That was in February 2008.
Over the past 1+ year, Grizzly has proven to be a very loving, fun, goofy, typical Pyrenees! He is now a very different dog from the scared and lonely boy who had been dumped in that shelter. He knows he is home....forever.

Lynda Marshall
Wellandport, Canada



We have rescued 5 dogs over the years - 2 from a rescue site and 3 directly from people that were not giving the dogs proper care and love. Believe it or not they were in agreement to give them up. Recently we adopted Doyle (in the middle) from RESCUE EVERY DOG aka R.E.D.

Doyle had been picked up by the sherrif in a city that didn't have a rescue site in November 2007, people passed him up. He is very lovable, likes to get in mischief if given the opportunity and is a great buddy to Marley our big Dalmatian Lab mix that we adopted last year. We have no 2 legged children and love our 4 legged children.

Rescue is the only way to get a pet.

Snohomish, WA

My Furry Family

My Furry Family

I am Rufus' fourth and forever home, and my three cats, Jasmine, Clancy and Kikosita (not pictured) are from a litter of six born to a feral mother. The cats play, groom and cuddle with Rufus. I feel blessed to have all of them in my life.

Janis Boucher
Bothell, WA



Tulah was rescued from the streets of Philadelphia. I have 3 other cats, Lefty my Bengal, Mimi who was rescued in Ohio, and Deke who was rescued at work whena litter was born and he was the smallest and very fragile. I had another rescued cat called Milo who passed early last year. I wasn't thinking of getting another cat since I was and still am sad over loosing Milo. My co-worker had spotted one early morning on the streets just rooming and decided to feed her. She was feeding her for a few weeks and was going to bring her to the local shelter so she can be adopted. I was a concerned because of the over population of the shelters and she was very feral so her chances were slim. Well my co-worker decided to email me a video and picture of the kitten. Well I fell in love! After a few more weeks of getting her stronger and more familiar with humans, my co-worker met me on a Saturday at work to deliver my new addition to the my family. I named her Tulah after a Cuban song. I immediately took her to the vet (Gateway Animal Hospital) and they were very accomodating. A few shots and some medicine later for her ring worms and she was home to meet her new brothers and sister. At first she was scared just like a new kids at school, but after a few months of reassuring her I would protect her from being bullied by older cats, she starting coming out from under the bed and now rules the house! I am happy to report she is my biggest cat compared to the other 3! Thank you Lisa for the greatest gift!

Toni, PA

A face we couldn't say no to!

A face we couldn't say no to!

I'd been looking for a "sister" for our 2 year old beagle, Laci Mae to have around for companionship and saw a precious face I couldn't forget on Her name was Razzberry. I contacted her foster mom and the family met her one day and the next day she was ours! We changed her name to Chloe Rae or sometimes called our little "Couch Potato". She obviously had been abused and frequently hides "in" the couch from my husband, but otherwise she is adjusting quite well. She will be starting obedience classes with her daddy to help her get over her skiddishness with him. Chloe is a happy girl and couldn't be more loved by everyone who meets her. She and Laci are the best of friends!

Lisa McK
St. Paul, MN

Fastest puppy in the world!

Fastest puppy in the world!

This is Pebble. She is an ex racer. In her last race,she broke her leg and her owner stuck her in a cage with no medical attention to let her die. When the rescue group got her, she was covered in ticks and fleas and her leg healed backwards. They re set her leg and she has a titanium rod in it. She healed fine and you could never tell she was hurt. She is the best dog ever, who snuggles our 3 yr old daughter when it is nap time. She even loves our cats. If you want to see true forgivenes, look at a dog like this. Stop Greyhound Racing! Adopt a greyhound!

Deb Risner
GIbsonton, FL

Simba the Rescue

Simba the Rescue

This is Simba, a rescue from the A.R.K. He was found in a snow bank, frozen and crying out in the middle of nowhere by an ice fishermen. After his rescue, lost his tail and ears to frosbit and has damage to a paw. He was on tv, news paper and after this I adopted him. He is the sweetest, most cuddly cat I have ever owned. I have a few other pics to share of his amputated tail end and ear recovery. How can people do this? Please give and rescue a paw friend!!

Louise C. Plourde Olivieri
Kapuskasing, Ontario Canada

Louise C. Plourde Olivieri
Kapuskasing, Canada

Everybody likes Mac 'n Cheese!

Everybody likes Mac 'n Cheese!

Mac was a stray on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NY. We met him as a skinny 3 month old puppy with worms and tiny spots of mange, at a shelter in Brooklyn. There was no reason not to add this little soul to our family of 2 humans and 4 cats. We named him Mac 'n Cheese because everybody likes Mac 'n Cheese and this sweet hound/pit mix is irresistible. Especially to his best friend, Junior, an Orange Tabby rescue from Long Island.

Brooklyn, NY