Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Learning the power of a dog's love

Learning the power of a dog's love

Before my husband and I met, he had never had a pet but he knew after meeting me, an animal lover, that this would change. We adopted Travis, a seven year old Chihuahua from the Humane Society and my husband has never been the same since. From the first day, and now two years later, Travis and my husband are inseparable. It is a bond greater than my husband could have ever imagined previously and Travis returns the love and devotion to us every day.

Also, adopting an older dog has been a wonderful experience and I would recommend that to anyone considering getting a pet.

Coral Springs, FL

My Little Runaway

My Little Runaway

A very frightened dog appeared on our front porch one hot summer evening. He was hiding behind our glider, too terrified to come out. Eventually we were able to get a leash on him and lead him to a kennel in our backyard. We seemed to have an instant bond and he appeared content to live with us, but I already had three Jack Russell Terriers who were none too happy having a strange dog in their midst. I had him for three weeks while I searched in vain for his owners. When no one came forward I found what I thought was the perfect home for him in the country, complete with kids. He ran away from his new home that night. Three months later he was spotted nearby living in a pasture with a herd of cattle. My husband and I drove out to where he had been seen. I called the name I had given him all those months ago, Rex. As soon as he heard my voice he came flying across the field towards me as fast as he could run. He jumped into the pickup with no coaxing and came home with us. That was five years ago. Rex has since been fully accepted into the pack of Jacks. The most astonishing thing about his story is that we can leave any gate, fence, or door open any time and he has never tried to leave. The runaway found his perfect home.

Atwater, CA

Bailey's Irish Cream

Bailey's Irish Cream

When I retired this past year, the Library staff decided I needed to have a dog for companionship. I didn't think I was ready yet to take on another dog. But went with them to the Humane Society. Bailey (whose kennel name was Noelle)had a rough time. She was 3 years old and had been ignored her whole life. She didn't even know her own name and didn't know how to play. She was so thin and scared, that I just couldn't leave her there. We've become good friends and she's doing much better now.

Muscatine, IA

Puppies for Christmas

Puppies for Christmas

Since I was a child, I always wanted lots of puppies on Christmas morning. Five years ago, I got my wish and a whole lot more. It came to my attention that someone we knew had a dog that had a litter of puppies on December 14th. The puppies were unwanted and when I found out that they would be spending the winter underneath a trailer or Gator bait,I insisted that they bring the puppies and the mother to my house. We already had 2 older dogs, 2 cats, an iguana and 3 Sugar Gliders. I had to keep the mother dog and everyone else seperate. We managed! We set the mother dog and the 5 puppies up in the garage with a baby pool and a heater. I should have just slept there with them, because that is where I spent most of my time. When Christmas Day arrived, we brought all the puppies inside by the Christmas Tree and let them play, what a Christmas present that year. My 2 older dogs were 14 years old at the time and aging quickly, so when it came time to find good homes for the puppies, I chose one that did not look like any previous dog I have ever owned (I can't bare to compare any of them). I made the right choice, because 2 years later I had to make the choice to euthanize Megabytes and Buddy before they had to suffer. Sunny, the puppy I kept, ended up having similar behaviors from growing up with them, keeping them alive in her behaviors. I did receive the best gift of all that year and would never give that opportunity up in a million years, I became the lucky one, not the puppies!!

KellyAnn Young
St.Cloud, FL

Special Kitty

Special Kitty

Trystan was diagnosed with hydro encephalitis when she was a kitten, which left her blinded in one eye and barely able to see out of the other. She would be at risk for seizures and an early death due to her condition. My cat had recently passed away and I was still raw from that very sad day. The person told me they were trying to find a home for her, but I wasn't sure if I was ready for more heatbreak. I decided to take her, figuring she needed me and I should step up to the plate. Turns out I am the one who needed her, and my family could not agree more. She is the house nursemaid, and tends to anyone who is sick or just feeling down. She knows when she is needed and won't leave that person's side until they are all better. Kindness is not a trait I usually think of when a cat comes to mind, but Trystan is truly one of a kind and an important part of our lives. Everyone she meets is smitten- to include my formerly cat disdaining husband. She is his cat now.

Annapolis, MD

Beautiful Ending

Beautiful Ending

Spike was a two-month old kitten that was hanging around a grocery store. The employees would throw food at him but were unable to catch him. My daughter and son-in-law were relentless in trying to catch him. Finally after a week, he was ours. We can't imagine our household without him. He is now one of three of our rescue cats who enjoys lounging around.

Wilmington, DE

Small Miracle

Small Miracle

Francis was left tossed in a sealed container in a dumpster at a local store by my home. I only happened by chance to see the container moving; when I first laid eyes on him I couldn't even tell what color he was...cold, starving, and covered in scabs from mites. I took him home and with help from my vet I nursed him back to health. The love that he has brought me has changed my life for the better. We ultimately saved each other.

Hackensack, NJ



I passed this dog several times in the shelter, thinking "he's cute but looks like trouble." Robbie was on his last days at a kill shelter when our local shelter rescued him, gave him a home, exercised and trained him - beautifully. He spent 10 months there! How could such a cute dog be there so long? Two days before Christmas I went back, and the trainer heard about my interest in him, & got him out for me. When I saw him plop himslef on the dog bed in the shelter office, grab a toy & throw it up in the air & catch it, I was hooked. First night home he slept on his dog bed, jumped on me at 3 AM, gave me a kiss, and went back to his bed. He is quite the character, loves people, and I can't imagine life without him. I've had Robbie for more than 2 years now, he is the Christmas present that keeps on giving!
He loves to go back at visit his friends at the San Clemente Animal Shelter, who gave him such a wonderful second chance. He announces his arrival with a "woo woo woo" and his infamous half-smile.
Robbie is the best dog ever!

Jan Troutt
Oceanside, CA



I found Allie as a tiny kitten after a neighborhood dog had attacked her. She had two huge wounds on her neck from the dog's teeth. I was amazed that she survived. Although she was filthy, covered in fleas and very skinny, she oozed personality right from the start. I could tell she was a tough little cat. She fit right in and became our little Queen. But she always kept her street smarts. She was a great hunter and could catch any bug that came close! June bugs were her favorite! She was my faithful and devoted companion for a short but wonderful fifteen years. She has now crossed the Rainbow Bridge and peacefully awaits her mama. I miss her terribly!

Lura King
Slidell, LA

Jack Russell Number 5

Jack Russell Number 5

I never look on Petfinder-it upsets me to see all the homeless pets. For some reason, this day I looked and thank goodness-there was Fred. He is a great addition to our family and rounds out the number of Jacks we have to 5! Gotta love Jack Russells!

The Jolly Dog House
Ocean View, DE