Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Deaf Cat

Deaf Cat

A scared,hungry and totally exhausted white cat was screaming frantically at my door a week before Easter 2007. When I opened the door, she came running inside and jumped up on the couch and made herself comfy curling up with my 2 chihuahuas. We later learned she is deaf and had already been declawed and spayed. After placing ads and putting up posters in the neighborhood no one claimed her. We tried to "give" her away, but no one wanted her. With her being declawed, we did not just want to let her roam around, so -- since then, she has become a major part of our family and we named her Luci. It's been 2 years now, and her antics never cease to amaze us and she keeps us laughing all the time. Although she is deaf, she understands our body language and some hand gestures and she loves the dogs and they love her. She is truly amazing living in a silent world with people who love her and learning hand gestures.

Debbie Linfield
Tomball, TX

Hanna-Autumn & Sophie-Cotton

Hanna-Autumn & Sophie-Cotton

After losing both my 16 yr. old Lab-Mix, "Hanna" and my 12 yr. old Samoyed-Mix, "Spook," in '06 to two different forms of cancer I was devastated. I felt such emptiness after "Hanna" died in July, followed by "Spook" in September. I felt the best way to honor their memory was to give two more dogs a loving home. I found "Hanna-Autumn," and "Sophie-Cotton" on "Autumn" was in a rescue in Central Florida, and "Sophie" was in a shelter in northern Florida. I wanted two dogs that reminded me (in looks) of the two I'd lost, although I knew they'd have their own special personalities. "Autumn" & "Sophie" soon joined their big sister "Bella," (also a shelter dog) as well as six felines who were all either rescue/shelter or stray. These dogs are such wonderful girls; their unconditional love is endless. They helped to fill the emptiness I was feeling. Autumn and Sophie also quickly carved out their own special places in my heart, right next to my beloved "Hanna" & "Spook," who I'll never forget.

Moultrie, GA

Molly Flagtail: Rescued Guide Dog with an Online Following

Molly Flagtail: Rescued Guide Dog with an Online Following

A fluffy puppy, all kisses and wags, darted over to meet me. Crusty flecks of white paint dotted her fur because she discovered paint.

We bonded in seconds, and, after testing her temperament, I knew she would make a wonderful guide dog. But at that shelter, you have to fill out an application and give references. I wanted her to become a great guide dog and go everywhere with me. The shelter volunteers thought that would be a great life, but the decision-maker did not agree.

Unbelievably, the Adoptions Coordinator at the shelter thought she would live a restricted life, and I almost didn't get to adopt her. But after days of agony for me and intervention from an animal communicator, the shelter let me take Molly Flagtail home.

Molly immediately found out what it was to be adored instead of abused, and she started going everywhere with me as I trained her to be my eyes.

She came to work with me as a guide dog in training. We've shared lots of adventures together. We've traveled on buses, trains, and airplanes. She loves to get a piece of bacon at a restaurant and stretch out on the bed at a hotel.

This "restricted" adventure dog is surrounded by people who love her. We cuddle, walk, and play often during the day, because I work from home. When I go to a conference, she travels with me everywhere. We've met awesome people like John Di Lemme, Mark Victor Hansen, and maybe even YOU!

At home, she's just a dog who loves to play with the cats, chase leaves, and cuddle. Molly has a growing fan base on Twitter ( and even her own website Stop by and see what we're doing today!

Ronda Del Boccio
Branson, MO

Motorcycle Riding Treasure Found

Motorcycle Riding Treasure Found

I was riding my Honda Rebel motorcycle with my club I used to ride with in the Hill Country area in Texas. We stopped in a tiny little town of Wimberly to rest a bit. When we were walking around we ran into a woman who had 3 puppies she said she had found on the side of the country road and was trying to find homes for them. We were all holding them. Then I was holding a quite little male with short hair and a long skinny tail and a "moment" happened. I had just lost my Golden Retriever to cancer after many years of surgery that same year, and when that puppy looked into my eyes... I had a strange feeling come over me like it was a reincarnation of his soul. I know that sounds weird, but I really felt like somehow if not through him, for him, he was telling me to take this tiny little puppy. Long story short, I ended up taking him and putting him in my leather jacket and he rode all the way home with me on my motorcycle for over an hour, and one of our other club members took his sister. We both stopped at my house before the other guy continued his ride to his house which was another hour or so away from mine as we all lived in small towns in the San Antonio area. My yellow lab was happily accepting to him and helped me teach him to be a wonderfull, gentle dog. I'm happy to say Buck turned out to be a huge,long haired, beautiful, Flat Coated Retriever and is now over 11 years old. I love him so.
P.S. His sister ended up with short hair and half his size.

San Antonio, TX

40 days

40 days

This 20lb wonderdog, started life with a horder, when she relenquished custody of more than 150 animals my Tanner was among them. Rescue organizations from several states stepped in to help. Our small group in NE Wyoming took 13 of these dogs. I wanted to help make one of the less desirable dogs more adoptable, so in the early days of December 2006 I picked Tanner, who wouldn't eat or even come in to his run to get warm. He was doing wonderfully until a few days later he slipped out of my fenced yard and was gone. I searched for weeks and at Christmas time had just about given up hope. I recieved an email forwarded from a friend of a friend, she described Tanner right down to his collar and tag. He was on I-90 on Christmas day and all attempts to befreind him were rejected. I started using I-90 to go into town and look for him at every opportunity. I used a live trap after I pin pointed his location and a few days later I had him.
As it turns out it was excatly 40 days from the day he left, I took it as a sign that Tanner was my new dog. That was two years ago and Tanner goes everywhere with me, never on a leash,

Gillette, WY

Thankful Save

Thankful Save

Robert was found as a 6 month old black Staffie, wandering the streets alone. He was so skinny, we couldnt tell what breed he was! After coaxing the growling, snapping pup from under a car, we found his owner who told us the mother had died and she didnt want him. We took him straight to the vet who weighed him in as under 8kgs! We started our long journey with our malnutritioned, angry Robert. Just over a week after rescuing him, he was on a drip with a serious case of Tickbite Fever.

After lots of love and attention, Robert is now a sturdy dog with a glossy black coat. He thanks us every day with sloppy kisses and loves everyone he meets... On two legs and four!

Lisa Rhodes
Johannesburg, South Africa

It isn't always black & White

It isn't always black & White

It isn't always Black & White

My story is about Daisy.She came into our lives so unexpecedly.Daisy is the light of our lives. Everyone that enters her life has to have a smile on their face when they see her,so full of life & loving. When we are sad or lonely,she makes you feel like you are the only one in the whole world.Someone we know was a delivery driver and found a man dumping her off at a Nextel store on a busy road.The person, Alicia, told the friends of ours and I went to see her. It was summertime and she was in the backyard playing with the kids and giving kisses I couldn't resist her and I am glad that I didn't.When I brought her home,she growled at the Sunny,the dog we already had when we walked in the door.It all worked out!Poor Daisy had just about everything she could get. Mange,Worms and malnutrition being the treatable problems we encountered.She received complete care and the best home in the world.We had our problems,like chewing shoes and being very submissive (because of abuse),but with patience and love we overcame all of them.She no longer needs a crate and we can pickup shovels and brooms without her being scared.She loves to go in the truck because she always knows she is coming home.It is funny that her colors are black and white, but she is the most colorful thing in our lives.

KellyAnn Young
St. Cloud, FL

KellyAnn Young
St. Cloud, FL

My Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

I am a diabetic and have other serious health issues as well and quite by accident we discovered that we had a self-trained "service kitty" in our lives. Son and his sister Buddha were rescue kitties and Son bonded to me more closely than any other pet in my life. Twice, while I slept, my blood sugar dropped dangerously low and he smelled the "fruity keystones" smell coming from my mouth. He licked my face, butted his head against mine and did all within his power to wake me so I could take my rescue shot. He recently passed over the Rainbow Bridge and I miss him so much. You never know when you choose an abandoned animal friend how they will affect your life but we were blessed with a Guardian Angel named Son who loved us in a very special way.

Laura Flippin
Memphis, TN

Dr. Goody Saves the Day

Dr. Goody Saves the Day

I am a senior citizen. I fell and dislocated my right shoulder on a Friday. My doctor asked me if I could wait until Monday to see an orthopedic specialist because she didn't want to "pop" the shoulder back in. I agreed. When I got home, I took my pain meds and stretched out on the couch to rest. Goody jumped on the dining room table (which he doesn't do) and from there took a leap into the middle of the living room floor and then jumped in an arc and landed on me and "popped" my shoulder back in. Obviously, I must have been laying exactly in the right position for him to have enough weight to do this. Goody is a very laid back kitty and this wasn't like him at all. On Monday the specialist asked what doctor had reset the shoulder. The confusion on his face when I told him that "Dr. Goody" fixed it was quite a sight. He asked me where Dr. Goody's office was and I told him that I lived with him and then explained what happened. We had a good laugh. Goody and his sister Sweetie were feral newborn babies that fell out of a ceiling in a house that my son was renovating. I raised both of them from day 1 and I think that Goody was just saying "Thank you." To that I say, "You're welcome and back at you!"

El Reno, OK

Special in the Paint Section

Special in the Paint Section

Sixteen years ago I shopped at a just opened Home Depot in a new mall in Santee, CA in the paint section. Under the gallon cans I noticed a 3 or 4 month old Abyssinian type kitty. He came to me easily and I brought him up front where they used to speakerphone to look for an owner. I left my number and took the cat home. Raj has since lived with me as an indoor/outdoor cat in Lakeside, CA then Sandpoint, ID near the Canadian border, Sunland, CA near Los Angeles, and Yuma, AZ where he now is a snowbird moving every winter and spring between Idaho and Arizona. He's outlasted ten other cats by avoiding run-ins with coyotes, cars and snakes. He's a gentleman who keeps his coat immaculate and we tease him because he loves to go upstairs and sleep with Barbie... my daughter's Barbie doll!

Jennifer Harvey
Yuma, AZ